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  • Jung Roe

    25/02/2019 at 06:09

    That’s brilliant Tomas, great MLT quiz!

    Unfortunately I wasn’t so brilliant matching all the lyrics, got 7 out of 10 correct.   But that was fun.

  • Howard

    25/02/2019 at 10:39

    I agree. Brilliant. Exactly what I wanted to do but unfortunately lack the skill. I got 8 out of 10! I’ll have to start listening to all their originals again, a bit more closely this time!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    26/02/2019 at 04:18

    You guys are good! I put some easier ones, but some were hard and others were tricky.

  • Howard

    26/02/2019 at 04:27

    Well done with this Tomás. Are you able to advise where I could find a template of this to use? As for Jung, I don’t know how someone who works can possibly find the time for his prolific posting!

  • Jim Yahr

    28/02/2019 at 04:37

    8 out of 10, but three were flat out  guesses.  Nicely done Tomas – this one was  tough!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    01/03/2019 at 05:14

    Thanks guys. I did this on Adobe Premiere, so I guess I have a template now… it’s a bit complicated program to use though if you’re not familiar with it.

  • Jung Roe

    01/03/2019 at 08:04

    Gotta love Adobe with all the creative cool stuff you can do with their products.  Had Adobe Photoshop Elements I use to edit pictures with I enjoyed but stopped working after I did my Windows XP upgrade to 8 a few years ago.  Been meaning to get a newer Photoshop so I can learn to do the cool things Lisa did with that Halloween picture. ????

  • Howard

    01/03/2019 at 08:59

    Probably too complicated for this technological hillbilly! But thanks all the same Tomás.

  • Rick Ross

    07/03/2019 at 13:40

    Thanks Tomas,

    Got 10 out of 10. Wasn’t sure of the last one, but still got it right. The rest I knew. Thanks again

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/03/2019 at 21:39

    I got a couple wrong but I have eye issues and found it hard to read it and am using an android mobile phone where to tap not easy for me with my eye issues otherwise it was a fun quiz to do ????

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    26/03/2019 at 01:47

    I’m glad you all liked it! Here’s Quiz #2

  • Jacki Hopper

    26/03/2019 at 02:03

    Hi Tomas… I got 8/10 for Quiz…the only issue I have…. I use android phone and when I go to click on choice .. It won’t click for me and it goes ahead and gives the answer… Not sure if it’s my phone doesn’t work on your link properly in that regard… Perhaps allowing also adding a little more time to answer…. I did guess the answers to the ones I had right but couldn’t click on the choices I wanted .. Didn’t do anything and then went ahead and gave the answer…. Maybe tweak it for time allotment to click on answer and perhaps fix it so it can work unless it’s on my phone that is the issue… But I did enjoy the quiz anyways… Thankyou Tomas for creating it✌️????????????☮️

  • Jung Roe

    26/03/2019 at 03:09

    Thanks Tomas.  I got 9 out of 10 this time.  I’m “Getting Better”.

  • Howard

    26/03/2019 at 03:25

    Nine out of ten Tomás. Excellent work with this one again. Perfect background music and pics too. Pleased I managed to get so many correct this time before the options came up. I must admit I’m getting better, a little better…. all the time! Really disappointed I missed one though. I’ll have to do my homework in preparation for the next one. There will be a next one, won’t there?

    By the way Jacki, it doesn’t click for me either. You just need to keep the stats in your head. Kind of like an honesty system. MLT Club members aren’t the type who need to cheat. They just keep striving for perfection like MLT!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    27/03/2019 at 03:16

    Thanks! I think I wouldn’t do better than you guys, I might have to make it harder!

    Jacki, it’s just a simple video, so it’s more to watch along… not sure I can come up with something interactive that easily 😀 You can try to maximize the video to make it bigger too.

    I’m glad you’re enjoying them, it’s therapeutic to make them 🙂

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