• Rudolf Wagner

    10/06/2019 at 23:19

    That’s easy, I’m DEFINITELY the funnier, less serious one.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    10/06/2019 at 23:23


  • Thomas Randall

    11/06/2019 at 00:20

    LOL! It’s a tie!

  • Howard

    11/06/2019 at 02:04

    Well Lisa and Mona, I don’t believe either of you. I think you’re both just good actors!

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/06/2019 at 02:47

    Both…. Double the  Sense of Humour concoction…. Deadly and lethally funny in copious quantities!! Good thing!!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    11/06/2019 at 02:55


    True Jacki! Double the Fun!

  • Jung Roe

    11/06/2019 at 04:28

    I think it’s like that which one is the evil twin question.

  • Stephen Krogh

    12/06/2019 at 21:54

    Yes, me thinks it’s a tie. After all “identical twins”?

  • Darryl Boyd

    13/06/2019 at 08:36

    Perhaps Mona and Lisa can both post a joke in this thread and we can have a vote on it 🙂

  • Howard

    13/06/2019 at 10:26

    The only problem with that one Darryl is they share a similar sense of humour! Usually self deprecating, or paying out on each other. For example, this from their all too short lived, (in)famous cooking show series, which was unfortunately canned after only two episodes.

    They had just made cookies and were putting edible faces on them. Mona enquired as to why one of them looked so angry. “What happened to him when he was young”? Lisa’s (only just audible) response was, “he had a sister called Mona”! I’m paraphrasing here so apologies to the Twins if I have this wrong!

    Then of course, you only need to look at the portraits they did of each other when they were teenagers!



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