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  • Saturday Night Server Crash

    Posted by Rudolf Wagner on 11/03/2019 at 09:29

    I have to apologize for a server crash you may have experienced. We moved our website to a new host lately. Instead of a shared hosting account we now own our own server. In my pursuit of speed i got a bit carried away and did not consider all the possible consequences of server tuning.

    Before we implement a feature we test it on a duplicate website on our Server. In this case that did not help because I changed the whole server configuration (also due to recommendations of a web host managing company). While this really improved the speed it wasn’t for long. Saturday night the whole server crashed.

    Fortunately (after a sleepless night) we could recover the site.

    I think I’ve learned from that experience. We now rented a second server where we can experiment without unpleasant side effects. I have to say that your donations help very much to keep us going and constantly improving our internet presence. You may have noticed the increase in speed and responsiveness when trying to login. We now have a solid base to develop even further.

    Thank you for your support and patience.

    Howard replied 5 years, 6 months ago 8 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    11/03/2019 at 14:31

    Wow…Thankyou Rudi for update… Though I’m not tech minded… I can sure imagine the pins and needles you all were experiencing… And sleeplessness .. But in the end.. All Came Together and hopefully things on the Tech Dept aspect will continue to behave more cooperatively for you all and allow you to continue to provide topnotch-ism and Fab website presence and features that you create and offer.  Kudos to Team MLT … Groovy Onwards ????????????????????☮️????

  • Michael Rife

    11/03/2019 at 14:53

    Hi Rudi;

    Not a problem at all.  I used to work for corporations and was involved a few times in setting up web sites and interacting with servers.  Many things can (and usually do) go wrong with changes even if you test them offsite before going “live”.  Once it was over Y2K and that was a huge nothing but another time it involved building a website from scratch and that one had a lot of fits and starts.


  • Jung Roe

    11/03/2019 at 15:19

    Thanks Rudi for all you do to keep this magic mystery adventure tour bus ride going! The MLT site is very impressive with all the features and functions you have going.  Every transaction goes through flawlessly always inspiring confidence with quick confirmation emails.  All so professionally done!  Much to be proud of.

  • Rick Ross

    13/03/2019 at 14:29

    Thanks Rudi for your ever present dedication and exhaustive work ethic. It amazes and unquestionabley astounds me the amount of time all of you spend getting new and innovative ideas to all of us.

    I am thrilled beyond words to be on this journey with all of you. Though it may be small (donation) when combined with everyone else the donations add up to be extraordinary compared to the numbers that were hoped for before hand.

    Thanks again Rudi and your amazing team for all you do.

    Rick Ross

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    13/03/2019 at 20:04

    Rudolph, I’m sorry for the server crash and sleepless night, unfortunately I know that all too well. From our end it was seamless though, so you’re doing great. Hope you’re caught up on your sleep now and back to making fab music!

  • Stephen Krogh

    14/03/2019 at 00:48

    Rudi, I can’t thank you enough for the dedication and exhaustive work you do to make the wheels at team MLT keep turning. It truly is super-human. From talented musician to videographer to computer engineer -the list just keeps going, not to mention loving father (and husband). You are truly amazing. Thank You!

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 16:35

    Well said, Stephen and Tomás. I really do believe Rudolf deserves some sort of award. He’s definitely the powerhouse behind the whole MLT phenomenon! Like the whole family, professional to the end. They have created a fantastic club here and continue to inspire in every possible way. An exceptional role model for anyone wanting to set up a family business.

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