• Red Ricky

    Posted by Rick Ross on 27/03/2019 at 03:17
    1. Hello ladies,
    2.   This is a question mainly for Mona, though Lisa can certainly chime in.
    3. In your video This Boy you play a Red Ricky that was a gift from the one and only Steve. As I don’t know much about instruments, is the Red Ricky the Same as your 325 black one, or is it completely different? What are the differences, and have you played it at any live gigs? Also anything else you care to share about it.
    4. Thanks ever so much for taking the time to answer these questions.
    5. Hope you and your incredible team stay very groovy and as always thank you for your incredible gift of music and sharing your selves with all of us
    6.   Rick
    Thomas Randall replied 5 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/03/2019 at 03:18

    Hi Rick,

    Yes, that red (or “fireglo”, as the official term would be) Ricky was a gift from Steve from Miami and is a 350v63, just like the black one I own and usually play. So yes, in a way they are identical, except for the colour and the few small adjustments I’ve made on the black one.

    They are not 325’s … that’s the short scale version and the one Lennon played. The 350V63 has the same pickups and look as the 325 but is a “normal” length and plays like most other guitars.

    I’ve never used the red one live, not because it’s inferior but just because I don’t want to wear down both and want to keep one of them in perfect condition. My black one has taken quite a beating over the years from all the live playing! 😉

    I often have to pinch myself that we somehow got to own so many of our absolute dream guitars. In the case of the 350v63 … TWO of them. Of course, thanks to Steve. This still blows my mind every day!

    I hope you’re well and send all the best,


  • Jacki Hopper

    27/03/2019 at 03:51

    Great Q Rick and Thanks Mona for replying… I’m fascinated and enjoying learning about the variations in  the guitars you own and how they each have distinct personalities…. As long as they play as you want them to… That’s fine TUNE-ing????????????????????????❤️????????????????

  • Jung Roe

    27/03/2019 at 04:02

    Thanks Mona.  I’m glad Rick asked this question as it cleared up the same question I had in my mind.  I wasn’t sure if your black 350 in your live performances just looked darker because of the lighting, but now we know you do in fact have two 350s.  How awesome.

    Now Lisa has two Gretschs, the black and white Gretsch Duo Jet, and I presume a black/brown Gretsch Country Gentleman used in the recent “Baby Mine” video as well as in some live performances.

    You’d both make John and George proud, and not just because of the guitars you use.  🙂

  • Rick Ross

    28/03/2019 at 02:19

    Hi Mona,

    As always thanks so much for your invaluable insight and correcting my lack of knowledge about your Ricky’s. The history lesson is fascinating as well.

    I am doing wonderfully and it’s always a pick me up when I hear from all of you. Or in this case just you

    When you have time you and Lisa check your email, regarding an event coming up in the fall. Michaela was also asked the same general question.

    Thanks again. And stay supremely groovy.


  • Thomas Randall

    29/03/2019 at 21:51

    Yeah that red one is sweet! LOVE to have either color. Big bucks.

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