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  • Has spring sprung where you are? Here is some MLT Spring spirit

    Posted by Jung Roe on 20/03/2019 at 04:15

    MLT in sunshine 2018

    It looks like spring is slowly trying to take root in some places; I am sure better some places than others.  Where I am, on Monday it was a bright sunny day, but in the morning at 7am it was 2C and by early afternoon would climb close to 18C, and then back to the low single digits again in the evening.  So you have a choice of freezing your butt off waiting for the bus or train in the morning, or dressing properly for the morning and swelter in the heat in the afternoon.  That is spring here in western Canada and the rest of the week look like more of the same.  Warm, but not quite spring/summer warm yet.

    I hope Spring will make it’s way to you all quickly in the northern hemisphere if it has not already, but for those still waiting, I thought I’d post some beautiful MLT videos that have a “spring” feel to it to get you in the spring mood and warm you up inside.  These are a few I can think of that remind me of Spring.  Add yours if you like.

    California Dreaming


    Eight Days a Week


    I don’t know Birds that Well


    I’ll Follow the Sun


    MLT in sunshine 2018 2

    MLT in sunshine



    Michael Rife replied 5 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    20/03/2019 at 04:25

    It ‘s trying to decide… A spoof song that would be ideal… “Will It Ever Make Up It’ s Mind”… Lol… It’s yoyo effect here and believe you me when I say that there are still some streets and sidewalks in certain areas here in different neighborhoods that are still un- walkable – undriveable…. Hell to walk and drive basically… With nice standing water and potholes to boot … But there’s been a slight denting in melting and clearing of these areas… But not all… Spring… Cmon… Come… ????????????????????????️????????????????????????????

  • Jung Roe

    20/03/2019 at 05:43

    LOL.  I was thinking of you there in Ottawa Jacki as I was posting this, as I know a lot of Canada and parts of the US are still in the grips of winter.  I am sure these wonderful MLT videos will be like the warmth of the sun through a window or sipping some hot cocoa on a cold day outside.

  • Jung Roe

    20/03/2019 at 16:20

    Didn’t realize it is the first day of spring today.  More reason to indulge yourself in these spring/summer inspiring wonderful MLT videos.

    One More:  It’s in German, but you can feel the spring/summer vibe.  Some times you don’t need to know the words to understand what the song is about.


  • Howard

    20/03/2019 at 18:28

    Enjoy your spring Jung. I’m looking forward to winter here in the southern hemisphere. Where I am (below the Tropic of Capricorn that intersects my state), it’s currently 26 degrees Celsius at 3 am in the morning and the maximum has been over 30C for a few days, and this is Autumn (or Fall for our American members).

    “All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey”, well maybe in North America, but not in my back yard in winter. It’s more like everything is green and the sky is blue and the temperature range is 11 – 21 Celsius. “California Dreaming on such a winter’s day”, no, not for me, our winters are usually mild and dry but that has been changing over the last few years and we haven’t been getting as much rain in our wet season lately (also the cyclone season of Jan-March), and we are now getting a little rain in winter. Our seasons aren’t that predictable anymore. Global warming folks! We’ve just had a huge, destructive cyclone cross the north of Australia in the last few days, dumping more unwanted rain on our already flooded subtropical regions. Cyclones shouldn’t be happening this late.

    Fortunately, we have also had some good rain in my more temperate zone in the south of our state and the brown grass is turning green again (thanks to the northern cyclones that create rain depressions further south). Late autumn, winter, and early spring are the best motorbike riding times here and there will be far more bikes on the road again now. Later this month I’ll be doing a bike tour from Brisbane to Tamworth (to see my footy team play), and then on to Sydney and probably also Canberra, our capitol. I did the same trip with a brother at the same time last year. It’s about a 2,800 km round trip.

    “by early afternoon would climb close to 18C” and “swelter in the heat in the afternoon”. Amazing Jung! Our minimum yesterday was 22C and won’t fall below 20C for the next week. I can handle the heat but the humidity is the killer in our coastal cities.

    Well enough of my Autumn and Winter, I figure that summer is really what you and Jacki are looking forward to. In that case, you can’t go past the two following, beautiful MLT videos to get you looking forward to going outdoors! Maybe it’s time for another MLT Loving Spoonful cover. How does ‘Summer in The City’ sound?

  • Jung Roe

    21/03/2019 at 00:07

    Hi Howard.  Thanks for the insight into your climate where you are.  Your winter sounds very nice.  It’s like most of our spring and summer where I am except for a couple of weeks in July when it peaks into the 30s.  With the climate change they are predicting the Pacific northwest is gradually gonna be like southern California.  I can hardly wait, but it might not happen until my ride on this merry go round is done. ????  Your big road trip sounds like a blast.  I’m itching to do a big Canada/USA  cross country roadtrip again one of these days soon.  Don’t forget to load up with the MLT tunes before you go.  Great selection for your Spring themed MLT videos.


  • Robert Blume

    21/03/2019 at 18:08

    It really feels like Spring here in Seattle this week. I LIVE for the Summer months around here (that nasty sub-zero/snow stretch in Feb made me want it all the more). Jung, getting So. Cal’s temps would really be nice…..but that phenomenon might also include us West Coasters traveling our streets in row boats. I concur on your cross country trip idea, with some tunes (of course MLT in the mix). I’ve always wanted to do that. My sister and brother-in-law (trailer campers) just did a part of the Route 66 run and had a great time.

  • Jung Roe

    22/03/2019 at 04:16

    Hi Robert.  It’s getting nice here this week isn’t it.  I have to say despite all the rain we get, when it does finally get nice here in the PNW, it is really, really nice with the bright blue skies, crisp clean air, and everything just seems so fresh, bright and colorful from all the rain I guess that watered the plants and cleaned the country all year long.  It’s like everything comes to life but in a real fresh and sweet way.

    I haven’t done Route 66 yet, though I’ve heard a lot about it.  That sounds like a great idea.  My fave drive to Seattle from Vancouver is to take the I5 down to Bellingham, then cut over onto the Chuckanut drive to Mount Vernon and onto La Conner and just continue through the countryside highways into Seattle.  Lots of quaint little towns along the way.  And of course in the spring have to stop by the Tulip festival in La Conner on the way there.  Just need some time, a map, and the open road awaits, and of course my phone and bluetooth stereo in the car loaded up with MLT tunes programmed into a nice play list.  🙂  Spring and summer awaits!!!

    Mustang gif

  • Howard

    22/03/2019 at 07:34

    Well, Robert, I’d love to visit Seattle, maybe on my way to Vancouver, followed by a train journey over the Rockies and across Canada to Jacki territory. It looks awesome on the web travel sites. I love train travel and have done the Indian/Pacific (four-day, three-night) journey across Australia from Sydney to Perth, via Broken Hill and Adelaide. The next trip will have to be the Ghan, from Adelaide to Darwin via Alice Springs (three-day/two-night).

    I’d also love to do Route 66 on my Moto Guzzi (get your kicks, on Route 66). That looks like an awesome machine there Jung. Do you still have a Mustang? I wouldn’t be wishing for that Californian like weather any time soon as rather than California, you could become more like Vienna or the lowlands of Holland, with dykes and windmills everwhere! Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing. It would be nice getting around by gondola!

  • Jung Roe

    23/03/2019 at 07:46

    Howard, I think you would like the Rockies here, and the cross country train I hear is pretty awesome.  Even takes you out to Churchill Manitoba where you can see Polar Bears.

    Here is my Baby that I had to sell a couple of years ago due to high mileage, but it was in great shape.  This is a pic from the Craigs list posting when I sold it (went fast).  You could say I am in between Mustangs these days I hope.

    Mustang 02

    Yes, getting that California weather might be too big a price though.  I would rather have the typical rain forest climate and drive down to California for the California weather.

  • Jung Roe

    23/03/2019 at 07:50

    For more summer moods with remarkable guitar sounds.


  • Michael Rife

    23/03/2019 at 11:28

    Not yet in the Boston area.  I woke up this morning to a minor amount of snow on the ground.  Hopefully it will melt off in the afternoon as the temps rise.

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