
  • Guitar Photo!

    Posted by Howard on 06/04/2019 at 14:52

    I really love your ‘Baby Mine’ video and you both really love your guitars. I’m wondering if it was at all possible for you to post a photo of all your beautiful babies (guitars), together in the one photo to the Club web site? It would also make a fab poster for your Store!

    Howard replied 5 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    06/04/2019 at 14:52

    That would make a cool picture! The only problem is that we’ve got our guitars all over the place, some in Austria, some in the UK, some stored away to keep safe. It’s like having relatives scattered all over the planet 😉 So unfortunately, a complete family portrait will have to wait but thanks for the idea!

  • Howard

    06/04/2019 at 15:52

    Just how many guitars do you own! I guess even if it was just a poster of your favorite guitars would be better than none. I wonder how Keith Richards keeps track of his 3,000 guitars!

  • Stephen Krogh

    06/04/2019 at 17:30

    I love your idea Howard. It would make a great poster, assuming there would be enough room in it to include Lisa and Mona! Come to think of it, Tomas’ posted some artwork he did a couple of months ago in an effort to capture photos of most of the guitar models he has seen MLT with. I mentioned to him it would make a great poster at the time. Of course, a video of the ladies showing off each of their guitars and talking a bit about each one would be totally awesome indeed! But that would be a major project and would take them away from what we all love them to do the most…Music!

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/04/2019 at 23:51

    Yes a nice poster idea… Perhaps one day… There will be a Wagner Guitars Family Reunion…. ☮️✌️????❤️

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    06/04/2019 at 23:54

    I’d love that too, but I know it’s so time consuming. I thought I’d expand on that but time flies… I do stuff like that when I need to re-focus the mind or de-stress. The Quizzes have taken that place as of late!

  • Jung Roe

    07/04/2019 at 01:56

    Or maybe a whole gallery dedicated to MLT guitars, other instruments, cameras, and studio hardware might be interesting.  Perhaps a sequel to the 2018 “At the Studio” gallery part II.  Always enjoy seeing the behind the scenes instruments and gear used to make the MLT music and videos.

  • Howard

    07/04/2019 at 02:20

    Ah! I think we are on the same page here Jung. I have been considering another potential income stream for the MLT team. I was thinking that maybe they could consider devoting some time to a guided tour of their studio. This could include whatever guitar collection they have at home, drum kit/s, all their other instruments and maybe a tutorial on their actual recording process.

    Throw in an acoustic recital, accompanied by tea and scones/muffins and we have the makings of a wonderful event. Of course they could also add their beautiful collection of art. All they’d need to do is advertise well in advance to give time for all their overseas fans to organise a visit to Liverpool. I’m sure they could do the maths on how much to charge in order to cover their time, expenses and a reasonable profit to contribute to the capital needed for future ventures.

  • Jung Roe

    07/04/2019 at 08:27

    Perhaps Howard down the road, but for now something simple like your poster idea or MLT Club gallery of their stuff would be fun to see.  Really looking forward to all their original new music and video creations.

  • Howard

    08/04/2019 at 01:59

    “Down the road, down the road, down the road apiece”!

    “Down the Road a Piece” is a boogie-woogie song written by Don Raye. In 1940, it was recorded by the Will Bradley Trio. Famous covers were recorded by Chuck Berry in 1960 and The Rolling Stones in 1965.

    “Now if you want to hear some boogie like I’m gonna play
    It’s just an old piano and a knockout bass
    The drummer man’s a cat they call eight beat Mac
    Mama’s cookin’ chicken fried and bacon grease
    Come on along boys it’s just down the road apiece

    Well, there’s a place you really get your kicks
    It’s open every night about twelve to six
    Now if you want to hear some boogie you can get your fill
    And shove and sting like an old steam drill
    Come on along you can lose your lead
    Down the road, down the road, down the road apiece”.

    I agree with you that the time is right for a poster or a MLT Club Gallery, but I also believe the time is ripe for a paying event.


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