MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Need to rejuvenate your MLTBuzz?!…

  • Need to rejuvenate your MLTBuzz?!…

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 06/04/2019 at 18:42

    … Do you need to rejuvenate  your music SpiritSoul .. Need to Amp up your Groovy Energy Vibes…. Well… I recommend a daily teapot or more of MLTBuzzGroovy Music Brew because it will quench and replenish your Music Taste Buds and restore your MLTBuzz  truly… So Cmon… Pour and Enjoy… ©JackiHopper2019



    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    06/04/2019 at 19:04

    Well then… Pour and Enjoy…

    ©JackiHopper2019 ~


  • Howard

    06/04/2019 at 19:47

    Well, I’m just about to enjoy a groovy pot of tea right now Jacki. I will enjoy it in one of my seven groovy MLT mugs, along with a couple of hot cross buns. Wouldn’t it be nice if the team produced their own groovy teapot for us to appreciate, along with their mugs? The one I’m drinking out of at the moment features them both wearing sunglasses and Mona displaying her very own, unique Elvis Presley scowl!

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/04/2019 at 20:16

    Groovy Howard… Enjoy ?????❤️☕… A few years back near Canada Day… I had hand designed custom teamugs for MLT ( I created design .. Print shop transferred custom design onto mug ) .. It was part of a Canadian care pkg I had sent to MLT to which they enjoyed and posted a photo of them with mugs and wearing the Canadian Tshirt on their official FB at the time… That was indeed a Groovy Thing to see – – EH ! ???????☕❤️

  • Jung Roe

    06/04/2019 at 22:32

    This is just lovely Jacki!  Some of those lines looks like they were stitched in there.  This makes me want to go grab a cuppa!  I can’t wait for my BAM 3 mug to arrive Howard.  I have a ways to go before I catch up to your extensive MLT mug collection 🙂

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