• Percussion

    Posted by Rick Ross on 30/04/2019 at 20:02

    Hi Ladies,

    Mona, your drum set is it a Ludwig? And what can you tell us about it. I.e. what type of Cymbals, does it have a High hat?, or anything else that make your set unique or that you love about it?

    Lisa, do you play the drums? I know you do a little percussion from time to time. However I’ve never seen you on drums.

    Thanks as always for you fabulous answers ladies to all the questions.

    All the best from this side of the pond.


    P.S. working on something special for something you have planned sometime this fall. I know you can’t give any clues so Mark and I will have to guess.

    Only hint: its for the Entire MLT Family??❤

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 4 months ago 7 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    30/04/2019 at 20:03

    Hi Rick!

    I wrote a bit more about it in my Ludwig kit in my reply to Howard here but you submitted your question before I posted my answer and I have plenty to expand on so let’s go …

    The Ludwig is an Accent CS Custom Elite, with 3 toms (10”, 12”, 14” although I sometimes store away the middle one), a 20” Base Drum and a 14” snare. I’ve got a really great, heavy 14” Zyldian hi hat and a handful of cymbals, my favourite being a Zildjian K Hybrid Crash which has got to be on 90% of all our recordings!

    The kit is nothing “fancy” but it’s exactly what we need for most recordings. I love the “Blue Ice” finish too and just think it’s an all round great kit with very decent hardware.

    Lisa plays the drums too! We used to take lessons together and she’s actually pretty good, she just hasn’t practised for a long time but if she did she could definitely hold her own! Maybe we should do a drum battle one day 😉

    We’re excited to see the little surprise in fall! If it’s anything like the last we’ll LOVE it.

    All the best to you!

  • Stephen Krogh

    01/05/2019 at 03:25

    Mona I would love to see more video of you playing the drums. Of course, you only play for your studio recordings and we usually don’t get to see that. I would especially love to see you playing on Club 27, the percussion line is fantastic!

  • Rick Ross

    01/05/2019 at 10:53

    Hi Mona,

    I really enjoyed your answer. Very informative and interesting. Wow! I didn’t know Lisa was that good! She has been keeping that secret from all of us.? Yes, a drum battle would be fantastic !

    I wish I could play an instrument, but I have a perception problem and can’t get both hands to agree to work together. ?

    Thanks again for your lovely answer.

    Give my best to everyone?


  • Howard

    01/05/2019 at 11:51

    Well Stephen, you are not alone in wanting to see more video of Mona playing the drums. They did at least treat us to that video of both of them in their school drum ensemble, doing their thing at a school concert (about 2010, I believe) and we do have that memorable performance of Mona taking the lead on “Twist and Shout’ from behind her drums in their 2007 Austrian concert.

    Then of course we also have that beautiful photo of Mona beaming as only she can, from behind her drum kit during a very early drum lesson when I think she was about nine years old.

    I think if we ask Michaela very nicely, she just may be able to persuade the Twins to release more of their drum work from the archives. She seems to have a good sense of what Club members find interesting!

  • Thomas Randall

    01/05/2019 at 12:04

    Here’s another vote for seeing Mona playing those skins! I used to LOVE (still do) watching Karen Carpenter play back in the day. Man she was an awesome drummer.

  • Rick Ross

    01/05/2019 at 15:00


    If you go to Mona and Lisa’s Instagram acct. Look at pictures, look for Mona to be in an orange and Yellow striped tank top. Its a very short video of her practising drums. Made especially for fans wanting to see more of Mona on drums.

  • Jacki Hopper

    01/05/2019 at 16:48

    Yes…. I ‘m for Mona Drumming It Up For Us All???????…. I wasn’ t aware until more recent times… A few years back that Karen Carpenter was a drummer first before becoming a singer…. I’ve always had known her to sing as that is what I always saw her at… I read more about her drumming aspirations in a book about her a few years ago…. Also to mind comes the gal from The Bangles who played drums while her sister did guitar…. ??????❤️☮️✌️

  • Stephen Krogh

    01/05/2019 at 18:53

    Thanks for the Instagram tip Rick! I’ve  been going through the twins Instagram posts this morning but haven’t come across it as yet. I’ll keep looking.

  • Rick Ross

    01/05/2019 at 18:58


    Its on the 34th or 35th row, extreme rt.

    Its really good

  • Jung Roe

    02/05/2019 at 00:52

    Don’t forget Little Drummer Boy with Mona doing the drums.  Perhaps a 2019 remake of Ain’t No Sunshine video could treat us all to another fantastic drum solo by Mona.  Or better yet a Dueling Drums session by Mona and Lisa behind their respective drum sets would be quite spectacular.  Would love to see Lisa on the drums too.

  • Howard

    02/05/2019 at 02:51

    Well Jung, we did sort of get to see the Twins duelling with drums in that school marching band from 2010! There’s also quite an obscure earlier one where they are using their desks as percussion instruments in what looks like another school concert with two young lads. Worth a look if you can find it. Quite funny really!

  • Jung Roe

    02/05/2019 at 03:30

    Hi Howard.  I remember that school marching band video from the Advent Calendar.  That was a great rare glimpse into their high school days.  Will have to search for the other one you mentioned.  It’s also nice to know all the drumming in Orange and all the covers are Monas awesome sound.?

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