• Happy to be Here

    Posted by Rick Rubisch on 12/04/2019 at 00:57

    I’m another Rick from Georgia, but I spent most of my life in Pennsylvania, so PA is home. I  work as a part-time Accountant for a not-for-profit agency which deals with homeless women. I also am a Laser Operator for a car manufacturer. Interesting combo, huh?

    I really want to thank you for the opportunity given us, as fans, to share in your journey as first, musicians, and secondly, very nice people. I cannot remember an artist in recent times that opened their life up to their fans as you have. And to make it a true family affair is awesome.

    Like so many of your fans, I am also one who grew up on 60’s and 70’s music, particularly the British sound. I still remember my sister having all the original Beatles albums. (She drove us all crazy singing Beatle’s songs all the time.)  My first live show, at the age of 8, was Herman’s Hermits. I was also a huge Graham Nash fan. The list seems to be endless- Peter Gabriel, the Zombies, Jethro Tull, and on and on. That is what I think is so important about what you two young ladies are doing- you are giving new life to those of us that had given up on music a long time ago. I have played piano and bass since I was a teenager but the direction that music was taking was so sad. I didn’t want to even listen to music any more yet alone play it. I “found” you when searching Youtube for the Beatle’s “In My Life.” I must say that- Lisa and Mona- you give such a fresh sound to all the covers I’ve listened to.

    When I was jumping around this site, I noticed pictures of you with Donovan. Funny story, my mother was such a fan of the song Jennifer Juniper that she planned to name my younger sibling Jennifer. Only problem was that “Rob” turned out to be a boy. When we asked where “Rob” came from, she said she never even considered a boy and Jennifer was the only name she planned.

    Oh well, didn’t want to write a book, but I’m really thrilled to be here. Looking forward to more great things from both of you.




    Richard McGlenn replied 5 years, 5 months ago 8 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Stephen Krogh

    12/04/2019 at 01:46

    Welcome to the club Rick R.! You’ve found a truly unique and special place here. The Wagners are such a breath of fresh air and I know you will grow to appreciate them more and more as you explore everything about them. Thanks for helping them on their fabulous journey!

  • Howard

    12/04/2019 at 02:10

    Hi Rick from Georgia. Nice to have you on board. You will find many excellent club members here who share your reasons for joining the club. Many are musicians like yourself while some, like me, are not, but we do appreciate the same sixties style music.

    I like your story about ‘Jennifer Jupiter’. I think you meant ‘Jennifer Juniper’ though. I thought you were going to advise that your mother planned to name your younger sibling ‘Juniper’. I have a niece named Juniper, she’s around 21 years old now.

    Amazing that you got to see Herman’s Hermits live at the age of eight. I still remember hearing their ‘There’s a Kind of Hush’ on the radio for the first time in 1967.

  • Rick Rubisch

    12/04/2019 at 02:35

    You are so right about Donovan. Now I feel like an idiot. I would like to think that the spellchecker automatically changed the spelling for me but who knows, I was typing so fast. I had to go back and edit it to fix it.

  • Howard

    12/04/2019 at 02:47

    Don’t worry. Just have a look at my topic “Misheard lyrics” for a good laugh!

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/04/2019 at 04:46

    Hi and Welcome Here Rick R… Nice to see you here… Yes… The Wagner are indeed a Truly Groovy Gang of musical and creative giftedness and grounded good kind of folks???????❤️☮️✌️

  • Jung Roe

    12/04/2019 at 06:04

    A warm welcome Rick and glad to see you here.  Mona and Lisa brought me back to the beauty of music.  What they do is very special indeed.

  • Ed Brown

    13/04/2019 at 13:06

    Welcome to the family Rick! The Wagners are wonderful, special and remarkably talented people and the joy they bring is unique and warmly welcomed! The people that follow them as you have seen already are very friendly and loyal. You have found a special place!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    17/04/2019 at 00:12

    Hello and welcome, Rick!
    Thanks for joining us here and for introducing yourself (and for all the nice things you said!). We share the same taste in music pretty much to a T and unfortunately also share your opinion about the state of most of today’s music. We really wish there were more current acts we’d get excited about. But hey, that makes the journey of recreating some of that sound and spirit that we find so invigorating all the more intriguing and fun. Glad to have you on board 🙂

    All the best to Georgia!

  • Richard McGlenn

    17/04/2019 at 01:44

    Welcome Rick to the club from another Richard. My wife is a Georgia peach. I’m certain that you will find plenty of the beat music and classic rock here that many of us grew up on in the 60s and part of the 70s before disco and hip-hop took over the scene and it’s been pretty much downhill for the past 30 years in my opinion. The only music from the past 30 years that I’ve enjoyed is new-age acoustic guitar and piano songs, but they don’t get much play time from me since finding Mona and Lisa and their original music. Enjoy the journey as we all do our parts to help reintroduce this music with real instruments, meaningful lyrics and beautiful harmonies to a world that is in desperate need of this positive art.

    Rich in Sunny Florida

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