MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Our world and this generation need the wonderful music of MLT!

  • Our world and this generation need the wonderful music of MLT!

    Posted by Jung Roe on 28/04/2019 at 05:01

    I took a yonder over to the USA Billboard charts and listened to (endured to be more exact) the latest top 20 pop hits to see what there was.  I have to say it is all very similar sounding with the familiar “Millenial Whoop” throughout, and a lot of the vocals sounding electronically synthesized, or they all learned to sing from the same program.  Just nothing inspiring at all.  It made me think how wonderful it would be if the kids today, especially in the high schools, could hear something like “It’s Alright”, or “In It For Love” which carries such a positive message in their poetic lyrics that kids really need to hear, especially with all the bullying that goes on in the schools and online.

    A message of “..keep dancing to your song..Soon everybody else will dance along….It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s okay, If there’s a will there is a way, You will be just fine…..”, or “..In these peculiar times, Feel out of touch, With the world and it’s crimes, But I’m still into something good, I’m in it for love…” would be a breath of fresh air that music of this generation is desperately missing.

    While the young kids today may not be able to necessarily relate to the great groups like the Beatles who are from a different generation, they certainly can to two remarkably talented and adorable 24 years olds we all know as the MonaLisa Twins!  Our world and this generation need the wonderful music of MLT!

    “You got a life to live, Got a heart to give, yeah yeah, You got a right to live, Got a lot to give…”
    “Life, give it a chance, Get up and dance and romance, Before the book closes..”

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Thomas Randall

    29/04/2019 at 01:37

    I have no idea what’s “hip” today music wise. What I hear and see I can’t really stand at all. I’ll be 61 very shortly and this generation of kids today is far different than mine. But I guess the generation before mine said the same thing. Finding MLT late last June was a breath of fresh air to me! Why I didn’t discover them earlier I have no idea but I am so glad I did. It’s so great seeing these 2 girls being really into the music I grew up with!

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/04/2019 at 02:54

    I agree… For  the most part… today’s music landscape is not really my cup of tea… There are a few rare folks I like but my main music luvs are MLT… Glass Tiger… April Verch… And a few others. I prefer music from before 1990….in particular… 60s and before… Some few exceptions in 70s/80s.   The main reason I got lifelong hooked on MLT from the get-go upon stumbling happily upon them was for me that they are a refreshing  and welcome change in today’s music landscape… A beckoning to the true music times of past but with understanding of modern-day but intertwined perfectly balanced???❤️??????

  • Jung Roe

    29/04/2019 at 03:01

    Tommy, I don’t think most of the young people today know what is really hip in music neither.  Pop music today seems to be getting more niche and appeal to smaller subsets of the population lacking the universal appeal of pop/rock music of the 60’s and 70’s.  Even when I was in high school in the late 70’s, I remember there being just more passion for music everywhere, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Kiss, Super Tramp etc…There were record stores everywhere pushing the latest big album.  At high school I remember some kids painted the gym wall just like the Pink Floyd Brick in the Wall album cover.  Everyone wore T-Shirts of their favorite rock band etc, etc.  Who didn’t have a nice turn table and amp with massive 100+ watts per channel speakers at home?   I don’t think music today is just good enough to attract that kind of passion from the current generation.

    I think the MonaLisa Twins and other talented acts who put the artistic side of music in front of the lure of $$$ and instant fame/success can restore some of the former glory of POP/Rock music.  It’s just that the kids today need a reset from the downward spiraling trajectory of the pop music industry of the Ariana’s and Aubrey’s of today.  It will take an inspired album like Orange to be discovered by the masses to realize what they have been missing in modern music today.

  • Jung Roe

    29/04/2019 at 03:10

    Jacki, I think you coined it just perfectly about what makes MLT so special and important today.  MLT are:

    “…A beckoning to the true music times of past but with understanding of modern-day but intertwined perfectly balanced…”

    Their music has the poetic artistry of the great music of the Beatles and other legends of the past, but with a refreshing modern sound that just makes their music irresistible for today.

  • Thomas Randall

    29/04/2019 at 17:29

    Jung, oh yes, I remember the 70’s! I always had top of the line Pioneer stereos, cranking up some of those rock bands to learn the drums to a lot of the songs. Alice Cooper, Deep Purple, early Kiss, Iron Maiden, Priest, etc. Most of us guys had long hair back then, at least until disco came along and ruined everything. I refused to get my hair cut, I never followed the fads and trends and still don’t. Although mother nature and age finally made my hair short! LOL!

    I haven’t played drums in many, many years now, instead I’ve been playing guitar which I started learning back in my drumming days. I’m so-so at it. I am no where near as good as “our” Twins.

    • Jung Roe

      01/05/2019 at 07:14

      Tommy.  It’s great you kept up your music over the years.  I did piano for a short while and stopped and I think left a part of my soul there.  I’m returning to it slowly.

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/04/2019 at 00:57

    Thankyou Jung for liking what I “coined” in my wording… It was the best way to summarize my thoughts on the topic ✌️☮️????❤️

  • Michael Rife

    30/04/2019 at 14:40

    My two cents and may be worth less than that……..growing up in the 1960s and 1970s has spoiled us musically.  We experienced first-hand the musical renaissance of hearing and seeing the Beatles for the first time and then the groups that followed from England (Who, Stones, Kinks, et al). The US liked everything from England……how else could we explain Freddie and the Dreamers??? It changed music for the better and then led to the US answer (Byrds, Young Rascals, Buffalo Springfield, Turtles, etc.).  And in the background the US had its own innovator in Bob Dylan.  From there music really branched out to psychedelia and to country-rock and to electric folk.  Then in the late 1960s and early 1970s came the single singer-songwriter (JT, Joni, Carly, Elton John….well, Elton had some help with Bernie, Cat Stevens, Harry Chapin, Gordon Lightfoot and many others).  Then it seemed to have stopped in the mid-1970s….there were still innovators out there (Queen, Meat Loaf, 10cc) but basically it was all played out by the mid to late 1970s.  I’m not quite sure if it is because we got older and there is a tendency for people to like the music they hear from the age of 10 to about 20 or if it is due to a real decline in innovation in music.  Anyway……we grew up in a golden musical era and MLT reflects and adds to that era.

  • Jung Roe

    01/05/2019 at 05:23

    Hi Mike.  Thanks for that flash back and insight to those wonderful musical times of the 60’s and early 70’s.  As time goes on and those times fall further away from us, we are so fortunate to have the MonaLisa Twins with the same passion for the music of that time bringing us, as Jacki so eloquently coined it:

    “…A beckoning to the true music times of past but with understanding of modern-day but intertwined perfectly balanced…”

    On a side note, it’s interesting in the vast timeline of history, the greatest classical music of all time all happened within an approx 150 years span from 1700 to 1849 period from Handel, Vivaldi, Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert to Chopin.  All the famous composers who came after were inspired by the creativity from this period, just as music of the 60’s would inspire many generations of artists who would come along later.  Before and after this period, there was nothing significant musically I think until 1960.

    And it’s interesting that MLT, who are the future of music in many ways and carry on the creative genius of music making from 60’s are from Austria where the majority of the old guard great composers are from.  🙂  🙂

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