• Sweet Lorraine

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 02/05/2019 at 04:37

    I’ve been listening to Sweet Lorraine quite a bit these past days. For me, it has always been associated with Maxwell’s Silver Hammer, possibly the darkness of the lyrics contrasted with the lightness of the music, and both so brilliant also.

    This changed somewhat last Monday, when my aunt Lorraine passed away. She lived a long life, but not without strife. My Sweet aunt Lorraine was always very nice to me, but had a touch of insanity. She’s not to blame though, apparently an acid trip gone bad in the 60’s followed by electroshock therapy left her in need of care for the rest of her life. You would never know it if you met her, she was always very loving and wouldn’t kill for a kiss.

    Music, good music, touches our souls and lifts us when we need it, as Sweet Lorraine did for me. Interestingly I hadn’t put 2 and 2 together until Monday, maybe Lorraine was sending me a little message that everything is just fine.

    Tomás F. Calvo replied 5 years, 3 months ago 7 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Howard

    02/05/2019 at 05:28

    Thanks for sharing your story Tomas. I’m currently on a motorbike tour but looking forward to catching up with more MLT music when I’m back home. ‘Sweet Lorraine’ will be at the top of the list. Such a bitter/sweet song and done so well by the Twins.

  • Jung Roe

    02/05/2019 at 05:48

    Tomas, condolences for the loss of your Aunt Lorraine.

    Sweet Lorraine is one of my very favorites MLT songs.  A truly brilliant song indeed.

    You raise some very interesting points about good music, how it can touch and lift us when we need it, and just as life is a mixture of lightness and darkness, so is good music and art like Sweet Lorraine I think.  The human experience is a mix of lightness and darkness too, and if art is in essence an expression of our human experience and emotions, it makes a lot of sense it will be a mix of goodness and darkness too expressed beautifully and profoundly.  Some of the most beautiful music I’ve heard is about the conflict of light and dark.  A lot of Beethoven’s music is exactly that, hence the immense emotional depth in his music.  Second movement of Symphony No 7 for example, grave contemplation and turmoil, but extremely beautiful and moving.

    I also like the last track on Beatles Rubber Soul, “Run for your life”.  A real catchy tune, but lyrics are a little dark.


  • Howard

    02/05/2019 at 11:40

    I can see a ‘Sweet Lorraine’ video coming on. Now this would be brilliant! A real challenge for the Wagners I feel though, as there is a delightful (if a tad sad) story here that would take much work to do the telling justice. Maybe using the ‘Maxwell’s Silver Hammer’ video as a blueprint might be a more tangible alternative.

    Surely there are some wealthy MLT Club members out there who could help sponsor such a project. I know there are many who are already stretching their finances to contribute to the MonaLisa Twins’ dream as they bring us along on their magical mystery musical journey!

  • Jacki Hopper

    02/05/2019 at 14:11

    Hi Tomas… My condolences on your Sweet Aunt Lorraine’s passing… Yes… This song indeed definitely would bring on a whole hew meaning for you now…. She’s now at peace… ?☮️

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    02/05/2019 at 21:09

    Thank you for all the nice messages. My Aunt was ready to go, but Sweet Lorraine remains 🙂 ❤️

  • Rudolf Wagner

    03/05/2019 at 16:04

    We are sad to hear that your Sweet Lorraine has passed away. To know that our music provided some comfort means an awful lot, thank you for letting us know. And who would have thought that, out of all our songs, “Sweet Lorraine” would be the one 🙂 This seems like one of these moments of synchronicity, of the universe sending a cheeky wink or warm comforting hug.

    Michaela, Rudi, Mona and me are sending lots of love and our deepest condolences to you and your family and all of Lorraine’s friends. We hope that she passed away in peace.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      03/05/2019 at 22:44

      Thank you Lisa and all the family. Yes, she passed away in peace, without pain and thankfully, on her own terms. A lesson on leaving life be.

      The twists and turns in Sweet Lorraine’s story are definitively a big hugging wink from the universe. After this, for me, a minutely better understanding of the bigger picture.

      Thank you very much. ❤️

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/05/2019 at 23:38


    This just came to  my mind :


    ” Your Aunt Lorraine”

    A SpiritSoul left the Earthly plane

    Not sure if she was ever known to be ibsane

    But if she were

    Were it in vain

    Perhaps concealed and to refrain

    Or let loose while on the Crazy Train

    Tomas is sad

    Tears in his eyes

    As well with the family

    It’s hard to finalize the Goodbyes

    But her memories and Love

    Live onwards in heart

    Whenever you need to

    That’s the best place to seek her

    The place to start

    How an MLT song of the same name

    Came into your life

    Just right

    Of its own merrit and fame

    The Calming effects for you

    It can claim

    Not maim

    Her new journey

    Where she goes

    No one knows

    But heed the advice

    That she reaped to which you sows

    Her legacy grows

    It’s forever something to maintain

    With care  not wild

    But tame

    Smiles and Laughter from your mind

    Of her as you remember

    Time and time again

    Don’t fret and remain sad

    Instead focus upon how she made you all glad

    Rest In Peace

    Your Aunt Lorraine…

    ©JackiHopper2019 ~

    A tribute of Honour to your Aunt… I hope you like it.  I wrote what conjured up in my mind…



  • Tomás F. Calvo

    18/06/2019 at 04:54

    Thank you Jacki! I’m so sorry, I thought I had left a little thank you note, apparently it was only in my mind, sorry!

    That was a lovely poem, very heartfelt, caring and warm. Thank you! ❤️

  • Jacki Hopper

    18/06/2019 at 05:53

    You ‘re welcome and glad you liked it…. btw… I have a family friend whose name is Lorraine and there are 2 Lorraines that are in the bowling league(5 pin) that I’ m in… One was on my team this past bowling season while the other one was on a different team but had played against her team a few times during the bowling season…. I had also knew of another gal named Lorraine from a long time ago… We lost touch.

  • Michael Rife

    23/06/2019 at 21:19

    Sorry it took me so long to notice this one.  I am so sorry Tomas about your Aunt Lorraine’s passing.  It seems like many of us have lost someone over the last year or so.

    At times music is meant to cheer us up and at times to give us solace.  Sometimes the same song can do both at different times.  I’m sure she was proud of her nephew and that you will always have that place in your heart for her.  Mike.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      25/06/2019 at 00:49

      Thank you Michael. It’s fantastic how songs can go in 1000 directions at the same time.

  • Jim Yahr

    24/06/2019 at 05:21

    My wife’s name is Lorraine so I instantly latched on to this song.  My favorite from Orange.

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