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  • Deleted post in error

    Posted by Howard on 05/05/2019 at 15:49


    I just accidentally deleted a post on the home Page. The subject was ‘Bus Stop’ and I hit the delete button instead of the Edit button. Is there any way this post can be retrieved?



    Howard replied 5 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/05/2019 at 15:58

    I’ll have a look.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/05/2019 at 16:06

    Restored 🙂

  • Howard

    05/05/2019 at 16:18

    Thank you so much for this Rudi. I’ve been up way too late and was getting a little lazy with the keyboard. It’s after 1am here in Aus and I know that’s nothing for musicians, but that’s not me! As well as the MLT I got lost watching some excellent Beatles and Rolling Stones live performances from the mid sixties. It’s amazing just how well some people are managing to reconstruct some of those old film and TV recordings on YouTube, considering the relatively primitive recording and filming technology of the day!


  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/05/2019 at 17:15

    No problem Howard as long as the software just puts it in the bin and doesn’t delete it completely 🙂

    Regarding video quality. Just a few minutes before I was wondering about the complete opposite. Why are so many older but important music film recordings only available in horrible quality. O.K. video was bad back then and you can do very little about it now but film? Film has and had actually stellar quality and with a good scanning system it provides up to 4k quality easily. But obviously few people who own this film footage find it worthwhile to invest in scanning and making it publicly available. Lucky you found some!

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/05/2019 at 23:16

    Oh my… Guilty… Of thinking the lyrics as were as Howard had heard them until…. Lisa sang them … Funny how some lyrics trick one’s hearing and until you see the lyrics and realize…. You’ve sing them wrong-ish for so long…. Lol  …

  • Howard

    06/05/2019 at 02:57

    Thanks for the clarification Rudi. I am bit of a technological hillbilly. The Beatles’ performance was from one of their movies, so hence the good quality. I particularly liked how they managed to isolate the audience hysteria so you could hear them clearly. Goodness knows how they managed to play when they couldn’t even hear themselves. The close ups were excellent too. Maybe the black and white film helped with the clarity. The sheer joy on their faces while performing is something I see in the passion and enthusiasm of Mona and Lisa in their live performances, especially their 2007 concert, but also in the Californian Dreaming videos.

    The other YouTube video I was watching featured an early live Rolling Stones blues number, with several live performances overdubbed with a studio recording. Rather well put together I thought. The audio is brilliant (helps listening with headphones), although the film is rather grainy. Shows a young Mick Jagger in fine form.

    It makes me wonder how you managed to produce the Californian Dreaming EP when, as I understand, the videos were shot in California before the songs were recorded back in your Austrian studio. Brilliant work from the twins as well as yourself. Don’t know how you managed that.

    I hope you don’t mind me sharing the Beatles/Stones video links here:

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