• Lead Guitar

    Posted by Rick Ross on 02/06/2019 at 11:47

    Hello Ladies,

    Recently you said that Mona plays lead on some songs.

    I was wondering if you would mind sharing some of the songs that Mona Does play lead on. In your video You Can’t Do That, Mona does a spectacular job on the solo.

    Not to leave Lisa out, Lisa have you played drums at a gig? Come to think of it You Did!! In your MonaLisa Twins and Band Gig, the last song Lisa played Drums and Mona played Piano.

    Thanks ladies for your time

    Big Hugs from this side of the Lake??


    Thomas Randall replied 5 years, 3 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    02/06/2019 at 11:48

    I like it when Mona plays lead. It gives me a bit of a break 😛

    She also plays some lovely lead on this one too: https://test2.monalisa-twins.com/leise-rieselt-der-schnee-2018/
    Or the solo on Daydream:
    I’m sure there are a few more but those come to mind right now.

    Then she played guitar on all the Mike Massé songs we did together as I had the excuse of taking care of the bass 😛

    No, I’ve not played drums at any “proper” show in a long time and that’s definitely for the better … With a drummer and Mona in the group, there’s no need for me to mess with something that two more skilled people could do a lot better 😉

    “Leise Rieselt Der Schnee” 2.0 – Early Access

  • Howard

    02/06/2019 at 12:25

    You’ve forgotten your lovely early version of “Leise Rieselt Der Schnee” Lisa.  And I’m sure you love playing lead guitar, although I’ve no doubt you have also enjoyed your time on Papa Rudi’s beautiful red bass. I bet he’s getting nervous that he may be losing one more job in the studio!

    No need to worry about the drums as Mona has that job well covered. Perhaps you could spend your spare time working on more exotic instruments, like the mandolin, sitar, banjo and harpsichord. Then again, maybe you could leave the harpsichord for Mona!


  • Jung Roe

    03/06/2019 at 07:36

    OMG my whole post just vanished to thin air when I did edit!  Must be gremlins.   Here goes again….

    You’re both so musically gifted, when you do decide to mix it up and play different instruments from what you normally play, it’s a big treat for us all, as you push the “impress” envelope even further. Mona on harmonica or flute, and Lisa on the Cello for example, wow!

    Mona doing lead guitar riffs throughout with her red Rickenbacker on “If I Needed Someone” was so crisp and precise and just awesome as well as on the other songs mentioned, and Lisa doing the bass on “Africa” was delightful. I don’t normally take notice of the bass, but in Africa, can notice the intricate nuance of the bass guitar voice in the background that was so wonderfully executed. The song ends quietly with the final few soft bass notes from Lisa’s guitar that really stands out.

    As for drums Lisa, well I think Mona gave a little hint on a previous thread that you could hold your own on the drums, so I am sure if one day you decide to flex your drumming skills for a song, it will be a huge treat for us all too.  🙂

  • Rick Ross

    03/06/2019 at 20:53


    Thanks ever so much for your wonderful answer.

    I agree with Jung and Howard, no matter the instrument, rest assured if you all play something you don’t ordinarily play, its going to sound polished.

    Thanks ladies for the beautiful sound you give us each time you strike a cord.

    All the best



  • Jacki Hopper

    03/06/2019 at 21:11

    Fab Q there Rick and loved Lisa’s reply… And I’m in full echoing agreement upon all your thoughts Rick, Howard and Jung.

    There are no barriers or confines to the instrumentation walls where MLT  go… Whether familiar with or never attempted but tackled it…. The MLTBuzz Music Magic just spews out in most beautiful  resonating sounds that cast  out eminate to all who are open to hear~

  • Thomas Randall

    03/06/2019 at 22:43

    The fact that Mona & Lisa can play multiple instruments extreamely well AND sing like angels is just flat out fantastic. “Our” twins are so special.

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