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  • Yesterday video choreography

    Posted by David Herrick on 10/06/2019 at 23:21

    In your video for “Yesterday”, did you choose a rotation rate for the platform that would ensure specific visual perspectives at certain points in the song?

    Also, was the platform motor-driven, or was it one of your ingenious DIY improvisations involving a spindle, a rope, and yoked beasts of burden?


    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 2 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    10/06/2019 at 23:22

    Yep! We went round on that thing in different speeds more times than my stomach was pleased about 😉 It took some tweaking and lots of run-throughs to get the timing right.

    As we wanted to post the video to celebrate 50k YouTube subscribers (which we were approaching faster than we expected) we only had one day to plan the actual video shoot. So we needed something simple but effective that didn’t require lots of post production.
    Which is how the rotating platform idea was born.

    We scoured the internet for a contraption that could work and, you joke, but we actually did consider putting some sort of wooden platform on a spinning chair and having Dad somehow turn it manually. 😛

    I still can’t believe our luck when we found a motor driven platform on Ebay, big and sturdy enough to hold two people and close enough for us to pick up (though still a 2 hour drive).

    So the next morning Dad got up at 5am (what a champ!), collected the platform from some very nice chaps, and we shot the video the very same day/night 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    11/06/2019 at 01:30

    Your ingenuity always impress.  Like the wheels you put on your guitar cases.  ?

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    11/06/2019 at 02:52

    That is awesome. And I’m sure Lisa, you’re making it seem easier than what it was. There’s always a million things that come up unexpectedly.

    Whatever happened behind the scenes, the video was perfect for the song, and gave it an intangible sense of time going by which is perfect for the song.

    Great question David and thank you Lisa for always answering so generously.

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/06/2019 at 19:57

    My new thing learnt today… Thankyou David for asking, Lisa for replying and Jung’s thoughts on this… Fascinating indeed minus the head spinning!!

  • Stephen Krogh

    12/06/2019 at 22:02

    Great question David. Wow, such ingenuity…

  • Jung Roe

    07/07/2019 at 06:28

    The movie Yesterday made me listen to the Beatles “Yesterday” a few more times lately.  It is one of their most beautiful songs, and before the MLT, I think I would be hard pressed to find anyone else’s version worth listening to.  The Beatles version with Paul McCartney singing, and the beautiful strings in the background was the best.  Mona and Lisa of course changed all that and watching and listening to their video of Yesterday, when compared to the Beatles, I enjoy just as much.  In the Beatles version, I hear what sounds like a few more strings, perhaps the Cello and a violin, but in the MLT version, Lisa’s singing with Mona harmonizing the highs in the background introduces another dimension to the song.  Really beautiful, and was floored to see Lisa doing the Cello so wonderfully while singing.

  • Howard

    07/07/2019 at 12:42

    Jung, Paul McCartney’s original version from the Beatles’ ‘Help’ album (Parlophone) features Paul on acoustic guitar backed by a standard string quartet. None of the other Beatles were involved in the writing or recording of this song.

  • Jung Roe

    07/07/2019 at 19:35

    Howard. So this was a complete Paul McCartney creation eh.  Have to say he is a master of melody.  Hey Jude and Let It Be are also credited to mostly Paul as the writer I believe, correct me if I’m wrong.  Anyway, Paul’s version is backed by a whole string quartet!  Yet Mona and Lisa’s stripped down version of Yesterday sounds so good, with just Lisa on the cello and Mona on acoustic guitar, and their harmonies, does great justice to the song.  That is the magic and greatness of our MLT!

  • Howard

    08/07/2019 at 03:48

    Hi Jung.

    Don’t forget “The Long and Winding Road”, a ballad also written by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon–McCartney) that originally appeared on the Beatles’ album Let It Be. It became the group’s 20th and last number-one song in the United States on 13 June 1970, and was the last single released by the quartet while all four remained alive. “The Long and Winding Road” was listed with “For You Blue” as a double-sided hit when the single hit number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 in 1970.

  • Jung Roe

    08/07/2019 at 04:57

    The Long and Winding Road is another great one Howard. I remember as a young lad in the 70’s becoming aware of rock/pop music hearing all this truly wonderful magical music on the radio, listened to by siblings, friends, or at school, and I would ask what it was, and the answer was almost always “it’s the Beatles of course”. Their music was so prolific. Later on I discovered others like the Beach Boys, Rolling Stones, The Who, Pink Floyd, Super Tramp, Moody Blues, Elton John, Chicago, Eagles, Steve Miller Band etc….,but it seemed like the Beatles were the center of the music universe! Just such a huge music legacy they left.

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