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  • They Say It's Your Birthday

    Posted by Kristi & Neill Moore-Thompson on 21/05/2019 at 02:33

    I am feeling groovy!  I just got to enjoy a magnificent multi-media birthday greeting from Mona and Lisa!   For my birthday, I drove Phoenix to the Pacific. I had an Orange smile.  You were with me through the miles.  I posted a 360 picture on the Intergalactic site if you want to peep in.  Cheers!

    Tim Arnold replied 1 year ago 9 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    21/05/2019 at 03:46

    That’s Awesome Neill… Quite Groovy..Made your Bday extra MLTBuzzing… Kudos to Team MLT… The Bday  Msg Surprise that they send out to MLT Club Members on their Birthdays… Personalized… I know I enjoyed mine back in January very much so!!

    • Maureen

      19/08/2023 at 22:22

      Hi Jacki. Are Mona & Lisa still sending birthday messages to club members? I didn’t get one today nor last year on my very big birthday though they have my birthdate. Maybe they’ve stopped sending them in recent years? I’m old enough not to be too bothered, but I’ve been checking all day. Sad, I know.😄 Maureen Sneddon.

    • Jacki Hopper

      19/08/2023 at 23:18

      Hi Maureen.. It’s possible it got sent into your Junk mail folder in your email …Always check your Junk mail folder…as that is often what the case ends up being….or email inbox is storage is full to capacity and no longer can one receive/send email , or…rarely ….MLT forgot to send out something or the birthrate you entered, there was a glitch when they had website issues awhile ago and recently with being hacked, perhaps you may need to register your Birthday again …..let them know it was your birthday and you unfortunately didn’t receive anything, by sending them an email about it …They were in Austria last month ….

      I hope this was helpful for you ….

      ~Jacki 🤘🏻

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  Jacki Hopper.
    • Maureen

      19/08/2023 at 23:43

      Hi Jacki. Thanks for your speedy and helpful reply. I don’t have notifications pinging so only read messages when I go back onto the site, hence the delay in reading your advice. I’d done all the checks and re-entered my details and … I got my birthday greeting (🤗) by email at 23:30 GMT. I just wasn’t patient enough! Team MLT are so good to their fans that I shouldn’t have doubted them at all. Many thanks for your help. I don’t post much but enjoy reading other’s posts especially your cheery emoji filled ones. So nice to chat. Thanks again from Bonny Scotland. Maureen xx💕

    • Jacki Hopper

      20/08/2023 at 14:30

      Aye there… An #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Bonny Sunday Morning from Canada way to you Maureen and You’re welcome, glad I could be somewhat helpful for/to you, I tried 😊🤘

    • Maureen

      20/08/2023 at 22:37

      Hi Jacki. Nice to connect. Thanks again for your time and advice. Slàinte, Maureen.

  • Thomas Randall

    22/05/2019 at 13:43

    I too got a lovely greeting on the 4th! It brought a HUGE smile to my face! So thrilled they took the time to make and sent it! Thanks AGAIN girls!!!

  • Jung Roe

    26/05/2019 at 05:25

    It’s an incredibly awesome birthday gift.  I still watch mine all the time, even though my birthday was over 2 mos ago.  🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/05/2019 at 02:32

    Yes… Quite Groovy and impressed by all the feedback from MLT Club Members about receiving their Bday Msgs  from MLT… I know it made my Bday complete back in January and cheered me up (since 2011…my Bday is bittersweet as Dad had passed away that day) Their Bday Msg was a gift that made me smile and made my milestone Bday this year UltraFabGroovyMLTBuzzing like!!

  • John Behle

    29/05/2019 at 05:33

    Just received a birthday message.  That is so cool and groovy.  Knew it would be wonderful – as everything Mona and Lisa create – BUT personalized!  Wow, that was really kind.   It’s so rare these days and confirms the incredible people they are.  I’m kind of new to the world of being a “fan”.  Sure, as a kid I had some skiers and motocross racers I was a bit of a fan of and met and skied with a large portion of them, but this is a bit different.  Like many here I haven’t had much appreciation of most of the modern music

    All of this might be a little amplified by my German and Austrian ancestry and a trip I’m planning that should take in Salzburg in Austria and Versmold in Germany and a few castles along the way.

    I had a relative and his daughter drop by after her guitar concert and we ended up spending most of the time talking about Mona and Lisa and showing them some YouTube videos of my “friends” from Austria.  It just kind of popped out that way and any other term wouldn’t have seemed to fit.  It just seemed really odd and presumptuous to call someone a friend  that I have never met and doesn’t know me, but would almost seem more odd to use another term.

    I guess their incredible skills and personalities catch others as quick as they did me.  My relative texted me their “If I fell” video a few minutes later with the words …..

    “Amazing!!!” “I want their songs.”

    So heading to place an order for him in a minute.

  • Stephen Krogh

    29/05/2019 at 18:43

    Yes John, I know exactly how you feel about being real friends with MLT even though you have never had the honor of meeting them. They really do make you feel that way and its because they really do care! I don’t know how they can keep up with everything they do but I have no doubt they are the most sincere, fun, and caring people imaginable. My dream is to be able to meet them some day.

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/05/2019 at 19:06

    Hi Steve and John:


    I’d like to concur those exact sentiments as you ‘ve both posted upon and indeed my dream too to have the chance to meet Team MLT in person… The only other band I’ ve ever had same notions with is the Canadian Rock Band Glass Tiger whom I’ve been a fan of for most of my life and have met them a long time ago and know me well. Something that both MLT and GT have in common…. Something about them and their fans….. The positive effect… It creates friendships and kindredness unlike anything  except back to Beatles and etc…. Not all bands and the fanbase can attest to this special vibe… A rare select few! We all here have the distinction of being part of and witnessing this in action! MLTBuzzing Groovy indeed!

  • Jung Roe

    30/05/2019 at 05:18

    Yes I will echo everyone’s sentiment and say we are all very, very fortunate to have discovered the MLT, as they have touched many of us deeply and brought much joy and happiness to our lives through their remarkable music, inspiring creativity, and their wonderfully thoughtful kindness.  Everything they do and the way they do it is inspiring and incredibly special in this day and age.  They are a blessing to us all.

  • Tim Arnold

    22/08/2023 at 23:51

    It was my birthday a couple of days ago but didn’t get any surprise, kind of bummed. Oh well, I know the girls have been very busy and have had a lot of trouble with hackers. I’ve had quite a bit myself lately but hopefully getting it resolved very soon. Just curious about the surprise is all. So far not enjoying being 64. The song does help some though.

    • Jacki Hopper

      23/08/2023 at 00:03

      As I also replied to Maureen in regards to this…Perhaps check your Junk/Spam Folder in your email as it may have went to there instead of your actual General/Main Inbox… Once in awhile, in the Birthday are where you submit your Birthday info in the MLT Club, it’s a good idea to check, and re-submit your Bday info from time to time once in awhile then you can gave peace if mind, and though rare that this occurs, Team MLT were busy/had website issues/just weren’t able to send out Bday Surprise … but let them know , they can try resenting…hope this was helpful for/to you .. hoping you get a Bekated MLT Bday Surprise in your Email, in your Main/General Inbox folder … 🤘🏻☮️

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  Jacki Hopper.
    • Tim Arnold

      23/08/2023 at 16:42

      Thanks for the reply Jacki. I have checked in spam folder and re entered birthday info in the bio. Not a big deal, just bummed out in general lately so looking for something to cheer me up a little. These girls always do so much for everybody that it does help to hang out in the club and listen to some good music. Hope you are staying cool and safe in Canada, cheers.

    • Steve Kirk

      29/08/2023 at 19:42

      Hi Tim. I got one today on my 64th. I’m grateful but it’s just a basic greeting, nothing personal and is even on YouTube so you didn’t miss anything IMO. Best wishes

    • Tim Arnold

      30/08/2023 at 04:27

      Hi Steve, cool we were born 9 days apart. Happy Birthday to you and I hope you had a great day. 64 laps around the Sun means more than 23,000 daily revolutions, no wonder I’m so dizzy, Lol. I didn’t get the Birthday greeting yet but did get a lovely email from the girls on a different matter in which they wished me a Happy Birthday so I’m good. It really has been a good year thanks to these two girls and their music. They have created something very special here and I just love being part of it. Have a great year my friend and on to 65.🙂🙃🙂

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