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  • Greetings From A World Traveling Beatles and MLT fan.

    Posted by John Hollister on 10/06/2019 at 23:38

    Hi People,

    In a world currently fraught with such chaos and division, the positivity of the Mona Lisa Twins is essential for times like these. The turbulent Sixties had amazing music to take the edge off of that difficult era.  Thankfully in a time of lame McMusic, we have the Mona Lisa Twins breathing new life into our favorite 60s classics.

    After a day of bad news,  just hearing one of the twins saying “chust” makes me feel better. Then they sing and life starts to make sense again. I make a habit of visiting Liverpool once a year and look forward to finally attending one of their concerts either there or in one of the many cities I visit in Europe. “The Travel Zone,” my new blog and YouTube channel will be launching on 1/1/2020, and I hope to interview Pete Best and perhaps everyone’s favorite Beatles singing Twins.

    MLTs stay groovy and classy!

    Your Travelin’ Fan,

    John (Chon) 🙂

    John Hollister replied 3 years, 1 month ago 9 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Thomas Randall

    11/06/2019 at 00:17

    Hi John and welcome! I wish I was able to travel to Liverpool. It’s a bucket list must but I’ll probably never get the chance. I’m 61 and have a number of health issues currently that I’m trying to get sorted out. This is a great club and the Wagners are a WONDERFUL family! I’d love to meet them someday to thank them in person. Enjoy the club, LOTS to see and hear here!

    Tom in Poughkeepsie, New York

    • Rudolf Wagner

      19/06/2019 at 12:09

      Hi John!

      What a touching “hello” message, thanks a lot for joining, for saying hi and for your words. We hope you’ve been enjoying yourself here so far.

      Definitely let us know when your blog/YouTube channel is up and running, we’re looking forward to learning something new about Liverpool!

      We hope you’re going to have a great time in the Club and whenever you’ve got a question, feel free to post it in the “Ask the MonaLisa Twins” forum.

      Cheerio 🙂

    • John Hollister

      30/07/2021 at 16:47

      Hi Lisa,

      Love the “Follow the Sun” video. I’m looking forward to getting back to Liverpool when it’s not Beatle Week and re-establishing my love for the city. Hopefully, things are getting better as the city emerges from the pandemic. Hopefully, I can check seeing the MLT’s at the Cavern off of my bucket list before too much time passes.

      I’m sure you guys will be playing more frequently in the coming months as more and more people get vaccinated. I just saw that there was major improvement in the UK during the last week.

      Stay Well,


    • John Hollister

      18/07/2021 at 18:53

      Hey Thomas,

      I grew up in Tuxedo Park, New York, and had friends near you in Beacon. I hope you got the health problems sorted out and weathered the COVID storm in one piece. We’re about the same age, and perhaps we’ll run into each other in the Cavern Club sometime.

      I’ve been to Liverpool twice, but I wouldn’t recommend Beatle Week. It’s a madhouse. It’s much better to go at another time and catch some shows in the Cavern. There is also a house Beatle Tribute Band if you need a dose of the Mersey Beat. They are in full costume and put on an excellent show for only 20 pounds.

    • Thomas Randall

      18/07/2021 at 19:24

      It’s a small world sometimes John! I can certainly imagine Mathew street being nuts during Beatles week! I’ll probably never get to go over there but I can live through all the other fans instead. No covid problems here, all vaxxed up and doing well so far except for a few big health issues the past 3 years. All good at the moment though. Thanks for replying!

  • Jung Roe

    11/06/2019 at 01:35

    A big welcome John!  Great to have you here.

  • Howard

    11/06/2019 at 01:56

    Welcome to the Club John. You are in good company here. Plenty to do, see and hear in the MLT Club. I wish I had the opportunity to travel, especially to Liverpool!

    • John Hollister

      30/07/2021 at 16:50

      Hi Howard,

      I’ll keep you updated with all of my future visits. I’ve got friends and relatives near Stonehenge and Liverpool so I try to make a pitstop every year.


  • Tomás F. Calvo

    11/06/2019 at 02:43

    Welcome, John. Good luck with the blog, looking forward to it!


    • John Hollister

      30/07/2021 at 17:07

      Thanks Tomas,

      My blog is there mainly to keep track of my adventures given the tendency to forget many people, places, and experiences. Also, it gives me something to share with my granddaughters. I may monetize the thing, but it’s pretty much a labor of love. Perhaps I’ll try and get some travel articles published or create the line of travel clothing I’ve had on the drawing board. Of course, sometimes just traveling and meeting new people is more than enough to keep me busy. For now, I’m chilling in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico.


  • Jacki Hopper

    11/06/2019 at 02:45

    Hi & Welcome  here…  You’ll find it Groovy around here and plenty of awesome things to see, hear, do…enjoy getting your MLTBuzz fix daily here!!

  • Stephen Krogh

    12/06/2019 at 21:37

    Welcome John! Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Johnnypee Parker

    19/07/2021 at 00:26

    Hi John ,

    Welcome to the koolest club on the web. I really like when you said,”Then they sing and life starts to make sense again.”

    Be sure and check out the Specials section. There is a very kool video of Lisa and Mona’s sky diving adventure in the Out & About section.

    Good luck with your blog.


    • John Hollister

      30/07/2021 at 17:09

      Thanks Johnny,

      I’ll check it out.


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