• Glad to be here

    Posted by Roger on 11/06/2019 at 01:46

    Discovered MLT a week ago…what a breath of fresh air they are….indeed!  Have played guitar for forty-some years.  At last count, I have around 30 guitars, including an Epiphone EJ200 and E160 John Lennon model….hello Mona!  My favorite group….well The Beatles, of course!  Love what Mona and Lisa do with their songs…and great harmonies.  Live in rural Iowa, but also spent about ten years living overseas…mostly across Africa, but also spent about two years in Paris.  Yes…I do speak French.  Well, as my title suggests, I am pleased to be a part of this group.  Hello to all of you.

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Howard

    11/06/2019 at 01:53

    Welcome to the Club Roger. You are in good company. Plenty to do, see and hear in the MLT Club.

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/06/2019 at 02:42

    Hi there and welcome… Nice to meet you… Enjoy getting your daily MLTBuzz Groovy here at the MLT Club!!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    11/06/2019 at 02:46

    Welcome, Roger! Feel free to post and talk about your guitars, we love that here!

  • Jung Roe

    11/06/2019 at 04:11

    ..And really glad to have you here!  A very warm welcome.  Would love to see all your guitars together one day.  🙂


    • Roger

      11/06/2019 at 11:15

      Perhaps I will post a photo of one per week…that should take me down the road a piece!  I am happy to be part of the group.  MLT is a very special and talented duo and group.  Love the bass lines in many of their songs (e.g. Africa), but do not play bass.  Stumbled onto their video, “Your Gonna Miss That Girl” and got hooked on their groove.  Nice chatting with you.  Roger

  • Howard

    11/06/2019 at 12:45

    One per week? That’ll keep you going for the rest of the year! And I think you mean “Your Gonna Lose That Girl”. They do a fantastic live version of this. It also was the song that got me hooked on the MLT, along with their “Bus Stop” cover. I never thought I’d see anyone who could come so close to the Beatles’ and Hollies’ originals of these two all-time favourites of mine. Do you realise their father usually plays bass on their studio recordings? Lisa borrowed his Hofner, especially for the Mike Massé project.

    “Well there’s a place you really get your kicks
    It’s open every night about twelve to six
    Now if you wanna hear some boogie you can and get your fill
    And shove and sting like a old steam drill
    Come on along, you can lose your lead
    Down the road, down the road, down the road apiece”

    Chuck Berry and The Rolling Stones both made this Don Raye song their own.




  • Michael Rife

    12/06/2019 at 01:08

    Hi Roger!! Welcome to the group. We are glad you are here. And, you’ll find out that many of us are at the age where we are glad to be anywhere!!! Mike.

    • Roger

      12/06/2019 at 11:22

      It’s 5:00 a.m. in the morning and your comments had me sitting in my office and having a good laugh – what a way to start the day!  You got that right…and, I am reminded that today is my birthday.  How does a person forget to think of that first thing on his birthday morning!?!?!  Like you said…I am happy just to be here – 67 years young.  Where does the time go?  I already listened and watched a few of my favorite MLT YouTube videos…good way to greet the day, along with a big cup of java.

      Thank you for the greeting.  I think I am going to like it here…the world needs more places like this to visit!  Kudos to, and thanks for, these young ladies for creating their music and opening this website where fans can mingle and get to know one another.

      Be well,


    • Michael Rife

      12/06/2019 at 11:31

      Hi again;

      Sounds like you will fit right in. I agree the MLT music is so unusual for this time period. Also, I am right behind you in age. I’ll be 66 in a couple of months. Mike.

  • Stephen Krogh

    12/06/2019 at 21:44

    A warm welcome Roger! Sounds like you’re already in the groove here. What a wonderful MLT world!

  • Michael Rife

    13/06/2019 at 06:07

    Hi Roger;
    You and I sound alike. I have a few guitars…..under 30 but enough such that the guitars have their own room. I have a couple of group pics of mine, but I am hesitant to post because well…….it has not become a common post here. But, I would share the pics upon request. Maybe emailing to interested Club members would be the way to go. Mike.

    • Roger

      13/06/2019 at 21:52

      Not a common post…well, it should be!  A big part of the MLT experience includes the instruments that they have acquired over the years.  Personally, I believe one reason for having collected so many over the years is because I consider their looks and the craftsmanship that went into their construction…it is like art to me.  This why I have them on display…so others might enjoy them.  If they do not appreciate them, so be it…who cares?

      I think there should be a forum area within the MLT website just for pics of instruments and other items related to the celebration of all things 1960s-Beatles-MLT music…isn’t that what these young women are all about?  Their performances and their obvious love of music (and many things 60s) is commendable.

      Well, those are my thoughts, and my thoughts and opinions, along with $3.50, will get you a pint at your favorite watering hole this evening!

      Take care,


    • Michael Rife

      14/06/2019 at 06:08

      I’m not saying I disagree with you but I would feel funny about posting my instruments or uploading anything until it is a common practice on the board. I guess I am waiting for someone else to take the lead on this before I would feel comfortable doing it. I’m a real gear head and enjoy having a “few” instruments. Each guitar has it’s own sound and “personality” which is hard to explain to someone who is not a guitarist. So, for having several guitars it is about the different sounds each one makes and how different songs need the various different guitars/sounds. There are differences between Ricks, Gibsons, Gretsch, and Fenders on the electric side. Even within Gibson electric the SG sounds different compared to the ES series and the LPs are different still. On the acoustic side there is that old Martin mellow sound that it makes and Gibson acoustics tend to be a little more “twangy”. So, I guess I am saying that I would agree with posting our instruments and talking about the instruments because I really like the technical stuff about music making. Mike.

  • Roger

    14/06/2019 at 11:56

    I understand one having hesitation about posting such items.  I get it.  However, my view is that the Twins encouraged interaction between themselves and those folks who opted to join this C!ub.  To me, it is a great way to celebrate and express ourselves about all things 60s, with a strong emphasis on music of that era…especially groups like the Beatles…and now the MLT.

    I see side discussions about the music, the era, the general grove many experienced, and, yes, even the instruments used to produce those great sounds and the wonderful vibe back then, to be legitimate forum discussion venues.  The wonderful thing about the Club, as I see it, it is suppose to be much more than just about the MLT…but those kinds of discussions (about these young women and their accomplishments) certainly a great part of this website.

    As for me, this general forum area is set up for these things….and I mean writing about those topics related to the music and the grove of that era….good, clean, fun stuff.  I do hope others post pictures of, and add comments about, artifacts/instruments that were and remain important to them…again, with a clear connection to what the MLT have in mind for their website and this Club that we have all joined.

    Great day to you!


  • Howard

    14/06/2019 at 14:27

    Well said Roger, and the ‘Introduce Yourself‘ section of the Forum is the most appropriate place for these types of posts (“Why not even share some pictures with us all?”). We can get an idea of what Mona and Lisa intended for the Club from the ‘INFO’ section. I have copied what I believe relevant below. However, it is my understanding that Mona and Lisa wanted their fans to share their common interest in the MLT music and philosophy (the positive influence music can be), including all things Beatles and sixties music in general. This I understand would include our cherished musical instruments!

    “We have always somewhat prided ourselves on the fact that we take a little time nearly every day to sit down and reply to some of the many emails, messages, tweets, etc. we get. We LOVE it that people take time out of their day to let us know how much they enjoy what we do, to share their ideas, happy moments or sorrows or to give us tips and recommendations.

    We definitely won’t stop doing that, as we treasure this connection to our audience immensely. Sadly, we find ourselves struggling more and more to keep on top of our overflowing inboxes and response times reasonable. Most people are very understanding of that and don’t expect an answer anyway but we would love to give our most supportive members – you guys – a better way to contact us.

    That’s why we created the MLT Club Forum.

    Both of us will be reading, commenting and answering your questions there, and from time to time even our mumager (stepmum + manager) Michaela and Papa Rudi (producer, co-songwriter, arranger, …) might pop in for the fun of it.

    What We Ask Of You?
    Mainly to stay as groovy as you are!  When it comes to “rules” we just have one small request: For obvious reasons we would kindly ask you not to share any of the exclusive MLT Club content on Facebook and other Social Networks and spoil the game for everyone. We have plenty of videos, blog posts and news entries on the “official” part of the website and our Social Media pages that you are more than welcome to spread around – in fact we’d love you to.  However, we’d love to keep the MLT Club content exclusive! ?

    While we intend to add a whole bunch more features, content and exclusive services regularly (we’d also love to hear your ideas in the forum!), this is what we have already put together to get this new adventure off the ground:

    General Discussion
    The “General Discussion” forum is intended for MLT related topics and conversations amongst all MLT Club members although we will certainly be reading and be available there too. We’re especially keen to read your feedback and ideas about the Club there!

    Introduce Yourself
    This is the place for all new members to say hi to everyone and tell us a bit more about yourself. The whole community is looking forward to hearing from you and getting to know you better. Why not even share some pictures with us all?”

  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/06/2019 at 12:05

    Hi Roger,

    Glad you decided to join us here, and as we can see you’ve already started making yourself at home 🙂 It’s lovely to see so many members welcome the newbies and we wanted to add to the “hellos”.

    40-some years of playing and 30 guitars! Wow, I bet you and many of your guitars hold great stories.

    Both, the EJ160 and 200 are two of my most played acoustic guitars and have accompanied us to countless gigs and radio performances.Two true work horses 😉 As many here already said – please feel free to share some pictures! We’d love to see them!

    Also – late Happy Birthday! If you’d have let us known a couple of days in advance we would have prepared a little something for you. But keep an eye on your inbox, it might not be too late yet 😉

    Au revoir, je m’appelle Mona (sorry, that’s all I know!) and stay groovy!

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/06/2019 at 04:17

    “Guitar Roger”


    As he has come newly onto this scene

    It’s obvious of his music keen

    From his photos he’s shared and we’ve seen

    Right at home he has indeed become

    His postings interesting

    And enjoys taking part in the fun

    Thought I’d tackle a wee creative poetic ditty

    Quite the nostalger

    Especially for his instruments of sorts

    In particular

    Hence the title I’ve conjured this by

    “Guitar Roger”…

    ©JackiHopper2019 ~

  • Roger

    20/06/2019 at 16:58


    I am sure others are more deserving,

    but if you insist,

    then there is little reason to resist.

    This mantle I shall humbly accept,

    but please keep in mind my talents have slipped…

    that’s why the walls are covered,

    with guitars and fond memories of past gigs through which I now trip.


    How nice of you, Jackie.  How sweet.  GR ?


  • Jacki Hopper

    20/06/2019 at 20:46

    Hi Roger… glad you liked the poem, and I enjoyed your wee poetic ditty too. Thankyou!

  • Jung Roe

    21/06/2019 at 01:28

    Poems awesome Jacki!  I think a well deserved honor for Roger.

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