MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion When OUAT video Inspires…

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    18/06/2019 at 15:54

    I love it, Jackie!

  • Howard

    19/06/2019 at 07:02

    Yes. Lovely work once again Jacki. OUAT is totally inspiring and Mona and Lisa would definitely look the part with flowers in their hair! I am reminded of the video of their Scott McKenzie cover where, as sweet young 14-year-olds, they place flowers in each other’s hair!

    • Jung Roe

      19/06/2019 at 07:17

      That’s the video that started it all for me in March 2017.

  • Jung Roe

    19/06/2019 at 07:13

    I like that deep purple vibe Jacki.  Fittingly psychedelic as OUAT.

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