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  • Once Upon a Time Video

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 29/07/2019 at 22:33

    The song Once Upon a Time and the video are certainly amazing accomplishments and having John Sebastian contribute is certainly a testament to your incredible skills. The lyrics of the song resonate with me deeply, aside from being brilliant. There are 2 moments in the video at 2:40 and 3:06 where you’re playing guitar with John, clearly referencing the line “young and old will learn from each other.” Could you please share with us, if you remember, what you were discussing at the time? It seemed very heartfelt.

    Thank you,

    Stephen Krogh replied 5 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    29/07/2019 at 22:34

    Well, we are able to answer that question to a T by looking at the original footage to see what we were discussing that very moment 😛 So … In the first clip, John just finished showing us some alternating fingerpicking bluegrass techniques (which he is really good at btw!). I go on to say that this technique is so much more interesting for accompanying yourself in comparison to plain old strumming. Mona then goes, “yeah, it makes you go from this (making a normal face) to this (making a smiley face).” That’s what John is laughing about 🙂 It was a sweet moment.

    In the second clip he is playing a beautiful finger picking version of “Walk Right Back” and I am trying to remember who the song is by (Everly Brothers).
    Tada, good to have the video evidence or I could have made up some more fantastical topics of conversation. But even crazier stories would have probably been true as he told us some pretty unbelievable tales from his past.

    We’re glad to have some of it on video so if we get around to it, we might put some of it together for the club. Looking at the footage reminded us of all the great stories.

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/07/2019 at 00:23

    What a wonderful reply Lisa and I would have loved to been a fly or even a dust bunny to have heard some of those stories… I could listen to his storytelling all day… He should write a book or create an audio CD of his stories and have you and Mona do a special forward for it…..

    Tomas… A really interesting Q to ask and for the reference points of interest you mentioned… Enjoyed reading this!! Thankyou to both you and Lisa for your thoughts.

  • Jung Roe

    31/07/2019 at 07:27

    To be able to talk shop and listen to first hand account stories from a 60s musical legend like John Sebastian himself must have been just surreal.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    02/08/2019 at 05:48

    Thank you Lisa for taking the time to look that up! I’ve been listening to John and paying close attention to his finger picking style, as well as others like Chet Atkins. It is not easy 🙂 and John is certainly a master at it. It has made me try to expand my handful of basic patterns.

    Thank you!

    BTW: I would LOVE to see those videos, should we be so lucky. Those honest human moments are priceless.

  • Stephen Krogh

    09/08/2019 at 04:01

    Yes I too would LOVE to see those videos Lisa, “should we be so lucky”. That would be a very special treat indeed. Great question Tomas. Talking about great finger pickin’ guitarists like Chet Atkins, I would bet being in North Carolina Tomas that you are also a great fan of Doc Watson? Another favorite legend of mine.

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