MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Hello from Northeast Ohio

  • Hello from Northeast Ohio

    Posted by William Nau on 02/07/2019 at 20:38

    I joined the MLT Club several months ago but thought I should introduce myself before commenting on the recent MLT post asking what life is all about. My name is Bill and my wife’s name is Linda. We have been together since high school (our parents said it was just puppy love) and married after we graduated from college. We have two adult sons and live in the Exurbs of Cleveland about 45 minutes from the Rock Hall.

    I have read that many here are musicians. I tried as a teenager but found no matter how much I practiced; I was never going to be a good musician. During that same time, I found photography to be my creative passion and have made a 40-year career of it. But I have never stopped loving music, especially “60’s” music.

    Last fall while I was searching YouTube for the Beatles, Google recommended the MLT cover of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.” I clicked on it and wow! Next Google recommended “You’re Going to Lose That Girl.” As I listened, I remember asking myself, do they sound better than the Beatles on that song? Yes, was my answer. After watching a couple more MLT videos, I went to Google play and purchased 5 MLT albums. (I didn’t know about the MLT store at the time.)

    My original reason for joining the MLT Club was to help support the YouTube videos and new MLT music. While I truly enjoy the various covers, it’s original MLT music I really love. There is just something special about it. When I am having a difficult day at work, I put on my headphones, play Orange and the stress goes away.

    But as I ventured though the content in the MLT Club, I found so much more. I listened to interviews and heard wonderful acoustic versions of songs I enjoy. I found creative photography and art. I saw the hard work of a small team to develop things such as this club and make it a reflection of their personalities and their fans instead of a generic Patreon site. I learned about the long hours Mona and Lisa put into become the musicians they are. Most of all, I learned about a wonderful family. I am happy to support team MLT and looking forward to seeing where this musical journey takes them.

    John Behle replied 4 years, 11 months ago 9 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    02/07/2019 at 20:51

    Hi there Bill (may I call you Bill or you prefer William)?!…. Welcome  and I enjoyed reading your intro…. Yes, this MLT Club is MLTBuzzing Groovy with plenty to see and hear and do… Enjoy and MLT music is quite refreshing upon today’s music landscape. I discovered them about 10 yrs ago now… Lifelong fan I am. Look forward to seeing /reading what you post !

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    02/07/2019 at 21:37

    Welcome William! I also found MLT through their “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” video, been hooked since. And YES, isn’t this site amazing? with everything they offer!?
    Or should I say YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, this site is amazing! 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    03/07/2019 at 05:52

    William, a warm welcome to the :

    MLT Club script 2

    Really enjoyed reading your post.  I can’t agree with you more about how special MLT original music is.  I listen to Orange on my earphones almost every day to and from work, or else anyone of their other albums.


  • Howard

    03/07/2019 at 06:26

    Welcome to the Club William. I appreciated your introduction. I too had a similar experience just a year ago when I first stumbled on the MLT on YouTube. I couldn’t believe how good their work was and that it had taken me ten years to find them. What a treasure trove I had discovered

    You’ll enjoy being in the club.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    08/07/2019 at 14:14

    Hello Bill,
    we’re glad you decided to introduce yourself here in the forum and thank you for joining us a while back already! I guess we have to thank the YouTube/Google recommendations for your ending up here 😉
    We’re happy it made you stumble across our music and thank you for following your curiosity into the MLT universe!
    So cool to hear from a photographer. I’ve been getting more and more into photography over the last few years and it brings me so much joy 🙂
    Even better that you were able to turn your passion into a career.
    Thanks for all the encouraging words and for enjoying and appreciating what goes into creating the Club. Don’t hesitate to let us know what you like/dislike or any suggestions as to what content you’d like to see more of.

    We’ll see you around and send all the best to Ohio!

  • Stephen Krogh

    09/07/2019 at 02:02

    A sincere welcome to you Bill!

    The Twins certainly seem to attract a variety of artists. Congratulations, I have great respect and admiration for any artist that can make a career out of what their passion in life is. And yes, Lisa’s photography skills are awesome too. I guess the gift of creativity can naturally expand over into many artistic disciplines.

  • Paul Steinmayer

    04/10/2019 at 00:57

    Hi Bill,

    We don’t live too far from each other!  My name is Paul and I live in Ypsilanti, MI.  I just joined today and I enjoyed reading your introduction.

  • John Behle

    04/10/2019 at 03:59

    Welcome Bill!

    I echo your comments here.  Great place, great people, fabulous music and skills.  It’s beyond just good music.  They are tremendous artists and care about their fans and friends.  Glad to see you here and that you’ve found the treasure of their music and the great people making it.

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