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  • Culinary Claim to Fame and Shame… Lol

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 19/08/2019 at 21:36

    Ok, I know Lisa enjoys Creatively conjuring up culinary delights… But does Mona as well which spawns….. What are for each of you your Culinary Claim to Fame and Culinary of Shame?!…Lol?!… I prefer baking over cooking any day?!

    Howard replied 5 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/08/2019 at 21:37

    Hi Jacki!

    We prefer baking over cooking too but it’s a slippery slope once you start having muffins for dinner twice in a row 😉

    Both of us are actually quite big foodies (although we’re always trying to keep it on the healthy side) so we love to experiment with different flavours and new dishes. Lisa is more of an expert when it comes to baking and she makes a MEAN lemon cheesecake. I pride myself for my authentic Italian Tiramisu.

    In terms of “Culinary of Shame” we assume you mean cooking mishaps?

    Personally, I burn things on a regular basis. To the point where it’s become a running joke. For me the stove seems to have two settings – “off” and “level 11” but I’m trying to improve. “Patience” is not one of my fortes as it turns out!

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/08/2019 at 01:42

    Thankyou Mona for your  culinary critique of both you and Lisa’s Culinary Encounters of the Groovy and Exotic Creative Kind  … I can relate… Burning stuff is my enemy too…. ?… I’ll do my best to improve if you promise to as well… Let’s make a tentative pact : Try not burn anything at least Once a month or every 2 months…, sound reasonable.?! I’ll do my best if you will too?!

  • Jung Roe

    20/08/2019 at 04:19

    Great question Jacki, and I can just imagine what kind of culinary delight a Mona Italian Tiramisu or Lisa Lemon Cheese Cake would be like, if your music, art and everything else you do give a clue when you start experimenting!  If I recall you keep a pretty impressive garden Mona from one of your posts, so I bet fresh home grown ingredients in your chef hat creations is another big part of your cooking.  Thanks for that wonderful insight into another part of your life.

  • Howard

    20/08/2019 at 15:32

    Yes, good question Jacki. I can understand where Mona is coming from in view of her and Lisa’s short-lived cooking show!

    I love food and I love both dining out and cooking at home. The other night I had a delicious beef and vegetable stew accompanied by my perfect macaroni, cauliflower cheese bake. An ideal meal for our current winter. Friday is usually pizza night when I make my own special pizza. I try for different ingredients every week but the staple is pizza paste topped with shredded cheese and cherry tomatoes cut in half. Then I add the main ingredient that could be smoked salmon, capers and kalamata olives, or a seafood one of calamari and sea scallops or maybe a chicken or a ham variety. I also like sardines, and or a simple anchovy pizza.

    An essential is a good pizza stone, heated up in the oven for about fifteen minutes before the pizza is added. This ensures a nice crisp crust.

    I think it’s probably time Mona and Lisa returned with their cooking show videos!

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