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  • Your Favorite video from that early 2007 concert?

    Posted by Jung Roe on 27/07/2019 at 09:41

    I think every video from that first 2007 concert by “Mona Lisa and Band” are gems, and the best darn performance by any 13 or 14 years old ever in history of music. Well maybe their Austrian predecessor Mozart might have given Mona and Lisa a run for the money.  🙂

    My favorite Lisa video would be Carlo Santana’s “Samba Pa Ti”.  Just love those guitar riffs and howls as Lisa does her magic on the guitar.  I often listen to the 2007 concert video when I do a long road trip, and whenever Lisa’s Samba Pa Ti” come on, I can’t help but hit the repeat button a few times.  Such awesome guitar sounds.  I had a teenage friend who absolutely adored Santana, but back then I could not see the same lure to Santana but, after hearing Samb Pa Ti with Lisa strumming such beautiful sounds, I can now appreciate Santana.

    My favorite Mona video would be Beatles “Twist and Shout”.  I’ve never ever heard someone sing and drum at the same time so absolutely wonderfully as Mona, and she looked so cool doing it too.  If I was 14 years old back then, I think I may have been like one of those rowdy girls who couldn’t control themselves at those early Beatles concerts and had to be dragged out of the concert hall.  And of course the same if I heard Lisa play Samba Pa Ti.  🙂   I thought Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys or Ringo Starr of the Beatles were great drummers with a lot of character, but Mona eclipses them all for me.

    Now there was that “Der Kommisar” video that was posted for a while, and that would be my favorite runner up video after the two I mentioned.

    What are your favorite MLT videos from that momentous 2007 first concert?

    “When you’re playing music, you’re bringing light into the darkness”… Carlos Santana

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    27/07/2019 at 13:38

    Geez Jung… You certainly enjoy posting almost next to impossible to answer Qs… Lol….

    Well, for me, I can’t really choose… So I’m going to have to say All Equally but instrumentally, I will say though, there is one song that has a slight resonation for me…. Smoke On The Water…. Lol…. Like I said, All Are Equal in my mind and heart….. I just can’t bring myself to honestly choose but for whatever reason, the instrumentation on that one song…. You enjoy pushing the challenging button when it comes to your Qs…. But it is a great Q!!

    • John Behle

      30/07/2019 at 04:24

      OK, I’ve just had my mind corrected.  Yes, I love the songs I mentioned, but somehow must have skipped over “Samba Pa Ti” before since I didn’t really know the song.  Amazing guitar work Lisa!  Listening to the Santana version right now and the version the twins did was great.  Thanks for pointing that video out again.  What incredible talent.

  • Thomas Randall

    27/07/2019 at 22:44

    All the songs are great but I’d say “Twist and shout” is my fave. It’s fun seeing Mona behind the drums playing!

  • Jung Roe

    29/07/2019 at 01:22

    Oh yeah Jacki, Deep Purples Smoke on the Water with one of the great guitar riff intros!  Mona and Lisa do perfect justice to this song in 2007.  Just goes to show the ladies can do any genre and hit it out of the ball park.  From a Janis Joplin to Deep Puple’s Ian Gillan’s vocals, Mona and Lisa’s vocals have the depth and dimensions to do it all too, even at that young age.

    Thomas, yes definitely an incredible performance on the drums by Mona in Twist and Shout!  She does John Lennon’s vocals (that almost injured him) so perfectly while doing the drums so spotlessly.

    Some other favorites of mine from that album would be “Aufstehn” from the very beginning (their singing is so dynamic, and love when they sing in German too).

    Alone is another I’ve really come to enjoy.  The guitar playing, singing and melody are so intricate and sweet.  A real charming original ballad of theirs.

  • John Behle

    30/07/2019 at 03:23

    That’s a difficult decision.  I love them all.  Awed by their talent.  The one that first jumped out to me was “Ain’t No Sunshine”.  All were great.  I was already impressed by Lisa’s guitar work, but then to see Mona on the drum solo was a real treat.  I played the drums at that same age and was stunned by the talent she already had and loved the joy she showed doing it.  Add Rudi’s keyboard solo and to me that song is a real treat.

    “I Will” and “Love is all Around” jump out too.  A couple of my favorite songs.  And yes, “Twist and Shout” and “Samba Ti” were wonderful.  I was at an “Oldies Fest” some years ago and just kind of ended up on about the 5th row of a Santana performance.  I’d rarely seen a show like that.  Wow.   But I’d trade it for a time machine to go back to the Cavern Club a few years ago and hear the MonaLisa Twins.

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/07/2019 at 13:22

    Of course Samba Pa Ti and Twist and Shout  and I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker With Flowers In My Hair are amongst the ones that do stand out as does Alone but as I said previous…. Smoke on The Water just does for me slightly more but I do love all songs equally, they each have their own merits of them. I agree on all the choices folks have replied with on this posting!

  • Jung Roe

    31/07/2019 at 05:41

    John, yes “Ain’t No Sunshine”is a great one highlighting all of their brilliance.  From Lisa’s singing, that even this early on, demonstrates great depth and color, ultra talented drumming and keyboarding skills displayed by Mona and Papa Rudi, and last but not least Michaela’s breathtaking Saxophone sounds right from the beginning.

    With Samba Pa Ti, I can feel every single beautiful guitar note in my mind.  That’s how good it is!  Lisa makes the guitar gently weep.  I can listen to it all day.

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