
  • No Reply!

    Posted by Howard on 10/08/2019 at 18:04

    Have you ever had one of those musical experiences where you are instantly transported to a very happy place? Well, I’ve had a few and one at the top of the list (apart from the MLT that is of course) would have to be what I consider total bliss, the first time I heard a double-tracked John Lennon belting out the song ’No Reply’, from the ‘Beatles For Sale’ album. In North America, it was issued on Capitol Records’ variant on the British release, Beatles ’65.

    This is one song I couldn’t help playing over and over again as John Lennon sings ‘No Reply’ with so much passion I can believe the angst he is feeling. There is only one person (well two actually), I know who could deliver a song with as much passion. Guess who!

    However, we almost never got it from the Beatles as they had written it (mostly written by John), for another artist managed by Brian Epstein, Tommy Quickly, in June 1964, but fortunately for us, Quickly decided not to use it.

    The recording comprises guitars (played by Lennon and Harrison on their Gibson J-160Es), bass guitar and drums. In addition to handclaps by all four members of the group, the overdubs included a piano part by their producer, George Martin, and electric guitar played by Harrison.

    To me, the bridge in ’No Reply’ would have to be the greatest thirty seconds of vocal passion ever delivered in rock music. If you haven’t heard it lately, do yourself a favour, put on those headphones, crank up the power and enjoy!


    Now I know I have mentioned this particular song in another Topic, but I believe it deserves its own Topic. And I think calling it a stalker song is a little harsh Michael. “Run For Your Life’, sure, but ‘No Reply’ has the protagonist merely pleading for closure as he is being deceived by his girlfriend!

    Jacki Hopper replied 5 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Howard

    10/08/2019 at 18:24

    Now as for that other person I believe has the Rock cred to rival John Lennon, apart from younger sibling Mona, of course, is our very own Lisa. I’m sure they don’t mind us claiming ownership in this fan club, it’s in a very protective way! For those of you who haven’t listened to their very first live concert, you are truly missing something very special.

    At just 13, Lisa is showing just the sort of passion I believe she could now deliver with a cover of ‘No Reply’. Standing tall, strong and confident, she is a powerhouse delivering the Sandi Thom cover, ‘I Wish I Was A Punkrocker’:


  • Jung Roe

    10/08/2019 at 22:45

    Howard, I remember hearing Beatles “No Reply” on a previous occasion when you pointed this song out I think in one of the other threads, and agree that is a great song.  That is the power of music, to express such longing passion, and Lisa’s rendition of “I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker” highlights her incredible singing talent at an early age.  I also find their “Best Years of of Our Lives” capture that beautiful longing passion so perfectly in their vocals, both Mona and Lisa here.


    Just sends shivers whenever I hear this one too.  On their Orange album, “Close To You” is another example of that longing aching passion in the singing among many others of theirs.  These can really move you.

  • Howard

    10/08/2019 at 23:26

    Yes Jung, I did mention the ‘No Reply’ video a couple of months ago, as I acknowledged above. I previously referred to it under the topic, “If I Needed Someone”.

    Of course that other Twin with similar rock  cred could only be Mona!


  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2019 at 04:31

    Here is one Howard, I hadn’t heard in ages and I was in a vintage record store one day, and when it came over the store speakers, it transported me back  to a happy place and time in my teenage days.    Classic 60s sound with a beautful longing feel to it, that lingers in my mind long after the song is over.


  • Howard

    11/08/2019 at 08:33

    Yes, I know it well. I have all their best songs and more! Ray Davies was a great songwriter. A pity his younger brother was so difficult to get along with as he was mainly responsible for them being banned from touring America for about four years in their prime.

  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2019 at 09:13

    I think little brothers can be a real pain for the older siblings sometimes.  I blew up all my older brothers plastic model ships and planes one day with my new pellet gun.  It was fun at the time, but I did feel some remorse later.  I don’t know why I did it.   🙂  🙂

    That is a shame though the Kinks were banned from touring America for 4 years.  That could be very damaging for an up and rising group.  They are a household name almost in the rock community so it does not look like it hurt them too much.

  • Howard

    11/08/2019 at 12:48

    The Kinks were banned from playing in the USA from 1965 to 1969. However, they are not the only band to have been banned from various countries. They were denied visas after a conflict with the ‘American Federation of Musicians’.

    A committee ruled that The Beatles had no artistic merit and would cause mass hysteria among youths and were banned from Israel in 1964.

    The Rolling Stones were banned from Japan in 1973. Mick Jagger’s 1967 and 1970 drug convictions put the Rolling Stones on Japan’s blacklist.

    Led Zeppelin was banned from Singapore in 1972 after Singapore had banned long hair on men and refused entry to Led Zeppelin.

    The Clash was banned from East Germany as their music was thought to be too politically charged.

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/08/2019 at 23:27

    This topic made me remember about hearing /reading when I was in my late teens – 30s about the time John and Yoko came to Ottawa, it was around the time of their famous Bed-In thing,  and I missed seeing Sir Paul when he came to perform in Ottawa awhile ago, could not afford the tix to go, and then one year at the ol SuperEx days we had in Ottawa, it was an Elvis Presley anniversary photo exhibit of his only Ottawa performance back in the day to which I had no idea of before I saw the exhibit at SuperEx.

    Another Ottawa born performer, Paul Anka, I had not known until I was in my teens was from Ottawa, and I’m not sure what happened exactly but he never played in Ottawa hardly at all once he became famous, he has since though come back a couple of times for charity or specific function/documentary filming. This topic just reminded me of these things….. Great topic btw…!!

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