• Alone

    Posted by Howard on 31/08/2019 at 16:23

    Hi Mona and Lisa

    I really love the new video of your ‘Starman’ cover. The awesome scenery, the guitar picking, the vocal harmonising, the ‘communicating’ with each other and the subtle bassline and complimentary drumming. But most of all, I really like those two gorgeous women doing what comes so naturally to them, looking and sounding beautiful. This video is a real treat.

    Now that I have hopefully buttered you up enough, I’ll get to my question. Last year I asked if it was possible for you to release the video I believe you have of Lisa’s first public performance of your original song ‘Alone’. Lisa advised at the time that you were systematically working your way through your extensive back catalogue of work chronologically. Now at the time, I was fine with this but have become to realise that as you were probably only about twelve years of age at the time, some of us old-timers in this formidable club may not still be in total control of our faculties by the time you get around to it.

    What prompted this question was my most recent watching of your fabulous 2016 interview where Lisa mentions it was such an emotional experience for her that she cried. You did perform this song at your 2007 live concert (or at least it is on the CD), but unfortunately, it seems there is no video available.

    For anyone who hasn’t already, I recommend they purchase the 2007 concert CD. It has a wonderful collection of songs and is magnificently recorded and filmed. I also recommend if you haven’t already, watching the 2016 interview video for an excellent relating of Lisa’s and Mona’s musical career.


    Stephen Krogh replied 5 years ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    31/08/2019 at 16:24

    Hi Howard,
    Just yesterday we posted a little video about our time in the States back in 2007, the holiday when the infamous “Alone” incident happened 😉 We didn’t include the video there, but we added some other super early performances we did on the trip.

    Maybe we should have added some of the “Alone” video too but we didn’t want to make it too long and thought we might save that for another time. Or maybe I just don’t want to relive the trauma, haha. No, but it really wasn’t that great of a performance but we will have a look at the footage again and see if we find it worth posting.

    Thanks for being so interested in our early, early beginnings. Back then we would have never ever thought that one day someone would care for those recordings.

    And of course thanks for the nice words about Starman! We’re glad everyone seems to really like the video and setting. Yesss!

  • Howard

    01/09/2019 at 12:36

    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for the video about your time in the States back in 2007. You may have reservations about showing your early public performances, but I can assure you that your club supporters wouldn’t see these performances through the same critical eyes that you and Mona would. We understand your tender age and the circumstances involved and are able to view the performances in this context. We still remember how awkward and self-conscious many of us would have been at the same age, and in comparison, you are already well ahead of the pack. Your transition from these early performances to your 2007 concert and then your ‘Californian Dreaming’ efforts is nothing short of stunning!

    I am concerned that we may not get to see your first performance of ‘Alone’ because you may find it doesn’t meet your very strict publication standards. This would be a pity as I consider it to be a major event in your awesome musical career, especially as you are performing your own composition in public for the first time. I can assure you that we would appreciate the event for the important occasion it was and any perceived negatives would not detract from this very significant occasion for us.

    It was really nice to see those glimpses of your singing performances as seven-year-olds that we were treated to in the Advent Calendar and I believe your first ‘Alone’ performance would be a similar treat.


  • Jung Roe

    02/09/2019 at 08:02

    I think we’d all love to see, even a glimpse of Alone, one of your first original songs.   🙂


  • Stephen Krogh

    07/09/2019 at 20:26

    Thanks for the question Howard. I too would love to see the video. It is important history and a glimpse into further understanding and appreciating how remarkable Lisa and her family are.

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