• My first day!

    Posted by Dale Harris on 17/08/2019 at 21:09

    Greetings from Upstate New York,

    My name is Dale and I just joined today; my main reason was to catch up. Can’t believe I’ve missed a decade! Enjoy your work immensely, and will elaborate on that in the future! I’m actually in a bit of a time crunch at the moment but will back.

    Howard replied 5 years ago 9 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    17/08/2019 at 21:37

    Hi Dale and welcome ☮️

  • Howard

    17/08/2019 at 21:54

    Welcome to the club Dale. You’ll enjoy being a member of the best club around!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    20/08/2019 at 20:16

    Hello Dale and welcome to the MLT Club 🙂 We hope you’ve already started to make yourself at home and checked out some of the Club’s content. We’re very happy to have you here!
    If you’ve got any more questions, feel free to ask us over at the “ask the MLT” board (we’ll get back to your Woolgoose question there soon ♥ ) or send us a message to mlt-club@monalisa-twins.com
    Stay groovy!

  • Jung Roe

    20/08/2019 at 22:10

    A warm welcome to the 20190703_163228

    Nice to have you join us Dale!

  • Paul Rivenburgh

    21/08/2019 at 03:47

    Hi Dale,  Welcome to the group, enjoy your time here with us. We are from the same neck of the woods, im from Albany, New York area, where exactly in upstate New York are you from?

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/08/2019 at 19:48

    Hi again Dale, just a side note to add: I’m Canadian and from Ottawa…

    The only area of the USA that I’ve been to is the Ogdensburg – Watertown NY corridor and driven through Malone/Potsdam,  for daytrips shopping in Ogdensburg mostly and for car races in Oswego NY, and my last actual time to USA was to Ogdensburg for a day trip of shopping with my late Dad when he was still able to drive before a major stroke he took 4-5months after Mom died in 1995, so probably 1994ish… I have been to Oswego a few times to watch car races with my family, though my parents and older siblings went more frequently to the car races then I did, too noisy and the fumes got to me moreso than noise, thus ending my liking to see car races in person.

  • Dale Harris

    26/08/2019 at 02:00

    I think I need to read the info page again…Paul and Jacki both sent messages the other day; I was notified through my email and responded there, but I don’t see them here!  So, apologies all around, I’ll work on it!

    For Paul, I live in the small town of Homer, about 25 miles south of Syracuse…and Jacki, we have Oswego in common!  I haven’t been there in some time but my niece went to college there and I made several trips to see her and deliver things college students need from their uncles!

    • Jacki Hopper

      27/08/2019 at 00:26

      That’s cool Dale… You live about a 2 and a half to 3 hours away from me…. Wow, cool you ‘ve been to Oswego NY as well… ?

  • Howard

    26/08/2019 at 04:23

    Hi Dale. We receive email confirmations of any replies to our posts. The email includes a web link to the relevant Topic reply in the Forum. Just click on the link and it will take you straight there.

    Cheers, Howard.

  • Dale Harris

    27/08/2019 at 01:16

    Thanks Howard,

    It worked just like you said it would…now if I could only find that slap-my-forehead emoji…


    Hi Jacki!  Seems like autumn is creeping in here, how about there?

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/08/2019 at 03:59

    Yes, it’s slowly creeping in… Not impressed as I love Summer and Spring, (I enjoy warmth in Temps, not humid but warm)… I only like Winter for Xmas Day, (mind you snow makes for pretty photos and nature’s own decoration) and Autumn’s colours are pretty but as for the cold and cool Temps of Autumb/Winter… Well, I’m not amused or pleased)

  • Dale Harris

    31/08/2019 at 02:31

    Hello everyone,; Dale in NY here,

    I joined the MLT Club a couple of weeks ago, but wasn’t able to post much by way of introduction and pledged more later.  Later seems to have arrived, so here it is.  It begins with a bit of self-deprecation and humility, so no doubt everyone’s sure to be enthralled!  I took some MLT Club advice and addressed a few of the sample prompts:

    The story of how I discovered the MonaLisa Twins is rife with embarrassment and shame.  I have a bit of a commute, and on the way home every night I listen to an oldies radio station.  One evening in June I was driving along and “Can’t Buy Me Love” came on.  Pleasant surprise.  I memorized the lyrics in the middle 60’s, and they came right back to me.  My singing voice is a crime against humanity, so I generally just whisper along.  Then it struck me that I hadn’t heard any Beatles for quite some time.  It was in fact appalling; so vast was the Beatles void that I’m simply not telling how long it was.  I recently joined the MLT Club and think it advantageous to avoid my fellow members’ justifiably pelting me with digital overripe tomatoes and the like.  I resolved to play some Beatles the next time I was doing more nothing on the web, and then something else came to mind and I forgot all about it.  See?  Embarrassing and shameful.

    It came back to me a couple of days later and I went to YouTube, searched out “Beatles If I Fell”, a favorite, and there it was, remastered in 2009 no less.  I was six when the Beatles landed in New York in 1964, and a couple of days later appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show.  My older sister was riveted to the television, an oval black and white Zenith console.  The boys were introduced and I watched, a little irritated because I couldn’t quite make out the song due to the screaming.  Pretty sure it was “All My Loving”.  Not long after “Revolver” and “Help” showed up at the house, and I was on my Beatles way.

    I played “If I Fell” one more time, and as I whispered along, scanned the recommended videos running down the right side of the screen.  There was a black and white photo of two young women.  Okay, let’s give it a listen.  That was the first I’d ever heard of the MonaLisa Twins, and it was unconditionally stunning.  I played it three times, and more recommendations appeared.  I spent the next few weeks checking out their videos, and finding myself unable to find one I did not appreciate. However, in the back of my mind (which is pretty far back, take my word) I was wondering why I found this music so appealing.  Part of it is how they make a cover their own yet acknowledge the accomplishment of the original.  Too many covers seem to say “I paid the royalty so here’s my version!” and so, you know, such a good thing Mona and Lisa found their Dad’s Beatles collection.

    As for the original songs, they are so…original.  Upbeat, thought-provoking, and making poignant and pointed commentary on the human condition without pointing fingers, which is a 21st century phenomenon for the music industry.  And all of it wrapped up in genuinely talented musicianship.  My back-of-the-mind wonderment was moving forward, and I think it all gelled together when I saw the post regarding their visit to the outdoor cinema to see “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” and thought if they enjoyed that, then we’d have a few cosmic wavelengths in common.  Then my copy of “ORANGE” arrived.  I was following the lyrics to “Sweet Lorraine”, which by the way is a wonderfully dark and bubbly song, that even has a (subjectively) happy ending.  Between this and the Pythons, I concluded that a sort of kindred spirit was on the clock.

    With regards to my favorite song,  there really isn’t any single one; for starters, “If I Fell”, (see paragraph 4, line 4 above).  “June” (jump-cutting Mona onto the hay bale cracks me up), “Nothing Is In Vain”, “I’ll Follow The Sun”.  Then there’s “Time of the Season”, just a plain fantastic tune that fifty-plus years haven’t been able to diminish, and we all know why: just great music.  And their take on it is absolutely stellar with a clever video thrown in that to my mind reveals a little of how Team MLT views art and artistry, in whatever medium.  And how cool that they were able to meet those guys!  It’s been said that you shouldn’t meet your heroes, but the MonaLisa Twins have managed to do so on several occasions and by all accounts It’s Alright.  You see what I did there…

    I’m going to stop now as I’m concerned that I’ll overload the Club server.  Thanks to all for the truly friendly messages! See you around the Club!

  • Stephen Krogh

    31/08/2019 at 03:01

    Hi there Dale! I thoroughly enjoyed your “rant”. Sounds like you most definitely fit into this crazy but eclectic club. Thanks for sharing!

  • Howard

    31/08/2019 at 04:43

    Hi Dale. I enjoyed your rant too. It seems we both had similar MLT revelations via YouTube. I had to stay up all night watching their videos and wondered how on earth I had managed to miss them for ten years!

    Yes, they have a wonderful sense of humour and are as grounded as any ‘pop stars’ possibly could be. Much credit to papa Rudi and Michaela there I think.

    ”If I Fell” has been a favourite Beatles song of mine and I never expected anyone (or wanted them) to cover it as it would invariably add nothing. Well I was wrong. MLT nailed it and made it their own for mine!

    Again, welcome to the Club and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  • Michael Rife

    31/08/2019 at 14:35

    Hi Dale;

    Welcome to the group!!  I also found MLT while looking for Beatles YouTube songs.  When I first saw that they had Beatles covers on YouTube I wasn’t expecting much.  I had heard so many other covers before and had been to tribute band shows and only thought the others were just OK.

    But, with MLT Beatles covers it was different.  They don’t strictly stay with the “script”, which is OK because they inject some of their own musical sensibilities to the covers, and are at times innovative with the covers.  So, I believe the first one I heard was If I Fell as well because I am looking to one day do my own cover of it.  As far as this song is concerned it is a lot more complicated than it sounds……the harmonies of Paul and John are complicated and the chord structure on guitar is a little unexpected.  Anyway……MLT had me at If I Fell especially when Lisa points the bow to the watcher.

    You should also check out their original music.  It has a sound of between 1965 and 1968 RnR but is modernized some.  Some songs will cause goosebumps and chills.  You can tell the lyrics and melodies are very “heartfelt” by the twins.

    Also, MLT treats club members very well.  They offer so much merch and gives us early viewing of things.  I am accumulating so much merch that I now have an MLT wing in the walk-in closet.  They stay in frequent contact with us and it really feels like they appreciate the fans.  I am a member at other musician’s fan sites and there is really no comparison.  MLT has each one of the sites beat.  (Note:  I call it MLT because I believe MLT would include the twins, Papa Rudi, and Michaela…….all four of them are as nice as they can be.)

    So, I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do.  I don’t write every day but I do check in about 2 or 3 times a week.  I also check in when we get an Early Access notification just to see what is new.  Mike.

  • Howard

    31/08/2019 at 15:06

    Well said, Mike. I’m pleased to be able to endorse everything you have stated, particularly, “MLT would include the twins, Papa Rudi, and Michaela…….all four of them are as nice as they can be.”

    I also believe this is the best club on the planet and has the best members!

    • Michael Rife

      01/09/2019 at 16:40

      Thanks Howard.  That means a lot to me.  Mike.

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