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  • Sad Songs That Make You Cry

    Posted by Howard on 09/09/2019 at 08:22

    If anything is crying out for an MLT cover, this is. It is a crying shame this version is not more well known. The melancholic melody from Burt Bacharach and the very moving, lilting lyrics penned by Bob Hilliard and sung by Charlie Parker are enough to make you cry!

    Liverpool’s The Cryin Shames performing on French TV in 1966.

    I can well imagine an MLT cover in the style of their “Still A Friend Of Mine” video.


    Howard replied 5 years ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Howard

    09/09/2019 at 08:37

    It’s also a cryin shame this MLT original hasn’t had ten times the views!

    Still A Friend Of Mine – MonaLisa Twins (Original), 154,208 views

    Not really a sad song. Quite positive in fact, but there is a certain melancholy to the tune. Just brilliant!

    • David Herrick

      09/09/2019 at 13:50

      I agree, Howard.  I really hope their next album contains at least one song produced in this manner.  It’s nice to get away from the exultant energy once in a while and strip it down to the point where you feel like you’re quietly swimming around in someone’s mind.

      The very first time I heard this song I thought of “Yesterday”, and how it broke the mold for the Beatles.  I hope MLT continues to experiment with “soft” sounds like this.


    • Daniel Smith

      09/09/2019 at 17:20

      Great group.  I had their first album and saw them on a bill that headlined Herman’s Hermits and the Animals back around 1966.  They did a great cover of If I Needed Someone.  Btw, they were American from the Chicago area.  Edit:  I just checked the details.  These are not the Cryan Shames from Chicago.  So there may well have been a Liverpool group spelled Cryin’ Shames.  The picture above, however, is of the Chicago group.  Confused?  So am I.

  • Howard

    09/09/2019 at 18:10

    No, I’m not confused. The Cryan’ Shames are a band from Chicago, Illinois as you state. Their most successful moment came with their cover of The Searchers song, “Sugar and Spice”. Their first single was supposed to be George Harrison’s song, “If I Needed Someone”, but was not released in the US (but included on their debut album).

    The Cryin Shames were from Liverpool and featured two lead singers, of which Charlie [Paul] Crane sings “Please Stay”. Released in February, 1966, it was a minor hit, peaking at #26 in the UK Singles Chart.

    The two bands had more than a name in common. They were both sextets with two lead singers. The unique thing about the Chicago band was the tamborine player and singer Jim Pilster (“J.C. Hooke”), so named because he was born without a left hand and wore a hook. I think because of the similar names and personnel, some web detail could be incorrect. However, the photos following should clarify the different bands.


    The picture above is the Liverpool band. The picture below is the Chicago band.


  • Daniel Smith

    09/09/2019 at 22:12

    Even YouTube seems to have them mixed up.  This is the Chicago band.

  • Howard

    10/09/2019 at 09:43

    Yep, whoever uploaded the video of The Cryin Shames’ performance in France, included a photo of the wrong group with the video. It always pays not to trust everything you see on the internet. Some people are lazy with their research!

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