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  • Mona left Lisa right

    Posted by Darryl Boyd on 04/10/2019 at 03:02

    Hi MLT,
    Let me preface this by saying I love your work, and look forward to seeing what the future holds.

    I usually only login every week or so as life gets in the way, but I’m stuck at home with man-flu at the moment so have some time on my hands.

    Most bands line up on stage the same way when they play live. Guitar, drums, bass, guitar, and singer out front for example. I can understand that as the stage set up, monitors, PA, lights etc can be standardised for each gig.
    I notice though that in pretty much all the videos and photos of you two in a non live environment we have Mona on the left and Lisa on the right as the viewer sees it.
    I like the uniformity of this but can’t really explain why!. Obviously it’s been a concious decision on your part.

    Just wondering if you could share your thoughts on the reasoning behind it?.

    Cheers from a cold but hopefully not for much longer Adelaide 🙂

    Howard replied 4 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    04/10/2019 at 03:02

    Heyho Darryl, thanks for the question!

    To be honest, we used to stand that way in pictures to make it easier for people to identify who’s who. Especially in the beginning we used to get this question a lot.

    After all, it’s MonaLisa, not LisaMona. So for us, it’s Mona right, Lisa left … (though I have to say in a different sense it should actually be Lisa right … I’m always right).

    On stage it’s also easy to stick to the same set up every time so you don’t have to rethink the positioning of mics, amps etc. each show.

    Now that I think about it, even the way we sit in the car or at the dining table, we usually stick to that order. It’s has to be subconscious at this point! 😉

    Peace & love to our favourite city in Australia!

  • Howard

    04/10/2019 at 07:43

    Good answer Lisa and I know you are always right even if you stand to Mona’s left on stage. As for your favourite city in Australia, I don’t think you have been to Brisbane – yet! Is this true?

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