• MLT Club Anniversary

    Posted by Howard on 15/09/2019 at 17:32

    How do you propose to celebrate the first anniversary of the MLT Club? I can’t remember the actual date it was created, but I joined in early October 2018, shortly after it opened for business, so I figure the first-anniversary date must be fast approaching. Does anyone else know the actual birth date of this fabulous club?

    Howard replied 5 years ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    15/09/2019 at 18:26

    Yes early October 2018.  Yours Howard was one of the first welcoming posts on my intro post. ?  So glad we’re all still here and the Club has grown so much more since then.  I think Oct 11 is the date the very first posts in the introduce yourself subforum started to appear, so perhaps that is the date.

  • Howard

    15/09/2019 at 18:56

    Well Jung, definitely a date to put in the calendar and enjoy listening to original MLT music. Hopefully, soon we’ll have another album to get excited about!

    Yes, the Club certainly has grown and prospered. We are fortunate that there are so many new members, joining in the conservation and contributing to the Forum. I had only discovered the MLT about three months before the Club commenced (they had just turned 24), so I was really keen to join and support their magical mystery musical adventure as much as possible!

  • Thomas Randall

    15/09/2019 at 23:21

    It’s almost a year already, man time flies! Then again the older I get the faster it seems to go. And yes Howard, I too discovered them in July of last year myself. Can’t believe I didn’t know about them long ago. Better late than never I suppose!

  • Michael Rife

    16/09/2019 at 02:56

    We could take an orange dare challenge by submitting videos of someone throwing buckets of orange dye on us.  Then we could post the videos on the club site!!  Mike.

  • Howard

    19/09/2019 at 04:31

    Good suggestion Mike! I’m hoping our favourite Twins will have some other promotional plans in progress for their much anticipated third ‘originals’ album by then.

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