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  • live members – online indicator / chat ?

    Posted by Ckay Kirby on 01/10/2019 at 22:16

    Hiya Rudi / Michaela

    this is a tech question,

    on another site i use the registered members online show up in a bar across the bottom of the page, if you want to contact them directly you can click on their image and either direct message or create a live chat box.



    Is that something you could do ?

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 12 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    02/10/2019 at 00:55

    Well Skip… I had been thinking of that idea too for awhile in my head and was going to suggest at some point… Ya beat me too it… It would be great but the time differences might be a tad tricky to chat with some… Canada is 5-6hrs behind the UK… Lol… Jung is 3 hrs behind me out on West Coast… Lol… Perhaps at some point this suggestion may/may not happen. I think I recall seeing it mentioned/discussed before somewheres on here  about the possibility members being able to contact/chat with other members via using  some sort of function where other members could communicate with one another….

    • Jacki Hopper

      02/10/2019 at 15:03

      Maybe if it was feasible  to do so, perhaps add a “Contact” feature on our Profiles page and then that way if someone would like to contact that person direct they could (of course email not made public) or having the PM option  feature added on Profiles page  if one is not comfortable with email contact but is more comfortable with PMing method… This was an afterthought to my original posting here.  It’s an idea but up to Team MLT to decide to implement or not.

  • Howard

    02/10/2019 at 05:44

    Hi Skip. This question has been asked previously in various forms. The most recent in the Topic: “Personal Replies”. No response to date though. I think a system was trialed early in the Club’s life but was soon withdrawn.

  • Howard

    02/10/2019 at 06:00

    As Jacki states, our time differences are a concern. She is probably in bed now (unless she is a night owl like me). It’s currently around Wednesday at 3 pm, where I am. It’s probably around 6 am where you are Skip.

  • Jung Roe

    02/10/2019 at 06:40

    Yeah, you guys are all in the future for me.   🙂

    I wonder if it might be a resource concern to support a private communication platform as well.  I suspect the streaming Jukebox is quite resource intensive itself.

  • Ckay Kirby

    02/10/2019 at 18:00

    Hiya all,

    cool, as a new member I wasn’t aware of this subject being covered, as i understand, it shouldn’t cause a drain on server resources or a major band with usage but there are security implications that may cause a conflict of interests so well see what comes out of the cooking pot.

    As for the time differences, it generally shouldn’t be a problem as we all have schedules that we can work amongst us, In case anyone hasn’t noticed, i’m a bit of a night hawk and am often online up to 3/4 in the morning,

    I find the live chat really useful when i’m working on websites for clients, I have one in Sydney, Orlando, and a couple in India/Bangladesh.

    This wasn’t an imperative – must have question as i’m here for the pleasure of the music and like minded friends if i may call you all that i have discovered, so as long as the club continues i’m more than happy


    Cheers to all



    • Jacki Hopper

      02/10/2019 at 19:44

      Hiya Skip, love your reply !!

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