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  • Hello from Michigan, USA

    Posted by Paul Steinmayer on 04/10/2019 at 00:52


    My name is Paul Steinmayer.  I live in Ypsilanti, Michigan USA with my wife Becky.  My town is near Ann Arbor, which is a suburb of Detroit (the Motor City).  I’m a Technical Writer and work for Robert Bosch GmbH.  I’m 57 years old, and I’ve played guitar, bass and drums for most of my life, including playing in several working bands, and even recording some original music.  I served in the US Navy for 13 years and have visited many countries… but I’ve never been to Europe.  I did live in New Zealand for 2 years.  I listen to most genres of music including Jazz, Blues, Hard Rock, Country Easy Listening, Adult Contemporary and Classical, but mostly I listen to classic rock and roll.  My two favorite bands (besides MLT) are The Beatles and Deep Purple (quite a contrast there… don’t you think?).

    I discovered the MonaLisa Twins when I saw a Facebook post a couple years ago.  The first video I saw on You Tube was “You’re Going To Lose That Girl,” and I was instantly hooked!  I immediately started watching everything, and just fell in love!  I’ve purchased both original CDs and all three MLT Play Beatles and More.  I have them in my car and listen to them constantly.  I’d have to say my favorite MLT original song is Nothing Is In Vain…  I just LOVE this song!!!  My favorite from Orange is probably “Waiting For The Waiter.”  Hmmmm… I guess I love them ALL!!!  I can’t wait for the next CD of originals!  I also can’t wait for my autographed copy of the new Christmas CD, which I just ordered!

    I just want to say how happy I am to be here, and I’m going to be a lifelong fan!  I hope Mona and Lisa will travel to the United States to do some MonaLisa Twins shows in the future.  I’ll be in the front row!!!

    Paul Steinmayer replied 4 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    04/10/2019 at 01:11

    A big welcome Paul, so glad you joined us!  I think many here discovered MLT through “You’re Going to Lose That Girl”.  Mona and Lisa just knocked that one out of the ball park!  I’m hooked on Nothing Is In Vain too.  Just an awesome song.

  • Howard

    04/10/2019 at 01:12

    Welcome to the best club in the world Paul. “You’re Going To Lose That Girl,” was one of the very first MLT videos I saw and also got me instantly hooked. I’m from the other side of the Pacific and also spent some time in New Zealand. Twelve months in the mid seventies.

    I’m glad you’ve joined the Club. The more people who support the MLT vision, the more music we can expect from them.

  • John Behle

    04/10/2019 at 04:17

    Welcome Paul.  Save me a seat in that front row.  I’ll head to Michigan if need be or any state they play a concert in.  If I have to go to Europe then I’ll do it.  I spent a week in Ireland and England some time back.  First and only time I’ve had to be frisked going into my hotel (Belfast).  It would be nice to visit without the bomb squad trying to blow up our car 🙂  No one told us we couldn’t leave out car un-attended to go shopping in Belfast.  So a visit again would be a little less stressful and hearing the twins play would be worth the travel anywhere.

    Deep Purple has always been one of my favorites.  “My Woman from Tokyo” still rings in my ears from how loud I played my car stereo.  I recall Mona and Lisa saying how they played “Smoke on the Water” for hours.  Boy would I love to hear them play that one.

    I remember, if a live band was worth their salt in my high school days, they would have that song in their playlist.  Listening to It on YouTube now.

    Welcome to the MLT club!

    • Paul Steinmayer

      04/10/2019 at 11:37

      I have two USB ports in my car… one currently has MonaLisa Twins, and the other has Deep Purple’s entire catalog!  LOL.  I’m actually going to see them in concert in ten days, and I’ll be meeting the band before the show too!  Funny, although I love Smoke On The Water, it’s probably the DP song I listen to the least (because it’s their most played song on the radio).

      Anyway, we need to make MonaLisa Twins hugely popular here in the States so they’ll want to come tour here!  And yes… we’ll share front row center seats if they do come here!!!

  • Jacki Hopper

    04/10/2019 at 04:26

    Hi Paul and welcome, nice to meet you and glad you discovered MLT, Enjoy the MLT Club!!

  • Howard

    04/10/2019 at 13:03

    Well, John, you need to purchase “MonaLisa & Band Live in Concert (2007)” and you will hear them play “Smoke on the Water”. Track 22. Or check it out on the Jukebox!

    MLT Club – Jukebox

  • Rudolf Wagner

    06/10/2019 at 20:38

    Hi Paul!

    We’ve got yet another musician in the house, how great! Welcome to the MLT Club and thank you for making the decision to stop by and support our music in the process 🙂

    Unfortunately, we don’t know an awful lot about Michigan other than its breathtaking lakes and scenery (from pictures) but hopefully we’ll get a chance to visit there one day.

    Have a wonderful day, thank you very much for pre-ordering the new album and please say hi to your wife Becky from us too.

    Stay groovy,
    Mona & Lisa

    • Paul Steinmayer

      06/10/2019 at 21:34

      Hi Mona,

      Thank you so very much for allowing me to join and enjoy your amazing music and talent.  I’m just so happy to be included… and I promise to always support you and Lisa, and your music!!!

      I hope you get a chance to visit Michigan too one day.  Hopefully, our paths will cross when you come to play a show here!

      Hugs to you and Lisa

      Always groovy, Paul

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