
  • Departed Musicians

    Posted by Howard on 06/10/2019 at 16:17

    “Ginger Baker, the volatile and propulsive British musician who was best known for his time with the rock supergroup Cream, has died at 80, his family says.

    With blazing eyes and orange-red hair, and a temperament to match, the London native ranked with The Who’s Keith Moon and Led Zeppelin’s John Bonham as the embodiment of musical and personal fury.  Using twin bass drums, Baker fashioned a pounding, poly-rhythmic style uncommonly swift and heavy that inspired and intimidated countless musicians.”

    Beware of Mr Baker!

    This video comes with a language warning.


    Michael Rife replied 4 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Michael Rife

    09/10/2019 at 06:14

    Hi Howard;

    Sometimes it really sucks getting older since we are losing so many of our musical “heroes”.  Ginger Baker was always an influence on me when playing drums.  Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s I had a daily practice routine of playing along with some of the harder drum songs of the time.  White Room and Sunshine of Your Love was on the list.  Also, on the list was In-A-Gadda-Da-Vita, You Keep Me Hanging On (Vanilla Fudge), and You’ve Made Me So Very Happy.  I figured if I got those songs about 80% right, it was a good practice.

    Anyway because of playing two of Ginger’s songs, he was always a important drummer to me.  I have long since stopped that routine.   But, the funny thing is when my oldest daughter visited us a couple of years ago, I told her about the routine.  She asked if I could still do it then.  I thought a bit about it and I queued up two of the songs.  Maybe it was the daily repetition of doing those songs so many years ago, i.e., muscle memory is a good thing, but I remembered how to play much of the Iron Butterfly song and You Keep Me Hanging On.  She was impressed that her old dad could still navigate around the drums which meant more to me than the opinions of other musicians!!

    Again it really makes me sad that some of those who were important to us musically are passing away……not sure if it is because the time period was an important time in music and we are losing many of the innovators or it reminds us of our own mortality or something else……likely a combination of those things.  Mike.

  • Howard

    09/10/2019 at 07:15

    Nice story Mike. Especially about your daughter’s appreciation. That is special. I’m pleased to hear you still have it. I wish I could play. Sounds like fun!

    • Michael Rife

      12/10/2019 at 07:02

      Thanks, Howard!!!  I play guitar mostly now but the first instrument I learned was the drums.  I was around 13 or so when I got my first set and played drums exclusively until around 19.  I was also in the high marching band and orchestra in the percussion section.  Still ever since then when I am driving in the car listening to music, without thinking about it the index finger of my right hand is playing the 4 beats of the cymbal and the index finger of my left hand is playing the 2 and 4 of the snare.  There may be a bit of insanity in some when it comes to music or just plain enjoyment.

      Also, at this age, one day we might do well on the drums and another day be hardly able to do much physically…. Oh well.

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