Posted by Kevin Stackhouse on 20/10/2019 at 13:06

    With the vast photo archive you have created, would it be possible for us to choose an image to be reproduced on a t-shirt including the MLT logo ? Individual posters could also be made available.

    Darryl Boyd replied 4 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    20/10/2019 at 13:07

    Hi Kevin,

    Yes, we’re planning to offer something like that in the near future, since producing many different designs in small numbers and all kinds of sizes makes them too expensive and a nightmare to stock.

    So bear with us, and we’ll let you know once we’ve managed to implement an easy way to handle that in our shop. Does that sound like a plan? 🙂

    Thanks for the interest,

  • Darryl Boyd

    22/10/2019 at 04:02

    That sounds like a great idea.

  • Darryl Boyd

    22/10/2019 at 04:04

    I’ve looked at the available t-shirts a few times now but I”m not 100% sold on the designs.

    Would be great if I could choose a pic from a largish selection perhaps.

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