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  • Happy Canadian Thanksgiving 2the Canuckers

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 12/10/2019 at 04:25

    Besides myself, and Jung on here, let me extend to other Canuckers who are members on here in Wishing you all a Groovy GobbleGobble Happy Thanksgiving Wknd (Monday being actual Thanksgiving Day) and I’m Thankful in having discovered MLT 10-12 years ago????

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Howard

    12/10/2019 at 06:34

    I wish you and Jung and your fellow Canuckers a ‘Groovy GobbleGobble Happy Thanksgiving Wknd’ too Jacki!

    The following is hot off the Australian press!

    “US President Donald Trump has mistakenly pardoned the nation of Turkey for Thanksgiving instead of a more traditional American turkey.

    Mr Trump has allowed Turkey to attack the Kurds of Syria in a gobble-gobble motion.

    “Kurd your enthusiasm,” said a Whitehouse spokeswoman justifying Trump’s kneejerk head-slappery. “What else could he do? The Kurds were in the whey.”

    Trump continues to speak in gobble-gobbledygook.”


  • Jung Roe

    12/10/2019 at 07:36

    Thanks Jacki and Howard!  Certainly thankful for all the special people in my life, including the MLT and the people at the Club here.

    Got some work travel to do this coming week and will be heading out on Thanksgiving day by car stateside, so turkey dinner will likely be at a roadside restaurant somewhere this year.  Love road trips, so I don’t mind that at all, especially when the company is paying for it!  🙂

  • Howard

    12/10/2019 at 07:45

    Sounds good Jung. Is your company allowing you to hire a mustang for your trip?

    I’ll be heading off on a bike trip stateside in a week too, a house sit in the Blue Mountains, NSW. A lovely bush area. I’ll be looking after three dogs, a cat and two ponies for three weeks. I’ll have my iPhone geared up to listen to the MLT jukebox via Bluetooth and my helmet speakers. I’ll post a photo of my Moto Guzzi California all polished for the trip, in the Petrolheads Anonymous thread. You’ll have to do the same with your vehicle of choice. Safe driving Jung!


    • Jung Roe

      12/10/2019 at 09:28

      Howard, if they let me have a Mustang for the road trip, there is a good chance I may disappear on route 66 for a few weeks and not even show up at the event.  🙂

      Wow that sounds like an awesome getaway out in the mountains and house sitting some wonderful animals.  Enjoy and have a great road trip on your Moto Guzzi California.

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/10/2019 at 21:11

    Thankyou all and Jung, hoping you can find a Swiss Chalet or somewheres offering a Turkey dinner of sorts to have along route on your business travels….

    As for me, it will be spent with my family at my oldest brother’s place and yes, I’m bringing dessert of some sort… Lol…. So, Yes, I’m used to doing the Potluck thing at family get together or elsewheres where potluck is the theme… ?

    • Jung Roe

      12/10/2019 at 21:20

      Thanks Jacki!  The best thing about Thanksgiving is the getting together with family like that.  Hope you have a wonderful time with your brother!

  • Paul Steinmayer

    13/10/2019 at 16:18

    I want to offer a Happy Thanksgiving to my friends and neighbors to the north!

  • Jung Roe

    13/10/2019 at 20:33

    Thanks much Paul!

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/10/2019 at 20:37

    Gidday Eh Paul, and Thankyou!

  • John Behle

    14/10/2019 at 05:31

    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Jacki, Jung and other Canadians.  I seemed to have missed that with 2 years in Alberta.  I remember celebrating during the US time period, but not a separate Canadian one.  Either I was oblivious and missed it or maybe it isn’t as popular in Calgary?  Back in those days there was a lot of division between East and West – at least in Alberta.

    Thanksgiving in the states focuses (at least the story) around one event.  Is there an event in Canada that their Thanksgiving focuses around?  Sorry, I should know, but it’s been a few years (decades).

  • Jung Roe

    14/10/2019 at 05:52

    Thanks John!  For me the origins of Thanksgiving had to do with the first Pilgrims in 1622 who came to America on the Mayflower giving thanks for all they managed to achieve that first year.  As for Canadian Thanksgiving, I am not aware of any specific event.  It is a time of giving thanks after the last harvest for the year by the farmers.  Perhaps we have our Thanksgiving earlier in October because of the colder northern climate and fall/winter coming sooner than in the US.

  • David Herrick

    15/10/2019 at 04:30

    Happy Thanksgiving to Jacki, Jung, and all other MLTers in the Great White North!

    David Letterman used to do a recurring bit around every holiday with Paul Shaffer, his Canadian band leader, based on the difference between the U.S. and Canadian Thanksgivings.  It would typically go something like this:

    Dave:  “Happy Mother’s Day, everyone!  Paul, do they celebrate Mother’s Day in Canada?”

    Paul:  “Yes, but they have it in April, because of the earlier harvest.”


  • Jung Roe

    15/10/2019 at 05:48

    Thanks David!

    LOL!!!…Well David, you know in the CFL (Canadian Football League), the football field is a little longer than in the NFL.  We just have to be a little different!  Thanks for the holiday chuckle!  🙂


    • David Herrick

      15/10/2019 at 19:20

      You’re welcome, Jung!

      As I recall, the end zones are really deep, and the offense has only three downs per series instead of four.  I learned a lot during the NFL strike of 1982, when one of the U.S. TV networks filled the gap by showing CFL games for several weeks.


  • Jacki Hopper

    15/10/2019 at 19:35

    I don’t really follow football at all  whether it’s the CFL(My  hometown RedBlacks team are not having a good season) and NFL… Lol… I’m a Hockey Gal (Ottawa Sens rule for me!) and do enjoy Nascar Races class  as in the Daytona 500,  but also only like the Formula One Race class of The Indy 500 race, the rest of Formula One Race Class races don’t care much for but I do like stock car and Super Modified Class Racing( as in Oswego, NY Speedway racing). I grew up with car racing  and hockey and football enthusiasts in my immediate family but just never liked football but always preferred car racing/hockey more……..

  • Jung Roe

    16/10/2019 at 06:35

    Jacki, you enjoy NASCAR eh!  🙂

    I was really into NASCAR racing back in the 90’s and still am.  I recall in one of the NASCAR seasons in the early 90’s, NASCAR driver Alan Kulwicki was killed in one of the races, and former Winston Cup champion Rusty Wallace who was a very good friend vowed to do a backwards lap in his honor at every race he wins.  Well Rusty went on to win 10 NASCAR races that season, and was in a close heat with Dale Earnhardt (not Earnhardt junior, but Earnhardt senior) for the season Championship Winston Cup.  I watched and taped every single race that season.  Back then Richard Petty was still racing, so you could often see his light blue NASCAR racing in the pack.  It was usually Rusty Wallace, Dale Earnhardt, and Mark Martin finishing in the top 5 that entire season.  Dale Earnhardt went on to edge out Rusty Wallace for the Winston Cup, but one of the last deciding races  that season was when a yellow flag came out on the very last lap of the race.  Rusty was in pole position, with the Darth Vader Intimidater Dale Earnhardt in 2nd place in his black Chevy Lumina.  They called Dale the Intimidator because he intimidated every NASCAR driver on the track, when they say Dales black Chevy Lumina close in from behind in the rear view mirror.  It was the classic NASCAR show down of all time.  The Winston cup championship on the line, the last lap of a 500 lap major NASCAR race to be decided by a final lap dash to the finish line with Winston cup points leaders Rusty Wallace and Dale Earnhardt at the front of the pack in #1 and #2 positions.  As all the cars came up upon the white flag, with a final lap to go, it was a full throttle last lap mad dash to the finish line for 40 or so 1000+ hp stock cars.  Rusty Wallace fends Dale Earnhardt off most of the last lap with Dale just inches off Rusty’s bumper the whole way.  In the last couple hundred meters, Dale swings under Rusty’s car to pass,  Rusty holds on, they bump, and Rusty’s car catches some air and goes almost head over heals into the grassy center field, while Dale Earnhardt crosses the finish line to win the race.  There is debris all over the race track as what is left of Rusty Wallace’s stock car comes to rest in the center of the race track.  When the reporters get down to Dale Earnhardt’s car to congratulate him, Dale is nearly in tears more concerned about his fellow NASCAR rival and friend Rusty Wallace than the race.  The respect and chivalry Dale showed that day was very impressive.  Rusty Wallace did not suffer any serious injury and continued his NASCAR racing career.  What a season it was!

  • David Herrick

    16/10/2019 at 12:45

    Okay, I have to admit that you guys have shattered a long-held stereotype of mine:  I thought that NASCAR had zero following outside of the southeastern U.S., much less north of the border!

    I grew up in Kentucky, but I was always a fan of Indy car racing rather than NASCAR.  That faded away as I grew older, but I still watch the Indianapolis 500 every year.  When I was a kid I had to listen to it on the radio because I lived in the “local blackout” area for TV coverage, which seemed absurd because Indianapolis was a 3.5 hour drive from where I lived.  The race itself took less time than that!


  • Jacki Hopper

    16/10/2019 at 19:41

    Nascar Racing holds dear to my heart because that is one of infinite happy memories I have of my late Dad…. I even for a few seconds unbeknownst to me until I realized it was him… Too late to videotape the moment back in the day… Dad and his buddies whom he went to Daytona 500 with one year, the TV crews spanned over crowd in stands… In a blink of an eye, Dad and his buddies caught on live TV… Was I ever happy and stunned at same time… What are the Frikkin chances remotely, that you’ll spot someone you know in crowd at a  live televised Nascar Race, even the fact that a TV crew happen to scan/span over the area where they were sitting at… Wow… Dad also I believe was at the Daytona 500 Race that killed Earnhardt, I watched that race… Sad…. Dad also another time, at some racetrack down in the USA, came back with a small race car part of debris that went flying into crowd, where they were at… He’d been to many Nascar tracks. He started going when either Mom was still alive in longterm hospital or it was after she died in 1995,  but he kept going until his own health deteruoted to the point of  he no longer could drive and soon after went into nursing home care for rest of his days….

    A fun side note : The Ottawa Redblacks football place was formerly in the 40s-60s a race track for cars on dirt gravel/pavement before it became home to the Ottawa RoughRiders/Ottawa Renagades/Redblacks–The name of our CFL team changed over the years with new ownerships as it happened… Lol. Dad was also fond of local and area stock car racing, and went to racecar tracks in Cornwall, Brockville Ontario, some track in Quebec side, Oswego NY,  and then some of the Nascar tracks in USA…. Yep, Car Racing in my blood it seems…. My first word to say was apparently “Car”… Which is funny since I don’t have/want my driver’s license…. Lol

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