• Posted by Ckay Kirby on 29/10/2019 at 18:34

    Just a quick note to all saying that I am so Chuffed my “MonaLisa Christmas” Cd package that has just arrived and I’m blown away by the pure quality of the CD sleeve – as a printer by trade I’ve seen many self produced products, Singles and LP Cover Sleeves, CD Books, Box’s etc, but the “MonaLisa” package is of the highest standard – beautifully photographed, expertly type set, and perfectly printed, a joy to behold and treasure, aaaaaaaaaaaaandddddddddddd it sounds bloody brilliant too !!!!!!!!!!

    So having delicately played once on my pc, I’m now going to place it in pride of place over my desktop and continue to listen via my media player,

    Well done MLT Team – and thank you




    Thomas Randall replied 4 years, 10 months ago 11 Members · 58 Replies
  • 58 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    29/10/2019 at 20:06

    WooHoo Skip… Xmas has come Groovy Early Fer ya…. Am glad you have received yours and looking forward to whenever my CD arrives in Canada… Jung will be happy too…. You should post a photo of you with CD pkg…?!

  • Ckay Kirby

    29/10/2019 at 20:23

    xmas cdIn safe hands – Christmas Treasure

    • Jacki Hopper

      29/10/2019 at 21:29

      Thankyou Skip for sharing photo of Groovified  prized –  MLT Musical Xmas Gems…

      And while on topic of music and Australia and MLT…. Lol… May I add my 2 cents blurb here:… In terms of songs… There’s Nat  King Cole’s ” MonaLisa” song and then there is “I’m Not Lisa… Etc” by Jessi Colter (Waylon Jenning’s wife)… I have yet to come across a “Mona “song… There’s a LISA Street  and MONA street in Ottawa??? here… Lol… And for a kind of Quirky music/comedy act from either Austealua/NZ, it’s the Topp Twins… And Canada has it’s own indie  music set of twins: Tegan & Sara… Lol…. Your posting  replies here between you and Darryl made me think of the songs and Topp Twins and Tegan and Sara… Lol

    • Ckay Kirby

      29/10/2019 at 21:33

      Hiya Jacki,

      its cool when you find a link to the twins, in answer to your missing link – Mona – here one I know of and particularly like –



    • David Herrick

      30/10/2019 at 00:15
  • Darryl Boyd

    29/10/2019 at 20:45

    Are you in Australia Skip?

    Maybe mine will arrive early too!

    • Ckay Kirby

      29/10/2019 at 20:46

      No sorry – wish I was,

      Based in Sunny(not) Birmingham UK

    • Ckay Kirby

      29/10/2019 at 20:49

      Hiya Darryl,

      been meaning to contact you, I was originally from Adelaide so we have a kindred link, miss my old homeland, which part you in ? – I originally grew up in Brahma Lodge and my dad moved to Elizabeth.


  • Darryl Boyd

    29/10/2019 at 20:56

    Ah nice.

    Not that far away. I grew up, and still live, in the North East suburbs around the Modbury area.

    I’m only about 10 minutes away from the school that Mona and Lisa attended when they were here.

    My family history goes back to Ireland and Scotland, and I have family who live in England, so I have a close connection with the UK too. I’ve visited a few times over the years.

    • Ckay Kirby

      29/10/2019 at 21:00

      cool, bit of a long shot but …… do you remember watching chanel 9 on adelaide tv – “the country & western show” ? or any of Earnie Sigley shows ?


  • Darryl Boyd

    29/10/2019 at 21:06

    No I don’t remember the country and western show sorry.

    I didn’t watch Ernie Sigley either, although I’m sure everyone in Oz has heard of him.

    I’m thinking they were in the 70s?. I was in primary school then so a bit young still.

    • Ckay Kirby

      29/10/2019 at 21:12

      ok no probs,

      actually im showing my age now, it was in the late 60’s, i was 8yrs old, look up his hit single “Mona Lisa” on you tube and find the B side – “Think About Me” that was my Dads record, he was Musical Director at Channel 9


      How can anyone become famous with a name like “Earnie Sigley” ??? lol

  • Ckay Kirby

    29/10/2019 at 22:45

    Hi all,

    sorry to rub it n but I’ve had the new MLT Xmas cd on repeat for the last few hrs whilst working,

    IT’s FANTASTIC !! 

    The harmonics and production are superb, for those still waiting to get their copy, stress not – it is well worth waiting for.

    To Mona & Lisa, a big congratulations for your original Track ” All I Want Christmas To Be” an absolutely beautiful Christmas song, one well worth becoming an annual favourite on the radio playlists.

    Hopefully you will release this as a single and get the airplay it deserves – perhaps it may get on TOP Xmas day !!! = IT SHOULD DO !!!!!!

    and not forgetting Papa Rudi, excellent production, a pure wall of harmonic sound, well done.

    Keeping a lookout for your Xmas promo campaign, will certainly like , share and bludgeon people to get it – will do my best to get you to that No:1 spot.



  • Howard

    30/10/2019 at 01:02

    This is the Rolling Stones version of Bo Diddley’s ‘Mona’. It appeared on their debut album in 1964 in the UK and on the US album The Rolling Stones, Now! in 1965.

    “According to Diddley’s obituary in The New York Times, “Mona” was a song of praise he wrote for a 45-year-old exotic dancer who worked at the Flame Show Bar in Detroit. The song also became the template for Buddy Holly’s ‘Not Fade Away’.”


    Bo Diddley said the only white guy to ever get his beat right was Brian Jones! The Stones also had a hit single with Holly’s ‘Not Fade Away’.

    “I say hey, Mona
    Oh, Mona
    I say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Mona
    Oh, Mona

    I tell you Mona what I wanna do
    I’ll build a house next door to you
    Can I see you sometimes?
    We can blow kisses through the blinds
    Yeah can I out come out on the front
    And listen to my heart go bumpety bump
    I need you baby that’s no lie
    Without your love I’d surely die”

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/10/2019 at 01:31

    I’ll have a listen tomorrow at these song links… Heading to bed in awhile so Goodnight Eh!!

  • Jung Roe

    30/10/2019 at 04:09

    I like this one the best, a Brian Wilson original.


    I use to have that album!   Haven’t heard this song in ages since high school when I first heard it.


  • Howard

    30/10/2019 at 04:18

    Of course you do Jung!

  • Jung Roe

    30/10/2019 at 05:04

    Yes of course, I am biased here for the Beach Boys, but hearing that Beach Boys song from so many years ago, Mona, that I forgot about, sounded so awesome!  A forgotten gem.

    • David Herrick

      30/10/2019 at 06:00

      Nice one, Jung!  My knowledge of post-60’s Beach Boys is pretty sketchy; I had never heard this one.


  • David Herrick

    30/10/2019 at 05:50

    Why do I have the feeling that this is going to end up with someone creating a YouTube playlist of songs with “Mona” and/or “Lisa” in the title?


  • Howard

    30/10/2019 at 06:00

    Well David, the subject was discussed early on in the club and I suspect it is going to be a recurring theme, especially as new members join.

  • Paul Steinmayer

    30/10/2019 at 12:26

    I’m still waiting for my CD.  Being “Across the Pond,”  it takes a little longer!  As soon as they arrive though…. watch out…  Serious MLT blasting out of my car!!!

  • Paul Steinmayer

    30/10/2019 at 12:31

    Just out of curiosity… wasn’t there supposed to be a link for those of us who pre-ordered to download the CD as soon as it was released?  Don’t get me wrong, I can’t want to receive mine… but I wish I could already be listening to it.  I need my Mona and Lisa fix!!!

    • Jung Roe

      30/10/2019 at 16:06

      Hi Paul.  Links will get emailed out on official release date Nov 1 while our pre ordered CDs are in flight.

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