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  • Christmas Question and Funny Stories

    Posted by Michael Rife on 15/12/2019 at 12:10

    Hi Mona and Lisa;

    This time I want to ask a question that has nothing to do with music but with Christmas past since I have been enjoying the Early Access Christmas song.  I also want to share funny Christmas stories…….if you wish.

    First question is over the years what was your favorite Christmas present (Mona and Lisa both, if possible)?  I remember seeing over the last couple of years one of you two holding a guitar (Lisa, I believe) with an expression of happiness on your face.  But, was there something else that tops that for you?

    In my case it was 1965 when my parents got me a Ludwig Black Pearl drum kit just like Ringo’s drum kit.  I remember that one so well……because being supposedly a “macho” 12 year old boy, I had to wipe a couple of tears away when I saw it.  It also the present that started everything with me and music.

    Funniest Christmas story……the practice in our house when I was growing up was that the whole family came downstairs together to see what Santa left under the tree for us.  Well, when I was about 6 years old, I might have been a little mischievous.  That year I woke up early and snuck down the stairs by myself and saw all the presents alone.  I even played with a couple of them before sneaking back upstairs.  I never told my parents about it until years later.  I remember my Dad looking so sad about it because the family tradition was “all together now”.  He got over it later.  Do you two have funny Christmas stories that you can share?

    I so enjoy your music and I hope you and your family have the best Christmas ever!!  Mike.

    Michael Rife replied 4 years, 9 months ago 9 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    15/12/2019 at 12:15

    Hi Mike,

    Best Christmas present ever, hmm? Receiving my first ever electric guitar when I was about 10 definitely was a highlight 🙂
    I think my face says it all!


    I was just starting to take lessons and “only” had an old, rusty acoustic guitar at home to practise on. The kids with an electric guitar were uber cool 😉 Playing an electric guitar was uber cool! 😉

    Holding this guitar in my hand definitely marked the beginning of something we hadn’t had a clue would happen later. Music and playing guitar became everything. And funnily enough, this guitar, despite being a rather cheap “beginner” one bought at Aldi, was perfect to start out with. Dad and I set it up properly and it sounded and played beautifully. I remember polishing the heck out of the fretboard!

    Funny Christmas stories … well, as we sing about in “All I Want Christmas To Be” we always did swear that we spotted the “Christkind” (changed to elf in the song) dangling its feet from the kitchen shelf before disappearing into the night. Magic was real back then! 😉


  • Rudolf Wagner

    15/12/2019 at 17:48

    I can totally relate, Mike! I got a red drum set the same year that Lisa got her guitar, which is something I’ll never forget! The parcel was huge, of course, and as soon as I spotted it next to the tree, I got butterflies in my stomach!

    I found the clip of me opening the parcel, it was Christmas of 2004. I was 10 years old at the time … 

    What I remember about this drum set even more specifically, was when Dad and I assembled it the day after. There was an overwhelming amount of screws, drumheads and hardware for a 10-year old, and I was so in awe when the whole thing finally stood there. For me, Dad was an absolute genius for knowing how to assemble it!

    One other present I can remember freaking out about was when we were surprised with the fact that we were going to the USA for the first time. That must have been Christmas 2006!

    Michaela and Dad put the flight tickets under the tree. It didn’t look like much – two white envelopes. But when we opened them we just about lost our marbles. 🙂

    By then we’ve become a little obsessed about America and what we imagined it to be like. Together with a school friend of ours I would study the American map, memorize all state names and fun trivia. Again, little did we know that the videos we would end up filming there a year later, would mark the beginning of our video/YouTube journey.


  • Howard

    15/12/2019 at 22:07

    I remember the photo of you with your first electric guitar Lisa. How exciting it must have been for a ten year old!

    Nice to see the video of you unpacking your new drum kit at Christmas Mona. You are obviously very excited and appreciative. Who’d have thought that from such humble beginnings you would develop the awesome musical career you have?

    Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us.

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/12/2019 at 23:00

    Awesome to both of you on your dream Xmas gifts coming true… Mona, your video, your reaction… Priceless???

  • Howard

    15/12/2019 at 23:20

    Yes Jacki, her reaction is also Oricekess! LOL!

  • Jung Roe

    15/12/2019 at 23:31

    Thanks for sharing the picture and video.

    I am sure Papa Rudi and Michaela were just as overjoyed to see your beautiful faces perk up like that with joy when you saw the guitar and drums!

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/12/2019 at 00:04

    My apologies for making typo errors, I’m having ongoing eye pressure issues and am on new eye drops, thus sometimes  making typo errors, wasn’t being funny by my typo errors.

  • Thomas Randall

    16/12/2019 at 15:14

    Awwwww, how sweet is that video! WONDERFUL!

  • Brian St. August

    16/12/2019 at 16:14

    Lovely memory and adorable photo, Mona. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

  • Stephen Krogh

    18/12/2019 at 02:46

    … and the most amazing and beautiful thing is that your elation and love of playing these instruments and creating music has never worn off! Indeed, it grows and gets better every year! So does your following. Your fans love you in a very special way because the two of you are so special and full of love. Thanks so much for sharing!

  • Howard

    18/12/2019 at 03:02

    Well said Stephen. Mona and Lisa are the real deal. In todays’ pop world full of narcissists, it is so delightful to see artists who, as has already been stated elsewhere, take music seriously without taking themselves seriously.

    They also have very special parents in Rudolf and Michaela, who I’m sure, provide the type of loving environment that manages to bring out the best in them. They are the perfect role models for families the world over.

  • Stephen Krogh

    18/12/2019 at 03:08

    Yes Howard! That really sums it all up very well!

  • Michael Rife

    24/12/2019 at 03:43

    Hi all;

    The one Lisa picked was the one I thought she would.  We have seen that picture of her with the guitar several times and the look on her face says it all.  Also, the video about Mona’s drum kit is so special and cute.

    Thanks for answering this one.  I hope this Christmas is just as special to MLT and all in the Club.


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