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  • A Brief Intro From A Happy MLT Fan!

    Posted by Tony Ciambrello on 21/11/2019 at 13:07

    As a huge MLT fan… I’m a semi-retired professional performer and studio musician. Now broadcasting new Indie artists and bands worldwide & having fun doing so. I fell upon Mona & Lisa while researching interesting new music, and as a life long John Lennon fan, I don’t need to tell you just how quickly I fell in love with their talent and sound. The Twins always make it into my broadcasts and I receive numerous emails and questions about them. I just direct everyone to the MonaLisa Twins website. Now, as a member of The Clubhouse, I can pull more interesting and pertinent information.

    I’m proud to be a member of this new “family” and if my background stirs your interest then please visit my webpage at

    Cheers to all, Peace, Tony Ciambrello (aka Tony Sounds)

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Howard

    21/11/2019 at 13:26

    Welcome to the Club Tony. It’s always nice to hear from new members. You’ll enjoy being a member of this excellent club, which has so much to offer.

  • Angelo

    21/11/2019 at 13:39

    Welcome fellow musician!

  • Tony Ciambrello

    21/11/2019 at 13:41

    Thank You Angelo


  • Jung Roe

    21/11/2019 at 16:37

    Great to have you join us Tony.  Welcome to the club!

  • Tony Ciambrello

    21/11/2019 at 17:14

    Thanks so very much ?

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/11/2019 at 19:26

    Hi Tony and a Groovy MLTBuzzWorthy Welcome to here, nice to meet you and looking forward to your postings ?

  • Tony Ciambrello

    21/11/2019 at 19:37

    Thanks…I’m very pleased to be here.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    26/11/2019 at 17:01

    Hi Tony,

    Welcome to the MLT Club, we’re glad you joined us! We had a nose around your website – it seems like you’ve had an exciting, music-filled life in different shapes and forms, that’s wonderful.

    We’ll try and tune in to a show one week! Thanks a lot for playing our music and those of other independent artists. If ever you’ve got a particular show lined up for which you’d like us to tweet out the streaming link, please shoot us an email or send us a tweet! 🙂

    We appreciate the support and hope you’ll enjoy your time here!

    Groovy greetings from all of us!


  • Tony Ciambrello

    27/11/2019 at 15:56

    Hello Mona,

    Thanks so very much for the warm welcome. Once I receive my vinyl Orange LP there will be a broadcast of the album, uninterrupted. I do like to play vinyl on my show and I’m looking very forward to it. I play your music very often but I feel this broadcast will be special. I will keep the club informed as to when this will occur.

    Peace, Tony


  • Jacki Hopper

    27/11/2019 at 21:12

    Hi Tony, That would be cool, Please share the link whenever it occurs, would enjoy tuning in, am also going to checkout your website. ?

  • Tony Ciambrello

    28/11/2019 at 00:31

    I will do that Jacki. Thanks!


  • Tony Ciambrello

    04/12/2019 at 12:15

    Just received my autographed vinyl “ORANGE” LP…AWESOME!!!  I’ll be featuring it on my internet radio broadcast Sunday the 8th of December. Completely commercial free and uninterrupted. It’s a fantastic album and one of the cleanest sounding pieces of vinyl in my collection.  Thanks Mona and Lisa for your fantastic talent and creating smiles for the masses, (and me too).IMG_0475

  • Howard

    04/12/2019 at 13:03

    Yes, it is a fantastic album. I have the vinyl version too. By the way, Sunday the 8th of December is my birthday anniversary! What time is your broadcast? Is the webpage in your initial post the broadcast site?

  • Jacki Hopper

    04/12/2019 at 20:51

    WooHoo Tony… I have the Orange Vinyl too… This is Groovy Fab Awesome, a definite keepsake….

    Hoping I can tune into your radio show at 3pm, I believe you said your show is at, I’m hoping that’s 3pm Canadian time too. If I can’t tune in at that time would it be available as a playback link to listen at a another time?!… Thankyou for  sharing photo and update from you ☮️

  • Tony Ciambrello

    04/12/2019 at 22:29

    The replay will be available shortly upon completion of the broadcast.

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