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  • Jung Roe

    04/12/2019 at 05:04

    Ahhh Howard, great video!   I came across this Tina S youtube video a couple years back, and compared it to master pianist Murray Perahia on the piano with some people.

    If we consider Beethoven likely played his Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement piece like this back in the day with this level of fervor and power on the Piano, if he knew how to play electric guitar, Beethoven could be a modern Tina S, or vice versa if Tina S could play piano, she could be a legendary Beethoven.  When we see Murray or Tina play their respective instruments, the distinction between classical vs modern rock music kind of blur.  It’s my belief there is a lot more in common than one would think between the two.  The passion and fire can be the same.


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