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  • Have you thought about The Turtles?

    Posted by Brian St. August on 16/12/2019 at 23:35

    As I enjoyed so much your cover of “Bus Stop” by the Hollies, I was wondering if you ever considered the song “Happy Together” by the Turtles. It has a similar progression from minor to major and the hook is extremely strong, so it would favor your tight harmonies. I know you can’t cover everyone, but they were a tight melodic group of that era and produced some high quality sounds. Just thought I’d put a little thought in your ears …

    Paul Rivenburgh replied 4 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    16/12/2019 at 23:35

    Hi Brian,
    It’s funny, that is probably one, if not THE most suggested non-Beatles song we get. And for good reason, it is an incredible song. We’ve tried it with our band before and back then it didn’t work 100% so we haven’t revisited it since.
    But I agree with you, we should probably give it another proper go at some point. It’s on our list and we’ll think about it once we have room for new projects again 🙂

  • Brian St. August

    16/12/2019 at 23:55

    Thanks for giving my suggestion some renewed thought, my friend. They also did a great melodic piece called “Elenore” that was in the fun movie “Pirate Radio” about a time in the 60’s when rock couldn’t be played on domestic stations in the UK, so they broadcast from a ship off shore. Anyway, check out the song, it has your feel to it. Stay groovy … Bri

  • Howard

    17/12/2019 at 04:54

    Well I guess technically speaking they haven’t done a Turtles cover, but they have covered a Dylan song that the Turtles covered. In one of their radio station interviews they recorded “It Ain’t Me Babe”. They did it more Dylan style though (except it was tuneful!). I’d love to hear their take on it Turtle style.

    Several Turtles covers have been requested in the Topic: “MLT – Cover Requests”.

    By the way Brian, Mona and Lisa know all about Pirate Radio in the sixties and the movie “The Boat That Rocked”. There are photos somewhere of when they actually visited one of the old Pirate Radio boats in dock.

  • Brian St. August

    17/12/2019 at 14:14

    Howard, I was just mentioning Pirate Radio because the song, “Elenore” was featured in it, showing that it did a have a somewhat contemporary audience. The song has a great hook and would respond really well to the twins harmony.

  • Howard

    19/12/2019 at 04:23

    I take your point Brian. As you are new to the club I thought there might be lots you’ve missed. I first discovered the MLT about 18 months ago and it took a long time for me to catch up with their online history and they keep releasing new stuff and old archives constantly.

    I agree with your ‘Elenore’ assessment. It was also very popular in my country at the time.

    “Elenore, gee I think you’re swell
    And you really do me well
    You’re my pride and joy, et cetera
    Elenore, can I take the time
    To ask you to speak your mind
    Tell me that you love me better”


  • Brian St. August

    20/12/2019 at 01:14

    Thank you, Howard. I, too, have followed MLT quite  while – probably a good year – but have been too busy to join the Club. I’m glad that I did and it is really nice to meet great people like YOU.

  • Paul Rivenburgh

    31/12/2019 at 02:53

    I got to see the Turtles once when they were the opening act for Fleetwood Mac in 1976, they were very good and doing any of their popular songs would be great to hear. Fleetwood Mac was just amazing at the time, it was when the all the members of that band were going through their breakups, it was the most intense and powerful I personally ever heard a band play.

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