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  • Who’s your favorites Mona?!

    Posted by Thomas Randall on 31/01/2020 at 00:23

    Mona I was wondering who some of your favorite drummers were? And who influenced your playing? Some of mine are: Karen Carpenter, Carl Palmer, Joe Franco, Ian Paice, Prairie Prince to name just a few. I was also probably influenced by Hal Blaine since he played on SO MANY hit songs back in the 60’s and early 70’s! If it was a hit Hal probably played drums on it!

    Maybe Lisa can name some of her faves as well.

    Thanks Mona & Lisa!



    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    31/01/2020 at 00:24

    I’m gonna be a bit cliché here and start off with the two most obvious ones … Ringo Starr and Keith Moon.

    Ringo because he was the perfect song drummer, innovative, extremely musical and just as groovy as you can be. I think it goes without saying that he has been a huge influence on everything we do. His effortlessness and understanding of what makes a song groove have me in awe every time I put on a Beatles record.

    And Keith … well … because it’s Keith bloody Moon. His playing was as crazy as he was, and I love that.

    I would take a musical but slightly sloppy drummer over a technically perfect one with no soul any day. So my favourite musicians (and bands for that matter) always tend to be the ones that focus the most on conveying the feeling behind the music and the song rather than technical perfection or show-off.

    I love Steve Gadd, Ginger Baker and of course Hal Blaine! When Hal was too busy in the studio he would always recommend Jim Gordon who I have only learned about and studied more carefully very recently. His drumming is incredible and exactly what I love in a musician!

    He might have one of the most tragic and sad stories in music history. If it wasn’t for him developing schizophrenia and serious mental health problems that led to his imprisonment I’m sure he would be a household name amongst musicians these days. A bizarre story, I suggest reading up on him if you haven’t already.

    Stay groovy (quite literally this time)


  • Thomas Randall

    31/01/2020 at 00:51

    Thank you Mona! Ringo certainly kept very good time and his fills were very inventive to be sure. Now Keith Moon for me was a little too busy in his playing but I guess for The Who it fit. I’m not a fan of overplaying or most double bass drummers with the exception of Palmer, Peart, Franco, who to me never overplayed their kick drums. They always seem to know when to use 2 or just one.  Jim’s work on Zappa’s Apostrophe was incredible. Zappa always had some incredible musicians in his groups.

    Thanks again Mona!


  • Tomás F. Calvo

    31/01/2020 at 04:07

    Great question Tom! and love the answer Mona. Definitively tragic life of Jim Gordon, it seems he got no help, and it just spiraled out of control. One thing I couldn’t ever reconcile, is him taking credit on Layla. Can’t see how that wasn’t a consciously sh*tty move. Hal Blaine is finally getting some recognition. Such an amazing player.


  • Kevin Stackhouse

    01/02/2020 at 17:16

    Hi folks. My favourite drummer has always been the late Jon Hiseman of jazz rock band Colosseum. Check out his ” Solo Colonia ” from the 1994 reunion concert on YouTube. Jaw-droppingly amazing !


  • Jacki Hopper

    01/02/2020 at 23:11

    Hmmm… Many drummers I ‘m not familiar with…. Looks like I’ m going on a Google Search Quest at some point…  Karen Carpenter, Peart, Ringo, Keith, I know of.. It’s Jim Gordon and others mentioned, not familiar with…

  • Paul Steinmayer

    02/02/2020 at 00:55

    Awesome question… and even more awesome answer.  I would have to say Ringo… because let’s be real, he influenced just about EVERYBODY who followed!  For me, I am a huge fan of Ian Paice!!!  He is a true master… one with perfect timing and immense musicality.  By the way, Paicey was featured on Paul McCartney’s Run Devil Run record, and also joined Paul on stage at the Cavern and the subsequent Run Devil Run tour.  Ian (along with the late Jon Lord) were also neighbors and friends of the late George Harrison.

    After Ringo and Ian, I gotta go with Ginger Baker, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Reg Isadore, Neil Peart, Debbie Peterson of The Bangles… (the list goes on and on).   By the way… I am totally impressed with Mona’s chops too!  Finally, I have to mention a drummer that probably none of you have ever heard of – Dave Hindall.  Dave and I played together in several bands over the span of 30 odd years… and there’s no one I would rather have by my side keeping the beat.  Dave is my very best friend in the world!

  • Jacki Hopper

    02/02/2020 at 02:13

    Oh yes… Forgot John Bonham…. Whoops….

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