MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion ” MLTBuzzGroovy MLT Club Revamp Worthy “

  • ” MLTBuzzGroovy MLT Club Revamp Worthy “

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 11/01/2020 at 21:29

    In honour of the unveiling of  the new and Superbly Stellar Rejuvenated MLT Club, I give you:

    ” MLTBuzzGroovy MLT Club Revamp Worthy”


    It’s been in the making but now revealed at long last

    Team MLT’s efforts have catapulted into an all time Kudos that has now been cast

    Everything all in their own places and such

    While gems of surprises surfaces throughout much

    Perfectly organized

    A plethora of finds

    Once more , they’ve blown away our minds

    Humdinger dandy

    MusicStore Candy

    Most Awesome and sweet

    quite neat

    such a Postivity treat


    Nothing here topsy-turvy

    Top Notch Best

    MLTBuzzGroovy MLT Club Revamp Worthy…


    Howard replied 4 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    12/01/2020 at 01:21

    Well expressed Jacki about the MLT Club Revamp.

    “Humdinger dandy”!!! indeed.

  • Howard

    12/01/2020 at 02:33

    Well that didn’t take long Jacki. What a ‘plethora’ of wonderful descriptive words. I’m with the “Humdinger dandy MusicStore Candy” too!

    I see that other Canadian is first to respond. Definitely something in that Pacific water!

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