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  • Fender Jaguar Guitars

    Posted by Brian St. August on 21/01/2020 at 19:03

    Hi Girls … one of my very favorite guitars of the 60’s era, particularly the surfing side of the early decade, was the Fender Jaguar. I had a blonde version that I loved except for the whammy bar, which I thought was a poor design. I just wondered if you have one in your collection and if you have used it on any of your recordings. It has that amazing sound with the extra treble setting when played with significant reverb. It is a sound that is hard to find elsewhere. Just wondered if you have had experience with it? Best, Brian

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    21/01/2020 at 19:04

    Hi Brian,
    Never owned a Jaguar and never had the chance to try one either, unfortunately. It seems like a perfect guitar to get that surf sound, especially with that high-pass filter switch so I can see why you like yours so much. I’d love to try one but I’m scared that if I tried and loved one, I might try, love and buy one 😉 … I am very happy with the guitar collection we have but it might be a fun one to add to the collection later down the line 🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/01/2020 at 19:27

    Well now both Brian and Lisa… Good Q to ask and Lisa’s reply, both fascinating… I want to now Google up info on vintage guitars, this further intrigues and fascinates me to learn more Guitar knowledge as it interests me, though having a 2nd older brother who plays guitar helps motivate/inspire my interest in Guitars, and I usually buy him a Guitar Calendar of sorts every Xmas, especially the vintage/classics editions?

  • Brian St. August

    21/01/2020 at 22:50

    Yes, Jackie, the two most popular Fender solid bodies are the Stratocaster and the Telecaster, but the Jaguar was a really unique guitar with a shorter scale and that great filter switch that Lisa mentioned. If you were a fan at all of the 60’s surf music which directly paralleled the English Invasion – and both genres influenced the other significantly – I’m sure you loved the Jaguar sound even if you didn’t know that it was making that great unique expression.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/01/2020 at 00:42

    Hi Brian, Thankyou for your in depth reply, and because you’ve replied in such a descriptive manner, as I’m a visual person/learner/somewhat photographic memory minded, I could grasp your reply, and yes, I’m a fan of that sound you speak of made with those guitars… Which now reminds me of a few Hot Rod themed albums that my 2nd oldest brother owned (assuming he still does?) that I loved listening to, that had a few surfy sounding rifs on the albums, my 2 favorites that stand out from those albums… “Black Leather Trousers and Motorcycle Boots”, “Little Old Lady From Pasadena”, “Highway 101″…???️????⛽⛱️

  • Jung Roe

    22/01/2020 at 06:02

    Hey Brian, Lisa, and Jacki.  Here is Beach Boys lead guitarist Carl Wilson testing out all those Jaguars at the Fender plant.  Had to see what one looks like.

    Later in his career Carl Wilson favored the Rickenbacker 360 12 string like the one Mona has.  Rickenbacker even issued a special edition “Rickenbacker 360 12CW” in 2000 in his honor.

    Fender Jaguar Carl Wilson

  • Jung Roe

    23/01/2020 at 05:55

    Guess what I came across today?  A couple of Fender Jaguars, the two brown and light blue ones, 2nd and 3rd from the left.

    music store 3

  • Jung Roe

    23/01/2020 at 05:59

    There were these two beautiful light blue Gretsch electric guitars too.  That one to the left looks like a Duo Jet if I’m not mistake.  These would look nice in your arms Lisa!  🙂

    Music store 4

  • Jung Roe

    23/01/2020 at 06:03

    I happened to be walking by the largest music instrument store in the city (Tom Lee Music Store) this afternoon with these big yellow signs on the window saying “January Clearance Sale”, so I thought I’d take refuge from the down pour outside.  I thought of all you guitar fans here.  If I knew how to play guitar, I am sure I would have walked out with a couple of these baby deals!

    Music store 2

  • Jung Roe

    23/01/2020 at 06:04

    Guitar heaven!!!

    Music store 1

  • Jung Roe

    23/01/2020 at 06:06

    Guitars galore!  And a hallway of special guitars locked away in glass cabinets.

    Music store 5

  • Jung Roe

    23/01/2020 at 06:07

    ..and Ukes too!

    Music store 6

  • Jung Roe

    23/01/2020 at 06:12

    I was especially smitten by this special Steinway Red Grand, but at $191,000 , I figured I’d come back when they have an even bigger clearance sale!  🙂

    Music store 7


  • Darryl Boyd

    23/01/2020 at 08:11

    As much as I love them I try to stay away from guitar stores. Just too dangerous on the wallet. I get easily distracted by bright shiny things!

    Been watching a lot of NAMM 2020 (music trade show) videos on YouTube and seen all the tasty stuff coming out soon. That’s not helping.

  • Jung Roe

    23/01/2020 at 08:55

    I was tempted Darryl to pull out my wallet.  There were a lot of bright shiny guitars. ?The prices on the Ukes were pretty affordable, and even some acoustic guitars looked promising for me. Thought even if I dont play yet, they are beautiful craftsmanship and art to behold and admire, and I would likely get motivated to learn holding a beautful one in hand I’m sure.

  • Jacki Hopper

    23/01/2020 at 15:12

    Ohhhh… Music Heaven for me… I’ve spotted some Purple essences in amongst those photos Jung ??

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