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  • Ringtones? I like it when the phone rings now……

    Posted by John Behle on 25/01/2020 at 19:30

    …. I may not always answer it.  Sometimes I want to let it ring for a while.  A few months ago I was able to set “I’ll Be Back” as my primary ringtone.  Brightens my world every time I hear that guitar intro.  But, it was a bit of a pain to learn how and to do it.

    I for one would love to have a selection of your songs or pieces of them as ringtones.  For tech geniuses like you it might take a couple hours and many others might appreciate it also.  It’s perked a few people’s interest also when they hear the phone ring……   “What is that wonderful music?”  Then I get to ramble on about my two favorite musicians.  One was Lindsey Stirling’s producer and I chatted with his wife and gave her a Christmas CD.

    I’d buy or download a set of your ringtones in a minute from the website or from iTunes.

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/01/2020 at 19:30

    I remember we did think about that at some point but came to the conclusion that since you can select any song you want as your ringtone on most phones these days, there wasn’t much we could offer extra.

    But we could pick out and cut together the best suited parts of songs, provide some instructions on how to set it up, etc. … yeah, we’ll put it on our “possible projects” list!

    Oh, and what a cool story about Lindsey Stirling’s producer! Hope they enjoyed the CD ♥
    Thanks for spreading the word … one phone call at a time 😉

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    26/01/2020 at 05:07

    That’s great John! I usually reserve the best songs for those I don’t want to answer ?

    Way back in 2006 I set my ringtone to “Starting Over” and at a deli in LA I had a guy come over from 3 tables away, I thought he was mad, but he was a Lennon fan and we ended up having a great conversation.

    What would be very cool, was if we had the MLT songs and then an interruption from the Twins, something like “Are you going to answer?”, or a back and forth between the Twins over the song.  They are very funny, and that would be something. Really would be something.

    Another interesting idea are the system sounds for the computer. Having all the default computer sounds be the Twins would be fun (when you connect a USB, an error, etc.) I have a Beatles package now, but an MLT package of sounds would be great.

  • Howard

    26/01/2020 at 05:49

    I like your thinking here Tomás. At the moment I have my phone defaulted to our old dial phone ringtone like the one in the MLTs “Won’t You Listen Now”.

    I’d love to change it to a MLT song/s and would also be prepared to pay for a download from the “Store”.

    Are you listening now Lisa?

    I just love Mona’s curly hair in the “Won’t You Listen Now” video. It reminds me of Shirley Temple. Now there’s an idea for another Topic!



  • Howard

    26/01/2020 at 05:51

    Are you listening now Lisa?

  • Jacki Hopper

    26/01/2020 at 20:23

    Yes, I’d enjoy seeing people’s facial reactions if they heard an MLT ring tone of sorts coming from my phone…. Lol… I hope MLT ring tones can be made available… I had thought you already could on one’s phone on the phone playlist area, I thought I had seen an option where you could make it your ring tone, but maybe I was imagining I had seen it. Still… Something perhaps that Team MLT could make possible in future???☎️????

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