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  • Hi from NJ and other comments on the music of the times.

    Posted by Bob Galella on 22/01/2020 at 17:09

    Hi everyone, my name is Bob Galella from Princeton, NJ.   I joined the MLT Club about a month ago just before Christmas.  Like all of you I have become a big fan.  Grew up with the Beatles and most of the other music that the twins have covered in the 3  “Beatles and More” albums and love the way the songs are presented on all 3.  I started out with the one “Beatles and More” CD a few months ago and quickly became hooked.  I now own all 3 and am hoping that there will be more.  I also have others such as “When We’re Together”.   I also attended Woodstock in 1969 – don’t remember much though.   For those of you who never saw the tickets, I still have mine from Saturday and Sunday and believe it or not, the tickets cost all of $7.00 per day.  My friends and I actually became upset when they made it a free concert.  After all, we paid $14.00 – what a rip off…….
    Quick comment on the “That’s Life” video.  The show that Mona and Lisa are watching looks a lot like the “Little Rascals” or “Our Gang” comedies.  While growing up in the NYC suburbs my friends and I had those things memorized and could probably quote them verbatim.  Anyone else or is it just me that is weird?
    Thanks for “listening” and hope to hear from other members.  I am happy to have become a fellow MLT Club  member.


    Rudolf Wagner replied 4 years, 8 months ago 6 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    22/01/2020 at 18:39

    Hi and Welcome Bob to here, very nice to meet your acquaintance… Glad you’ve become officially MLTBuzzed as are the rest of the MLT Clubbers here, besides myself… Lol… Cool you were at The Real Genuine Woodstock… I dig that, quite Groovy to know… $7/day…wow…wish concert tix were still that price…

    Look forward to reading future postings from you here… Enjoy ?

  • Bob Galella

    22/01/2020 at 19:13

    Thank you Jacki.  Nice to meet you as well.  Yep, $7.00  I look at them and laugh at those prices vs. today.   This poster is on my wall at home, as you can see, the tickets are there as well .



  • Jacki Hopper

    22/01/2020 at 19:41

    Holy ?… How Groovy is that… Very✌️☮️… Thankyou for sharing that photo… A piece of true music history… In your hands… ??????

  • Bob Galella

    22/01/2020 at 19:51

    Thanks.  I am surprised I never lost them.   Related to that is the fact that my son and daughter-in-law spent their honeymoon last April in England, Scotland, and Amsterdam.  While in Scotland, they visited with some cousins on my Mother’s side of the family; my grandparents came from Glasgow almost 100 years ago (wow, never thought of that).  One of the cousins they met was Mom’s first cousin, who is well into her 80’s.  She told my son that the last time she remembered seeing me was when I came home from Woodstock.  I asked him what did she say I looked like?  He laughed and said I think that Jean was too polite to say much.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/01/2020 at 20:10

    Aye???????… And I can just imagine what yer wee Gran Jean had to say…. Lol… I know a few Scots and how their humour and vivid  storytelling works…. Lol…

    Anyways, again, nice to meet you and chat a spell… Got to now finish doing some errands at mall, my Tim Hortons Tea Time  is over and must get home to grab some supper then head on out to bowling as it’s my 5 pin Bowling League  night… I’m in a 5 pin Bowling League that bowls from Sept-end of April on Wed. Nights… I enjoy it, not the best bowler going but I’m there to enjoy and have fun, be social… Chat again on here with you soon?

  • Howard

    23/01/2020 at 01:22

    Welcome to the Club Bob. You are in good company here. I discovered the MLT by accident one night and now purchase  everything they produce. You will enjoy being here.

  • Jung Roe

    23/01/2020 at 06:29

    A big warm welcome to you Bob!  So glad you joined us at the MLT Club!

    Wow, you belong to a very special club indeed of those fortunate enough to have taken part in that historic event, Woodstock!  Thanks for sharing your experience and the poster and pictures of those priceless $7 Woodstock tickets!

  • Bob Galella

    23/01/2020 at 16:03

    Thank you Howard.  I absolutely agree, very enjoyable and glad to be an MLT Club member.


  • Bob Galella

    23/01/2020 at 16:09

    Jung, thank you.  Yes Woodstock was quite the experience back then.  Don’t remember much though (oops).  I do recall all of us laughing at Arlo Guthrie’s comment that the New York State Thruway is closed.  From where I grew up, we could see the Tappan Zee Bridge, part of the Thruway that spans the Hudson River, and the traffic was absolutely stopped.  We waited until we saw headlights moving that night before we left.

  • John Behle

    23/01/2020 at 22:29

    Welcome Bob!  I kind of missed the “Little Rascals” or “Our Gang” comedies but did recognize them.  I think that video is brilliant and I learned to really like it.  At first it through me off a little.  I hated so much to see Mona do the sad face.  She’s quite an actor.  Both are.  The joy they share with the world is a contagious and healing influence.  Michael Jackson might sing about healing the world, but Mona and Lisa’s skills, singing and beautiful voices actually do it.

    I love all their music and their video production is genius but in particular the latest videos and duo-sessions are amazing.  Their voices and guitar  skills increase by the day.  Not that they weren’t incredibly talented at even their concerts at 13 years old, but like a fine wine, they just get better by the day.  If only we could bottle it.

    I was always a little jealous that I was too young for Woodstock.  Glad you had the chance to have that experience.  I’ve only passed through NJ a couple times on business, but have some great friends there.

    Welcome to the club here.   I’m so glad I found it about a year ago.

  • Jacki Hopper

    24/01/2020 at 01:08

    The Little Rascals/Our Gang stuff…how I love those old reel shorts of those kids, I became a lifelong fan in the late 70s/-early 80s watching the reruns of them on tv, loved their antics from get go….I have 3 all time episodes that stand out of theirs:

    #1- Wee Spanky babysitting the kids and glues one kid to floor

    #2- Elderly lady at her mansion on rollerskates going around house having fun with the kids and ends up going into the fountain/pool

    #3- The kids at the golf course, leans on a fence and it  with the kids go barrelling down the hills of golf course….

    the other episodes are memorable too, but these standout for me….

    I have an old VHS tape with a few episodes of Little Rascals/Our Gang on it, not my episodes but a few, better than nothing …. Thanks to YouTube at our internet fingertips, we can rediscover the antics anytime.

    as for Shirley Temple, I own a couple of old VHS tapes of  her movies when she was a young girl…..

  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/01/2020 at 20:52

    Welcome Bob and thanks for joining us here! Glad you like our “Beatles & more” albums that much! We are focusing on new original music in 2020 but will definitely keep on recording covers too. So you can expect more releases and CDs to come 🙂

    Haha, what a great Woodstock story. Of course you’d be upset that they made it free after charging you. Funny how the whole meaning and mythos of the festival only grows with each passing year. I see you already found our blog post about it! 😉 Thanks for sharing the picture of your ticket. What a piece of history!

    We hope you’ll enjoy your time here at the Club ♥
    See you around,


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