MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Technically speaking, I won but not really…

  • Technically speaking, I won but not really…

    Posted by Mark Kirk on 25/01/2020 at 17:47

    Hello from Canada,

    I’m amongst the two hundred who got a free one month pass to the MLT Club (yay me), and I have a question for you…

    I’ve been hanging around the fringes, peeking in via Facebook and Youtube and I’m wondering, if one is to officially join the club do you get access to flac files of all the albums? That would be an amazing deal if so.

    At any rate, I do love what you girls are doing – keep up the extraordinary work of bringing back the music of my youth. Okay, I was a month shy of four years old when I saw The Beatles on Ed Sullivan, but it remains my earliest memory and has left an indelible stamp on my life. Anyone who can bring back that sheer joy gets my vote!

    Howard replied 4 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    25/01/2020 at 19:09

    A big warm welcome Mark from a fellow Canadian in Vancouver.  So glad you joined.  As a Club member I have access to all the album songs to download to answer your question.  The MLT bring back that sheer joy like the Beatles did for sure and more.  I hope you enjoy all the great content here.

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/01/2020 at 21:11

    Well Hiya, EH, and welcome.. From another Canucker….  Province of Ontario Gal, opposite  side aways of Jung… Lol… You’re gonna dig all the Groovy MLT Club offerings here and get truly MLTBuzzed Worthy… Whereabouts do you Hail from, nice to see another Canucker on here?????

  • Mark Kirk

    01/02/2020 at 11:41

    Hello Jung and Jacki,


    Thanks for laying out the Welcome mat… I’m also in Ontario, Waterloo to be exact.

    So I took the plunge and bought a membership, still trying to figure things out (especially where to find the downloads, what I’ve come across are for purchase – is that the deal?)

    Regardless of that, I must say I love the new MLT version of ‘Good Day Sunshine’, and I was thinking that they would absolutely kill ELO’s ‘Mr. Blue Sky’ (keeping in the vain of wishing for nicer days)

    • Howard

      02/02/2020 at 00:15

      Hi Mark. Welcome to the Club. You can play all the MLT music via the jukebox, which you will find under Club Music. You don’t need to purchase them, but most members, like me, purchase all their CDs, DVD and other merchandise as a way of supporting their work.

  • Jacki Hopper

    01/02/2020 at 23:08

    Hey Mark, I know of Waterloo, just never been, farthest I’ve been in that kind of direction, is Niagra Falls, Canadian side, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Toronto, Newmarket….. Lol… And since I’m in Ottawa… Going other way, Cornwall, Prescott, Rigaud & surrounding area… Basically between Montreal-Toronto corridor…. As for USA, it’s Oswego NY, Watertown NY, Potsdam NY Ogdensburg NY and nearby areas there in NY state….

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