
  • Grateful

    Posted by Joshua Sunshine on 27/01/2020 at 14:17

    Hello Mona and Lisa,

    I live in Cleveland, Ohio. I have been a  Beatle fan  since the age of 9 and now  I am 56. I watch your videos  to get me through my day as  I am an adult neurologist  and  deal  with a lot  of  very  ill  people. I listen to you  in the car  and  recommend your music and videos to my patients to help them heal. Are you ever  going to come to the US?Cleveland? Blessings to  both of you.


    Joshua Sunshine

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    27/01/2020 at 14:17

    That is amazing! We’re so glad that our music helps you through the tough days and that it might be helping your patients, too ♥
    We’d love to come to the States again. We’ll spend most of 2020 working on a new original album and various other studio and video projects, so we’ll continue to put playing live shows on the back burner for now. But we’ll definitely be announcing any touring plans in the Club first and hopefully make it back to the States in the future.

    Much peace & love to Cleveland!

  • Howard

    27/01/2020 at 16:26

    Well Joshua, you really do have the appropriate surname. Introducing MLT music to your patients would certainly bring a ray of sunshine into their lives. It’s amazing how music can have such a therapeutic affect on us when we are not well. I know it has been my best friend when nothing else would give me peace of mind.

    As for a MLT tour of the US, this would be highly unlikely in the near future, not just because of their very busy schedule, but also because they are a small cottage industry and touring such a large country would put a huge strain on their resources. Perhaps however, they may be able to fit in another visit to California on their way home from their Adelaide, Australia anniversary reunion. I keep hoping anyway!

    Have you considered introducing yourself in the “Introduce Yourself” section of the Forum?

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/01/2020 at 23:04

    Hi Joshua.. Agreed… Your last name suits you and what perfect music therapy music choice to use for your patients and to help yourself unwind with, welcome to being here?

  • Paul Steinmayer

    02/02/2020 at 16:19

    Hi Joshua!

    I’m like you in that I started listening to the Beatles around 8 or 9… and I’m 57 now.  I actually started playing guitar because of the Beatles!  I think you are a total hero!!!  God bless you for what you do.  I agree, playing MonaLisa Twins would be so therapeutically great… and they’re music is so positive and uplifting!

  • Jung Roe

    02/02/2020 at 20:19

    I always found No More Worries Company therapeutic these days, and there are many songs on both original albums too.  Looking at turning 57 this year myself.  🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    02/02/2020 at 22:19

    I just celebrated turning 51….!!!!Tes MLT music, quite therapeutic indeed, I highly advise/reccomend daily doses of?????

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