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  • Another From Australia

    Posted by Brett Ostwald on 28/01/2020 at 11:42

    Hi, and thankyou so much for my month in the MLT Club. I have been following you guys for some time now,and like most here, saw you on YouTube and just loved your harmonies and choice of music. I love the way your original music reflects your love of the 60’s but also has some variance i.e “Waiting For The Waiter” and “Girls From The No More Worries Club” just to name a couple. I am a musician myself and have been playing guitar in bands since I was 15 and hope to be still playing for as long as I can. I would love to get to England to see you guys live, it is on my bucket list, so please keep playing and creating music, you have a huge fan base who love you. Thankyou !!!


    David Herrick replied 4 years, 7 months ago 8 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Howard

    28/01/2020 at 12:21

    Welcome to the club Brett. It’s nice to see another Australian joining. Which part of this big island are you from? So far we have Adelaide and Perth represented and I’m from Brisbane.

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/01/2020 at 13:48

    Hiya Brett… Yeppers, an arrival of an Aussie/Commonwealth MLTBuzzingGroovified Invasion…. Between having a few Aussie here and Canadians (myself as one of them)… Welcome and enjoy all that ‘s going on around here… By the way, do they still drink Foster’s Lager beer as was popularized in part thanks to the Crockodile Dundee movies?!… Lol… I don’t drink any alcohol at all but I do recall how Foster’s became famous after the movie….

  • John Brennan

    28/01/2020 at 13:55


    Hi Brett,

    Welcome to the Club.

    Where in Australia are you from?

    Kind Regards

    John Brennan

    Perth, Australia.

  • Darryl Boyd

    28/01/2020 at 20:53

    Hey Brett. Welcome aboard from an Adelaidian.

    Jacki, no-one in Australia drinks Fosters!. If you get a chance try Coopers Pale Ale. That stuff is mother’s milk 🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/01/2020 at 21:38

    Lol@ Darryl… Guess you overlooked in my comment the part where I specifically said that I don’t drink any alcohol at all…. I was being funny with my Foster’s beer remark, guess it wasn’t as funny as I thought… I’ve always since Crocodile Dundee came years ago, always associated Foster’s with that, it was a running gag here in Canada/USA on TV ads back in the day… I’m sorry you didn’t get my  sense of humour… ??

  • David Herrick

    28/01/2020 at 22:50

    Over thirty years ago, and I still have this one memorized:

    (Welcome, Brett!)


  • Darryl Boyd

    29/01/2020 at 03:10

    No probs Jacki, no offence taken. My reply was meant to be funny as well but didn’t come across that way.

    When I first visited family in England my uncle bought a 6 pack of Fosters and had it waiting in the fridge for me, thinking that we all drink Fosters. That’s down to a good marketing campaign. I thought it was rude to tell him that no-one in Oz drinks it, so he and I shared a few cold ones.

  • Howard

    29/01/2020 at 04:49

    Hi Jacki. As Darryl states, no-one in Australia drinks Fosters!  Fosters beer was actually first popularised in the movie ‘The Adventures Of Barry McKenzie’ in 1972. Australia has a wonderful beer brewing history going way back to our wild colonial days. I could write pages on Australian beer and just might do that in another Topic.

    We also have a very rich movie producing history, commencing in the 1890s and then in 1906 with “The Story of the Kelly Gang” – the world’s first feature-length film. In the early 1970s our movie industry was given a boost with funding from our Federal government and their first sponsored movie, sadly to say, was ‘The Adventures Of Barry McKenzie’ in 1972. Although rightly panned by the critics, it was a commercial success in our pre PC seventies.

    Coopers produce some nice beers but these days we have literally hundreds of good beers to chose from. The situation was different in the old days and it wasn’t until the 1980s that interstate beers became available in my home state. Prior to that, we all drank Fourex in Queensland.  My apologies in advance for Bazza!

    The Adventures Of Barry McKenzie (1972) trailer

    ”The adventures of Barry McKenzie Dinky di tales of the true blue boy Fresh from the shores of the antipodes Wafting the sands of the eucalypt trees If you wanta get your sister in a frenzy Introduce her to Barry McKenzie
    He’s got a great big grin and a great big chin Give him half a chance, he’ll be in like Flynn His great big fist will flatten any Pom He’s got a great big thirst, you can do your worst When they tap McKenzie he’ll be in there first It’s no use mate you’ll never win He’s a better man than you are Gunga Din Barry … Barry … Barry … The adventures of Barry McKenzie Dinky di tales of a bonza boy Lonely and lost in the land of the Pom Wishing to hell he was where he was from From the team that brought you Sir Robert Menzies The adventures of Barry McKenzie He’s got a big brown hat and an Earl’s Court flat And a map to show the Poms where Bondi’s at And he rushes in where angels fear to go He can sink a beer, he can flick a queer In his latest Aussie double breasted gear He’s a handsome wild colonial man He can beat the bloody world if Genghis Khan Barry … Barry … Barry … McKenzie The adventures of Barry McKenzie Dinky di tales of a true blue boy Fresh from the shores of the antipodes Wafting the sands of the eucalypt trees From the land that’s got the whole world green with envy The adventures of Barry McKenzie. Barry … Barry … Barry … McKenzie”

  • Howard

    29/01/2020 at 05:39

    Once again, apologies in advance for this one. Rating AO!

    “I Hope All Your Chooks Turn To Emus” – Barry McKenzie

  • Jung Roe

    29/01/2020 at 08:24

    Welcome to the MLT Club Brett, really glad you joined.  Hope you have a great time here!


  • Brett Ostwald

    29/01/2020 at 10:37

    Hey Everyone, thanks for the welcome 🙂 , I live near a little town called Gatton, about half way between Brisbane and Toowoomba, and no I don’t drink Fosters either, hahaha, more of a Bundaberg Rum guy.

    I haven’t had a lot of time to look through the site yet, but enjoyed some of the behind the scenes videos, the girls look like they have so much fun, and seem so down to earth. Its very refreshing for the music industry. I hope they can keep making music for a long time.

  • Howard

    29/01/2020 at 11:48

    Well Brett, we are almost neighbours. You live less than 100 km away from my home in Brisbane.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    12/02/2020 at 21:48

    Hello Brett!

    Sorry that it took us a while to say hi but … hi!!! 🙂

    Ever since we visited Australia in 2009 we fell in love with your country and are always thrilled to welcome new Aussies to the Club. Our heart was bleeding for all the wildlife and even human lives that were lost during the fires in the last few weeks and we are so relieved that things seem to have calmed down a bit.

    We say a big Thank You for the kind words on our music, too! At the moment we are not playing any live shows but as soon as we start gigging again we’ll let you know through the newsletter, Club, Social Media pages etc. Would be great to see you at a show!

    Keep playing and stay groovy!

  • Howard

    13/02/2020 at 05:41

    Thank you for your kind thoughts Mona. Our dear little wildlife have to forget about the drought and fires as they now have to contend with floods. It is raining where I am right now and has been for over a week now with not much relief in sight. This after next to no rain for the last couple of years.

    You may get constant drizzle there in Liverpool, but here it is either nothing, or it pours! As the say, we are a land of drought and flooding plains!

  • David Herrick

    13/02/2020 at 13:20

    “I’m the drought and flooding rains.”  (Bruce Woodley, “I Am Australian”)


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