MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Any plans to tour after the new record?

  • Any plans to tour after the new record?

    Posted by Paul Steinmayer on 17/02/2020 at 22:29

    Hi Mona and Lisa…

    I know you’ve probably been asked this a million times now, but I wanted to ask anyway:  We know you are planning to release a new CD of original music this year.  Do you think there can be any chance of touring after it’s released?  Any chances of coming across the pond to the US?  I live in the suburban Detroit area… and I would love to see you live and maybe even get a chance to meet you too.  I know you’re both so incredibly busy, but you have fans here in the states that really want to see and hear you in person live!

    Thank you very much in advance!


    Howard replied 4 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    17/02/2020 at 22:29

    Hi Paul!
    We honestly can’t say yet. We’d truly love to tour the States but if we do it, we want to do it properly. It’s difficult to make a tour like that viable, especially for Europeans. It requires a lot of planning, money, promotions, visas, equipment, time, etc. But of course we miss live playing, and we will definitely get back on stage eventually!

  • Paul Steinmayer

    18/02/2020 at 01:59

    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks very much for your reply.  I know that this year will be extremely busy for MLT (for me too).  Maybe in 2021.  I sure would love to see you live though.  If you do tour next year, or when ever you do make it to the States…  please try to do a gig in Detroit.  After all, the Motor City is also the home of Motown… and an MLT show in Motown would be historic!  Keep up the incredible music, and I can’t wait for the new album!!!


  • Jacki Hopper

    18/02/2020 at 03:00

    Yes, and hopefully they’ll tour in Canada too, when it’s time as well…they have fans in every nook and cranny all over, they hopefully will try to tour as many places as they can do so, when it’s feasible and when it feels that it’s the right time for them to do so, but guaranteed, they’ll have folks buying tickets for their shows, that shouldn’t be any problem 😉

  • Howard

    18/02/2020 at 07:00

    Hi Paul. The issue of the MLT touring the States was a hot topic discussed in the Forum early in the formation of the club. The logistics involved for a small (cottage industry) family business to pull off such a tour, and still keep the day to day running of the business viable, became obvious to all.

    They don’t have the backing of big record companies with their capital, marketing departments, touring managers and infrastructure etcetera in place to do this. I think they could only manage such an operation with the assistance and support of their many fans organising something in their local area that was viable. Don’t forget, their fan base is widely distributed throughout the world, and not concentrated in any one specific area.

    The only other option I can suggest, is for Mona and Lisa helping to expand the business by maybe creating some awesome new twins of their own. Now how good would that be. However, the Twins would obviously have their own views on the viability of that option. Just suggesting!

    When I get the time, I’ll try and dig up the previous debate on this subject. You can always use the “Search” function in the Forum.

  • Thomas Randall

    20/02/2020 at 18:33

    Well if you don’t ever come here to America then hopefully you will at least film and release videos of your gigs over in Europe so we can enjoy those.  If I was younger and healthier I would come over there to see you in a heartbeat. I always wanted to go to England. Especially Liverpool.

  • Howard

    20/02/2020 at 21:49

    As an alternative, it has been suggested that they do a concert which could be filmed and streamed live via pay per view. That way we could all get to watch it all over the world at the same time. A bit like the Beatles recording of ”All You Need is Love”, in 1967.

    ”The song was Britain’s contribution to Our World, the first live global television link, for which the band were filmed performing it at EMI Studios in London on 25 June. The programme was broadcast via satellite and seen by an audience of over 400 million in 25 countries.”

    Come to think of it, that would make a lovely MonaLisa Twins cover! Would be a big challenge for Rudolph with all that brass and such a big choir.

  • John Behle

    20/02/2020 at 22:24

    Maybe all of the videos from the last gig at the Cavern Club streamed live?  It would be quite fun to watch together as a group or club.  For that matter, it could be a great opportunity to gather other Beatles or 60’s fans together as small groups to open their eyes and ears to some incredible music re-born and re-vitalized with the extra added magic of MLT.

  • Howard

    20/02/2020 at 23:54

    Sounds good John, but as they advised, they’ve already mapped out their program for the year, and releasing video from their last Cavern Club concert on a regular basis is a special treat for members of the MLT Club. Just another good reason for being a member.

    However, your suggestion sounds like an excellent way to market their brand and perhaps when they have completed their project for the Club, streaming the whole concert to the world via pay per view would be a viable way of gaining an income stream, while getting their name in the public eye. They wouldn’t need to charge too much I guess.

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