• Howard

    04/02/2020 at 02:46

    Welcome to the Club Jeff. You are in good company here. We have a couple of Kinks covers already and I think we can expect more in the future.

  • Jeff Friedman

    04/02/2020 at 02:50

    I would love to hear them do “Days”

  • Jung Roe

    04/02/2020 at 07:11

    Welcome to the MLT Club Jeff, glad you joined.  MLT have done two awesome Kinks covers already, You Really Got Me, and Tired of Waiting For You.  You can find both at the Juke Box link (MLT Club Duo Sessions, and Beatles and More vol 3 album)  and as well as video of Tired of Waiting at the Duo Sessions link all from the Club Music Drop down.

  • Jacki Hopper

    04/02/2020 at 21:43

    Howdy there Jeff and welcome to  here at the MLT Club, Yeppers as both Howard & Jung mentioned they’ve tackled with utmost superb success, their cover renditions of 2 Kinks songs… Look forward to seeing more future postings  of yours. ?

  • Howard

    11/02/2020 at 21:52

    By the way Philadelphia Jeff, I believe MLT have been working on ”Waterloo Sunset” on and off for some time now and I believe we may be lucky to hear a cover when they are happy enough with the result. It may take some time though as they have a pretty full agenda this year.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    18/02/2020 at 22:22

    WELCOME Jeff! Lisa here, thanks for introducing yourself 🙂 As it’s already been mentioned here, we have done 2 Kinks covers in the past.

    Tired Of Waiting (an MLT Club exclusive): https://test2.monalisa-twins.com/tired-of-waiting-duo-session/

    And “You Really Got Me” which we released on our “Play Beatles & more VOL 3” album: https://test2.monalisa-twins.com/mlt-club-jukebox/

    Speaking of the Kinks, Ray’s girlfriend got in touch recently saying that she’s going to play him our covers and that she’ll try to get him up to Liverpool with her soon. We thought that was pretty cool 🙂

    Tired Of Waiting – Duo Session

  • Howard

    19/02/2020 at 02:34

    That is great news about Ray’s girlfriend Lisa. Very cool indeed. You must be excited about that. I know I am. ?❤️

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/02/2020 at 03:04

    Awesome Lisa, hoping it will come about???

  • John Behle

    19/02/2020 at 03:38

    Welcome Jeff!   Good to have you here!

    I agree about the Kink’s songs.  It would be great to hear more.  I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve listened to “Tired of Waiting” today.  I don’t remember hearing the song before, but like many of MLT’s covers I might have overlooked it until hearing it done with their magic touch.  I usually go back after hearing one of their covers and track down the original and am either disappointed or unimpressed in comparison.  “God Only Knows” is that way.  I’m sure I heard the Beach Boys version before and was never impressed enough to even remember it.  Now, the MLT version is one of my favorite songs ever.  The same with most of their Beatles covers.  Some of the originals I liked, but NOW – WOW!  Add that yellow and red MLT magic flavor and it’s gone from scrambled eggs to an incredible omelet.  Not that the Beatles or any of these groups are scrambled eggs.  Just an analogy of how much flavor and beauty MLT adds.  I’ve never loved the Beatles or other groups more than I do now.  And with this forum, I’ve discovered some great songs and groups I wasn’t aware of until now.

  • Howard

    19/02/2020 at 04:30

    Touché John. Well put.There definitely is something very magical about what the MLT do!

  • Jung Roe

    19/02/2020 at 06:54

    That’s awesome news Lisa! thumbup

    Ray Davies girlfriend was obviously blown away by your Kinks covers to go out of her way to bring it to his attention.

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