• Introduce Myself?

    Posted by Bob Disilverio on 17/02/2020 at 22:06

    What’s your name?

    My name is Bob, formally Robert, but call me Bob.  As in, Bob’s your uncle.

    Where do you live?
    I live in Northern California.  I’m about 20 miles from San Francisco.  I have never been to Austria.  As close to Austria as I have come is the Adriatic Coast of Italy.  Have I been to the UK?  Why, yes, I have.  I spent a few days in London and a few more in Liverpool.  Beatles tourism, you know.

    How did you come across the MonaLisa Twins?
    Pretty sure it was a Beatle’s cover on YouTube.  You do them so well!

    What’s your favourite MLT song?
    Any Beatle’s cover, but you know I liked your Starman, too!

    What other music do you listen to?
    I have wide ranging tastes.  The Beatles were really important to me, but I listen to other rock, folk, American country,  jazz standards and even some ‘serious’ music sometimes.

    Tell us one interesting fact or story about you!
    Did you see the Beatles in concert?

    I did not see the Beatles in concert.  My girlfriend, however, saw them twice – once at the Cow Palace in Daly City and a year later at Candlestick Park.

    Can you play the mandolin? Yes, a little bit anyway.  GDAE, so I just turn my guitar chords upside down.  I’m not a virtuoso.  I can play the guitar, bass guitar, or ukulele better than mandolin, piano or tin whistle.  But, I’ll try to get a sound out of anything that makes noise.  Hobbyist, not a professional.


    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    18/02/2020 at 02:51

    whoa Bob, Quite the intro, love it, am impressed, nice to meet you. I don’t really play any music instruments , except tambourine, and tinker around on piano, trying to  with no sucess to master the bare minimum basics of guitaring and uke, I tinker on harmonica and a few other percussion type instruments I have. Oh, I write poetry, enjoy drawing/sketching/doodling, enjoying seeing photos of vintage trucks, cars, tractors, I’m Canadian….whew, I’ve said my 2 cents worth…oh, I became an MLTBuzzer about 13 yrs ago, lifelong I decided at that moment 😉


  • Howard

    18/02/2020 at 05:42

    Welcome to the club Bob. You sound quite talented, particularly compared to me. You’ll enjoy being a member of this club. Lots to see, hear and do. I first stumbled upon the MLT via a YouTube video about 18 months ago and am now an addict.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    20/02/2020 at 23:15

    Hi Bob, nice to meet you!
    Welcome to the Club and thanks for that great introduction – we love getting to know a bit about the people who listen to our creations 🙂

    We hope you’ve enjoyed your time here so far. If you need help with anything, please let us know.

    Stay groovy!!


  • Jung Roe

    22/02/2020 at 22:14

    Warm welcome to the Club Bob!  Glad you are here, and happy to hear you like some classical music too!  Love San Francisco and that whole area, Monterrey, Carmel etc, and was there for a couple of days in the fall of 2018 when our cruise ship docked there.  Couldn’t help but put on MLT San Francisco cover and walk around the Marina district.

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