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  • Привет из Украины – Hello from Ukraine

    Posted by Sergey Enders on 18/02/2020 at 04:46

    Hi, my name is Sergey Enders. I live in Ukraine, Kiev region. My acquaintance with MonaLisa Twins happened by accident. I’m a Beatles fan and watching one of their videos, YouTube offered me a cover version of MonaLisa Twins for the song Here, There, Everywhere and I fell in love with it. Then I looked through their original songs and fell in love with it more and more. And now, even hard to admit, I listen to MonaLisaTwins on YouTube more often than the Beatles. P.s I apologize for my English, I translate using Google translator.

    Sergey Enders replied 4 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    18/02/2020 at 05:07

    Hi Sergey, Welcome  and enjoy what all this club has to offer?

  • Howard

    18/02/2020 at 06:42

    Hi Sergey. Welcome to the MLT Club. There is lots to see, hear and do here. I’m from a long way away in the southern hemisphere. A huge island called Australia. I imagine Kiev would be very cold this time of the year. Where I am, it is extremely hot and humid as we are still in our summer.

  • Darryl Boyd

    18/02/2020 at 11:39

    Hi Sergey,

    Do those Ukraine girls really knock you out? 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    19/02/2020 at 07:24

    Welcome to the MLT Club Sergey!  Thanks for introducing yourself and nice to meet you.  They say music is the universal language, so whatever language we speak, should not be a barrier in sharing the joy of Mona and Lisa’s beautiful music and art here at the Club.  Hope you will stay and join us on this wonderful MLT music journey.

    Ласкаво просимо в клуб MLT Сергій! Дякуємо, що представились і приємно познайомитися. Вони кажуть, що музика – це універсальна мова, тому будь-якою мовою, якою ми говоримо, не повинно бути перешкодою для ділення радістю від чудової музики та мистецтва Мони та Лізи тут, у Клубі. Сподіваємось, ви залишитесь і приєднаєтесь до нас у цій чудовій музичній мандрівці MLT.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/02/2020 at 12:55

    Hi Sergey, Greetings to the Ukraine! Thanks for the nice introduction and the kind words. We’re lucky you came across our music on YouTube, … thanks for clicking on the video 🙂

    We hope you’ll like it in the Club. Everyone here is really helpful, so if you need anything, you can post your question in the Forum or send us an email.

    See you around!


  • Sergey Enders

    19/02/2020 at 17:06

    Hello. I want to thank all the members of this wonderful club for your kind words of support addressed to me. I want to express special thanks Lisa and Jung Roe

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